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To fulfill in TILL Assignment

Supporting Lecturer : Nurur Riski Aulia M.Pd

Arranged by Group 3:

Sefia Alia Riska Sipayung (0304213124)

Muhammad Hafiz (0304213170)




F.Y 2024

Bismillahhirrahmannirrahiim, We give praise and thanks to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala who

has provide many favors, taufiq and guidance. Thus that we can finish the paper entitled "Media
Social In Language Learning" well without something meaningful. This paper was given by the
lecturer in the "Technology Interegtion In Language Learning" course by Miss Nurur Riski Aulia,
M.Pd as a group assignment.
This paper has we get the most out of it with our efforts. We apologize as writer's because
we feel that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper due to our limited
knowledge and experience.
That's all we can say, hopefully this paper can add to the treasures of science and this paper
can provide more insight broad to the reader. If there are criticisms and suggestions that you
want to convey, we as a writer's is very open and glad to accept it.

Medan, 19 March 2024



TABLE OF CONTENT..................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1

A. Background of Study.......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem of Study.................................................................................................2
C. Objective of Study...............................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION…........................................................................................ 3

A. The Role of Social media in Language Learning............................................... 3

B. The Use of Social Media in Language Learning................................................ 4
C. Benefits of Social Media On Language Learning.............................................. 6

CHAPTER III CLOSING............................................................................................... 7

A. Conclusion......................................................................................................... 7
B. Suggestions........................................................................................................ 7

REFERENCES................................................................................................................. 8


A. Background of Study

At this time social media has entered various circles of people's lives from young, old to minors
have also used social media. Almost all human activities today are in contact with social media.
Studying, business, even casual chats with family often use social media. Nowadays, social
media has become part of the life of today's society. Not a few educational institutions use social
media as a medium of promotion and services in improving and advancing educational
institutions. The habit of using social media can indirectly make users access information and
learn the information they access, so it is not surprising that today the development and
dissemination of language runs very quickly.

This digital era marks that today's society has become a modern society. Indirect language
learning without a teacher present to teach a language can be done through social media. The
amount of information and language styles that develop on social media makes self-taught
language learning run quickly. Language understanding. It also allows for more fun and engaged
language learning, as users can engage in activities such as sharing cultural understanding and
creating a supportive learning community.

Social media can be a very effective tool in language learning. They provide an interactive
platform where students can communicate with fellow language speakers, access educational
resources such as videos, images and articles, and participate in group discussions. In addition,
social media allows language learning to be more interesting and relevant to students as they can
engage in content that matches their interests and daily lives. However, it is important to
supervise the use of social media in learning contexts to ensure its safety, compliance and
B. Problem of Study

1. What are the role of social media in language learning?

2. How to use of social media in language learning?
3. What are the benefits of social media in language learning?

C. Objective of Study

1. To know the role of social media in language learning.

2. To know how to use of social media in language learning.
3. To know the benefits of social media in language learning


A. The role of social Media in Language Learning

Social media play a significant role in language learning. They provide an interactive platform to
communicate with native speakers, participate in learning communities, and access diverse
content in the language being learned. In addition, features such as discussion groups, live
streaming and content sharing enrich the language learning experience. Social media has several
important roles in learning, including:

1. Facilitating Communication: Social media allows students and teachers to communicate

directly and quickly. This helps in giving instructions, providing feedback, as well as
facilitating discussions between students.
2. Presenting Educational Content: Through social media, teachers can share educational
content such as articles, videos, or presentations relevant to the learning material. This
expands students' access to learning resources.
3. Encourages Collaboration: Social media allows students to collaborate on learning
projects, both individually and in groups. They can share ideas, edit each other's work,
and work together to achieve learning goals.
4. Provides Flexible Access: Students can access learning materials and interact with
teachers or fellow students anytime and anywhere through social media. This allows for
more flexible and adaptive learning.
5. Inspire and Motivate: Social media can be used to share student achievements, give
praise, and provide motivational boosts. This can boost students' confidence and
motivation in learning.
6. Connecting with the Outside World: Social media allows students to connect with
language experts, practitioners or communities outside the school environment. They can
learn from different experiences and perspectives, and broaden their understanding of
language and culture.
7. Facilitates Independent Learning: Students can learn independently through social media
by accessing educational content, exploring specific topics and developing their own
language skills.

8. Monitoring and Evaluating Progress: Teachers can use social media to monitor and
evaluate student progress through online interactions, online assignments, and social
media platform-based evaluations. This allows for more precise and responsive
customization of learning.

B. The Use of Social Media in Language Learning

With the rapid development of the times in this era, more and more social media is developing.
Social media is not only used as entertainment, we can utilize social media in a positive way,
namely by using it as a learning medium, one of which is language learning. The social media
that we can use in language learning are Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, Twitter and others.

1. Facebook is one of the social media that we can utilize for language learning. as for the
use of Facebook in language learning is as follows:
● Join a Language Group: Join a language group that focuses on learning the language
you want to learn. There you can interact with fellow learners and get advice and
learning resources.
● Follow Language Pages and Communities: Follow pages and communities that focus
on language learning. They often share useful tips, articles and learning resources.
● Watch Videos: Search for language learning videos on Facebook. Many people and
organizations share language learning videos with various topics and difficulty levels.
● Make Posts in the Language You're Learning: Use the language you want to learn
when making posts or comments. This will help you practice writing and interacting
with others who speak the language.
● Use the Live Streaming Feature: Many language teachers use the live streaming
feature to host live classes or Q&A sessions. This can be a great opportunity to
practice listening and speaking in the language you are learning.
● Make sure to stay active and consistent in using Facebook for language learning. Feel
free to interact with others and look for opportunities to practice the language you are
2. Instagram
● Follow Language Accounts: Follow Instagram accounts that focus on language
learning. Many accounts provide content with words, phrases or dialogs in the
language you want to learn.
● Follow Education Accounts: Follow accounts that share tips, tricks and strategies for
learning languages. They can provide advice on effective apps, books or learning
● Participate in Communities: Join a language learning community or group on
Instagram. You can discuss, ask questions, and share experiences with other members.
● Watch Stories or Live Streams: Many language accounts hold live sessions or share
short stories with language content. You can listen to live narration and practice
listening and speaking.
● Make Notes: Save any new words or phrases you come across on Instagram in your
personal notes. You can go over them later or try to use them in everyday
● Interact with Content: Comment or send direct messages to the accounts you follow.
This allows you to practice writing and communicating in the language you are
● Participate in Language Challenges: Join language learning challenges or programs
organized by Instagram accounts. These can be daily vocab challenges, listening
exercises, or writing assignments.
3. Tik tok can be a fun and interactive platform to deepen your language understanding,
especially if you find the content relevant and usef. You can also use TikTok for language
learning in many creative ways:
● Follow Language Learning Accounts: Search and follow TikTok accounts that
provide language learning content. Many TikTok users share short videos that teach
words, phrases or grammar in the language you want to learn.
● Watch Educational Videos: Search the hashtag or search to find educational videos
about languages. You can find tips, tricks, or language learning strategies delivered in
an engaging and short format.
● Practice Pronunciation: Watching videos of people speaking the language you want to
learn can help you improve pronunciation and intonation.
● Interact with Content: Comment or share videos that you find useful. This can open
up opportunities to interact with other language learners and even with the content
creators themselves.
● Take part in Challenges: Many TikTok users organize language-related challenges.
You can join these challenges to improve your language comprehension and skills.
● Create Your Own Conten: You can also use TikTok to create your own language
education content. For example, you can create videos on how to use new words in
sentences or explain grammar rules in a short and interesting way.

C. Benefits of Social Media On Language Learning

Some of the benefits of social media in language learning include:

● Ease of Access: Students can easily access learning materials, exercises and language
resources through social media platforms.
● Social Interaction: Social media allows interaction between students and teachers as well
as between fellow students, facilitating discussion, Q&A and collaboration in language
● Language Practice: Students can practice the target language with fellow social media
users, either through writing, conversing or listening to relevant content.
● Active Engagement: Through social media, students can actively engage in learning by
participating in various activities such as quizzes, collaborative projects, or language
● Openness to Culture: Social media allows students to understand and appreciate cultural
diversity through interaction with individuals from different backgrounds and
geographical areas
● Independent Learning: Students can learn independently by accessing learning content
available on social media, such as video tutorials, articles, or language blogs.
● Quick Feedback: Teachers can provide quick and direct feedback to students through
online communication on social media, enabling more effective improvement in language


A. Conclusion

From this explanation it can be concluded that using social media as a learning medium has
many benefits in carrying out the learning process. Social media makes students a place to seek
knowledge, can share the knowledge they have, and can interact with other social media users.
Through social media, students can become more active and creative so that they can improve
quality students in knowledge. As a student, you must be able to use social media as well as
possible and use it for various positive things. With. By using social media wisely, we can easily
find people who are really needed and can become more motivated in developing learning
materials and increase our concern for other people. Social media really has a role and is very
useful in the world of education with more and more methods being developed in education that
can improve the quality of learning by making the best use of it.

B. Suggestions

Based on the writing of this paper, the author realizes that there are still shortcomings in the
writing and explanation of the material, therefore the author suggests that readers can try to
search or find reading sources or articles that are better and more complete than what we have
conveyed in order to increase the reader's knowledge better about this material. The author also
accepts suggestions and also ideas that are constructive for improving this paper so that it can be
a useful reading source for readers.

Bitner N, & Bitner J. 2002. Integrating Technology into the Classroom: Eight Keys to Success.
iThe Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 10: 95-100.

Grey D. 1990. The Internet in School. London and New York: Cassell.

Tanti M. 2012. Literacy Education in the Digital Age: Using Blogging to Teach Writing.
Teaching English with Technology Journal, Special Issue on LAMS and Learning
Design. 12(2): 132- 146.

Ku, Pei-Yi, Lin, Yu-Tzu & Tsai, Yu-Hsin. 2012. Social-Media-Assisted Learning: A Case Study
of Teaching Computer Science on Facebook, International Journal of e-Education,
e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2(3):262-265.

Selwyn, N. (2009). Faceworking: exploring students' education-related use of Facebook.

Learning Media and Technology, 34(2), 157-174.

Al Arif, T. Z. (2019). The use of social media for English language learning: An exploratory
study of EFL university students. Metathesis: Journal of English Language Literature and
Teaching, 3(2), 224-233. DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i2.1921

Ansari, J. A., & Khan, N. A. (2020). Exploring the role of social media in collaborative learning
the new domain of learning. Smart Learning Environments, 7(9), 1-16. DOI:

Aloraini, N. (2018). Investigating Instagram as an EFL learning tool. Arab World English
Journal (AWEJ), 2018(4), 174-184. DOI: 10.24093/awej/call4.13

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