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Dear Neil,

As the quarter comes to an end, I find myself thinking back on the steps I've taken to

improve my writing over this course. My portfolio, which represents the conclusion of my

writing journey of development, comes to an end with this letter. Throughout this reflective letter

I would like to explore the major revisions I made to my final drafts, talk about the general

writing lessons I've gained, and evaluate my writing strengths and weaknesses. I'll also discuss

some of the things I would like to work on further if I had more time in this class.

In my final versions of the writing assignments, I concentrated on improving the overall

flow and structure of my writing in addition to honing the arguments' coherence and clarity. I

made significant revisions to my final draft of WP1 to make sure that each paragraph flowed

naturally into the next and the ideas were presented in a logical order, and to enhance the

characterization, polish the imagery, and provide the reader a more vivid and engaging

experience. I also took into account criticism from the instructor and my peers to improve the

organization of my argument and fix any errors or weak spots. For the final draft of WP2 I made

sure to add any important information that was missing to my conversation about bilingual

education in order to have more points of view, as well as agreements and disagreements.

I've gained a lot of valuable knowledge about writing during the quarter from both the

assigned readings and the practical experience of creating my own projects. One of the most

important things this course has taught me is the importance of rewriting and revision in the

writing process. I used to be one of the people that believed in "perfect first drafts", but I've

learned that there is no such thing as a perfect first draft, and good writing is a process which

takes a lot of revision and rewriting. As I've written more and gotten helpful feedbackfrom you
and my peers, I've realized how transformational revision can be and that it's a necessary step in

perfecting my writing.

When I think about my strengths and weaknesses in writing, I see that one of my strong

points is my ability to come up with ideas, but I've always struggled with expressing them well

on paper. This class truly taught me how to put my thoughts into words and be able to transmit

what I have on my mind onto paper. This happens to me especially in lengthier pieces because I

often find it difficult to stay coherent and focused; I sometimes detour from the main idea or

forget what I'm trying to say. For instance, while writing for this class I frequently caught myself

repeating information or drifting into unrelated topics in my early drafts. I've learnt to use

structural frameworks and outlining strategies to organize my writing process in order to

overcome this difficulty. This has helped me keep on track and maintain a logical and clear

narrative thread.

If I had more time in this writing class, I would like to spend that time learning how to

better deal with my language barrier, and I would really like to work more on how to effectively

express my ideas in a concise and clear way. I would also love to use the time to dive deeper into

different writing genres that I'm interested in learning more about, such as academic articles,

novels and short stories, and scripts.

In conclusion, this course has really been a turning point for me as a writer, giving me the

knowledge and skills I need to confidently and skillfully handle the intricacies of the writing

process. I am appreciative that I had the chance to interact with such stimulating content and that

you as an instructor and my peers provided me with such insightful criticism. I can't wait to

further develop my skills and discover new forms of artistic expression in the future.

Sofia Reboredo

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