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Geographic Tongue Literature Review And Case Reports

Undertaking a literature review on geographic tongue can be a daunting task due to the complexity
and breadth of research available. As a condition that affects the mucous membrane of the tongue,
geographic tongue presents various challenges in understanding its etiology, prevalence, and
management. Thus, compiling a comprehensive review necessitates extensive research, critical
analysis, and synthesis of diverse perspectives.

Navigating through numerous scholarly articles, journals, and case reports to gather relevant
information requires time, expertise, and attention to detail. Moreover, interpreting the findings and
discerning their significance within the context of geographic tongue can be demanding. It involves
identifying common themes, discrepancies, and gaps in existing literature to offer a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, integrating case reports adds another layer of complexity to the literature review
process. Case reports provide valuable insights into the clinical manifestations, diagnostic
approaches, and treatment modalities of geographic tongue. However, synthesizing these individual
cases into a coherent narrative requires meticulous attention to detail and critical analysis to extract
meaningful conclusions.

In light of these challenges, individuals seeking assistance with literature reviews on geographic
tongue can benefit from professional services offered by platforms like ⇒ ⇔. With a
team of experienced writers well-versed in medical research, ⇒ ⇔ can provide
tailored literature reviews that meet the highest academic standards. By outsourcing the task to
experts, individuals can save time, alleviate stress, and ensure the quality and accuracy of their

In conclusion, writing a literature review on geographic tongue and case reports demands significant
effort, expertise, and attention to detail. By leveraging professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔, individuals can streamline the process and receive high-quality reviews that
contribute to the understanding and advancement of this complex medical condition.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008;13:E703-8., 29 29 Daneshpazhooh M, Moslehi H, Akhyani M,
Etesami M. He is not a normal guy who suffered a lot of health complications in his early twenties
including the geographic tongue. J Dermatol Case Rep. 2010;4:57-9. 2 Zadik Y, Drucker S, Pallmon
S. Both psoriasis and benign migratory glossitis are associated with HLA-Cw6. Prevalence of oral
lesions in patients with psoriasis. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or
instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. J Eur Acad Dermatol
Venereol. 2011;25:1481-3. 18 Femiano F. Geographic tongue (migrant glossitis) and psoriasis. KIR
and their role in disease. Mol Interv. 2005;5:226-40. Download Free PDF View PDF International
Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Velopharyngeal insufficiency due to hypertrophic tonsils.
Histopathological examination plays a great role in the confirmation of the clinical diagnosis.
Matched case-control study to examine association of psoriasis and migratory glossitis in India. This
patient presented with lesions on her tongue that appeared as smooth patches of missing filiform
papillae, surrounded by white, curved and slightly raised borders on the dorsal and lateral surfaces.
Expand Save The Effect of Zinc Gluconate Supplementation on Symptoms and Tongue Epithelium
Regeneration in Non-psoriatic Patients with Migratory Glossitis. M. Cankovic M. Bokor-Bratic
Jovan Marinoski N. After surgical removal of the lesions, histopathologic evaluation showed
dilatation of minor salivary gland ducts because of mucus retention, and diagnosis of mucocele was
established. Some common causes of intertrigo are moisture from sweat, rubbing of skin under folds,
accumulation of under arms powder or cosmetics and candida infection. Triggers that can intensify
GT symptoms include alcohol, hot, spicy or sour foods, and acidic fruits or beverages. 3 However,
according to a 2018 systematic review, specific recommendations are not available on how to
effectively reduce GT symptoms. 32. Several factors such as laryngopharyngeal reflux, younger age,
smoking, and obesity are associated with hypertrophy of lingual tonsils (LTH) in adulthood. The
authors concluded that GT and FT are the only oral lesions associated with psoriasis, but are not
exclusive of this disease. 31 31 Costa SC, Hirota SK, Takahashi MD, Andrade H Jr, Migliari DA.
The prevalence of tongue lesions in Malaysian dental outpatients from the Klang Valley area. Oral
Dis. 2011;17:210-6. Candidal intertrigo is caused by a yeast infection. He will talk about the
resulting conditions of the tongue due to this action like yellow coating. Both psoriasis and benign
migratory glossitis are associated with HLA-Cw6. Benign migratory glossitis or geographic tongue:
an enigmatic oral lesion. Am J Med. 2002;113:751-5. 6 Miloglu O, Goregen M, Akgul HM,
Acemoglu H. Benign migratory glossitis in patients with juvenile diabetes. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev
Dent. 2012;30:173-5. However, the disease to which it presents a higher association is psoriasis. 21
21 Hernandez-Perez F1, Jaimes-Aveldanez A, Urquizo-Ruvalcaba Mde L, Diaz-Barcelot M,
Irigoyen-Camacho ME, et al. Universidade Federal Fluminense Brazil Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) - Niteroi (RJ), Brazil. HLA-DQA1 and DQB1 alleles are
associated with genetic susceptibility to psoriasis vulgaris in Chinese Han. J Eur Acad Dermatol
Venereol. 2011;25:1481-3., 21 21 Hernandez-Perez F1, Jaimes-Aveldanez A, Urquizo-Ruvalcaba
Mde L, Diaz-Barcelot M, Irigoyen-Camacho ME, et al. Moreover, fissured tongue would be a late
and permanent expression of oral psoriasis. Expand 2 1 Excerpt Save Benign migratory glossitis or
geographic tongue: an enigmatic oral lesion. D. Assimakopoulos G. Patrikakos C. Fotika M. Elisaf
Medicine The American journal of medicine 2002 140 PDF 1 Excerpt Save Ectopic geographic
tongue--a case report.
If you have any questions or concerns about your health, you should always consult with a physician
or other health-care professional. From the sales page of this product, the author tells us the full story
of how he went from very healthy and to almost losing his life. The author also talks about methods
to help you build up your body, and also allergies and other things that trigger this condition. Clinical
and histologic diagnostic guidelines for psoriasis: a critical review. Users can get a 100 percent
money-back policy if the product does not work. At the end of this chapter, the author also asks
some medical questions to help you know the particular problem with your tongue and how you can
move forward. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2013;26:271-84. Its etiology is unknown, but it is known that
there is a defect in the normal cycle of epidermal development, with a disorder in the proliferation
and differentiation of keratinocytes associated with inflammatory and vascular changes, with a
leukocyte infiltrate composed of activated T-lymphocytes, neutrophils, dendrocytes and mast cells.
The prevalence and risk factors associated with benign migratory glossitis lesions in 7619 Turkish
dental outpatients. A comparative study of psoriasis and psoriasiform lesion on basis of CD4 and
CD8 cell infiltration. The disease can be localized or generalized, affecting almost all the skin with
an unpredictable course. 10 10 Raut AS, Prabhu RH, Patravale VB. The author talks about the
terrain and how it contributes to causing this problem, and he then discusses natural treatment
methods for this condition. J Oral Pathol Med. 1991;20:425-8. Picciani (2014) conducted an
investigation of the inflammatory response in patients with geographic tongue, with and without
psoriasis, using CD1a, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20 and CD68 antibodies. Prevalence of oral lesions in
patients with psoriasis. The first one presented with a lymphangioma in the junction between base
and body of tongue; the clinical aspect was first similar to hemangioma, and then the diagnosis was
re-established after slight enlargement of the mass. Methods: A cross-sectional design study on 30
respondents of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) patients whose conducted routine ENT physical
examination, followed by flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy examination along with lateral soft tissue
cervical roentgen. For this reason we felt it would be interesting to review the clinical characteristics,
histological features, differential diagnosis, and their treatme. Hereditary component in the etiology
of benign migratory glossitis. Minerva Stomatol. 2001;50:213-7. - 19 19 Gonzaga HF, Torres EA,
Alchorne MM, Gerbase-Delima M. It was demonstrated that most of the classical histopathologic
features of psoriasis was observed in all cases, such as parakeratosis, acanthosis, suprapapillary
epithelial atrophy, spongiosis, hyperplasia of basal layer, ridges fusion, exocytosis, and presence of
superficial and papillary inflammatory infiltrate. You will discover how fatigue also affects adrenal
function. Immunohistochemical differentiation between inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal
nevus (ILVEN) and psoriasis. Ankylosis of Temporomandibular Joint caused by Psoriatic Arthritis: A
Report of Four Cases wit Literature Review. Allergies have been reported to be one of the
predisposing factors for geographic tongue. The treatment consists of complete resection and
management is generally interdisciplinary due to vital, functional, and esthetic comorbidities. He
explains the best Tim and how beat to take these vitamins so that they are absorbed properly. Final
report. Deliverable D2.5: Report on social learning and assessment of the interaction between
researchers and skateholders. We observed that the frequency of oral lesions is relatively common,
but to establish a correct diagnosis of oral psoriasis, immunohistochemical and genetic
histopathological analyzes are necessary, thus highlighting the importance of oral examination in
psoriatic patients and cutaneous examination in patients with geographic tongue. Expand 44 PDF 3
Excerpts Save Geographic tongue treated with topical tacrolimus. M. Ishibashi G. Tojo Masahiko
Watanabe Takahiro Tamabuchi T. Masu S. Aiba Medicine Journal of dermatological case reports
2010 TLDR This is the first report of successful treatment with topical 0.1% tacrolimus for
symptomatic geographic tongue, or benign migratory glossitis, and clinical trials are needed to
confirm the efficacy and the safety of topical tacolimus in treating geographic tongue. How to cite
this article Mortazavi H, Khalighi HR, Baharvand M, Eshghpour M. He gives his advice and
encouragement on managing personal health.
In one, it starts as small spots on the tongue then gradually expands in circular patterns until the
whole tongue is affected, after which it heals itself. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011;25:1481-3.,
30 30 Zargari O. The prevalence and significance of fissured tongue and geographical tongue in
psoriatic patients. HLA alleles in Brazilian patients with fissured tongue. From the sales page of this
product, the author tells us the full story of how he went from very healthy and to almost losing his
life. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009;107:e29-33. All the patients were
followed-up for at least a year. It is characterized by serpiginous white areas around the atrophic
mucosa, which alternation between activity, remission and reactivation at various locations gave the
names benign migratory glossitis and wandering rash of the tongue. While this chapter mentions
these problems, subsequent chapters discuss them properly. This benign tumor is detected most
commonly at birth or in early childhood but rarely in adults. Both the macroscopic structure and the
histological aspect sustain the diagnosis of lymphangioma. Gene for the activating natural killer cell
receptor, KIR2DS1, is associated with susceptibility to psoriasis vulgaris. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol. 1987;63:68-70., 49 49 Marks R, Taitt B. He talks about five possible things that will cause
the geographic tongue like nutritional deficiencies, bacterial or viral infections and allergies.
Immunohistochemical differentiation between inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus
(ILVEN) and psoriasis. Geographic Tongue and Associated Risk Factors among Iranian Dental
Patients. Geographic tongue, also known as benign migratory glossitis, is a harmless but
discomforting condition that mostly affects the top and sides of your tongue. It. Prevalence of oral
manifestations in 203 patients with psoriasis. Zinc is essential for healing and helps to reduce
inflammation. The association of psoriasis with human leukocyte antigens in Korean population and
the influence of age of onset and sex. In that period 64 children and teenagers, 28 girls and 36 boys
were treated. Prevalence of oral lesions in patients with psoriasis. Objective To investigate the role of
allergic rhinitis in the development of LTH. Each of these characteristics is scored, and the total
severity index ranges from 0 (the absence of GT lesions) to 54 (maximum severity). 31. So you will
be taught natural ways to check for zinc deficiency. Psychosomatic factors, which probably
contribute to both geographic tongue and atopy, may explain the high prevalence in atopic patients. 6
6 Miloglu O, Goregen M, Akgul HM, Acemoglu H. Expand No Paper Link Available Save to Library
Save Create Alert Alert Cite Share 3 Citations Background Citations 2 View All Figures from this
paper figure 1 3 Citations Citation Type Has PDF Author More Filters More Filters Filters Sort by
Relevance Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Sort by Recency Migratory
Glossitis Associated with Cleft Tongue: Case Report S. Geographic stomatitis: an oral manifestation
of psoriasis. How Often You Should Do This Do this once or twice a day. Both psoriasis and benign
migratory glossitis are associated with HLA-Cw6. The patient stated that her tongue had a similar
appearance during a previous pregnancy and did not return to normal until she was postpartum
(Figure 2).
Candidal intertrigo is caused by a yeast infection. This is often nothing more than an attempt to draw
you into their site by making you think they used the product and had a really bad experience with it.
Highlighted image of the interaction found in geographic tongue among the CD8 T-lymphocytes,
HLA-Cw6 and -B58 and keratinocytes. This 2 credit hour self-study activity is electronically
mediated. Br J Dermatol. 1996;135:368-70. The difficulty in accepting the diagnosis of geographic
tongue as oral psoriasis resides in the fact that some nonpsoriatic patients present geographic tongue.
20 20 Migliari DA, Penha SS, Marques MM, Matthews RW. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2006;31:192-5., 34
34 Picciani BLS. A total of 197 patients (96 girls, 101 boys) with chronic adenotonsillar hypertrophy
were prospectively included. Limiting your intake of these foods and drinks can help reduce
symptoms. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2012;30:173-5., 24 24 Koay CL, Lim JA, Siar CH.
Prevalence of oral manifestations in 203 patients with psoriasis. Prevalence of oral manifestations in
203 patients with psoriasis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1987;63:68-70., 49 49 Marks R, Taitt B.
However, we conveniently skip over the fact that the tongue is also part of our oral cavity in addition
to our teeth and gums. Scraping. Two types of cysts are distinguished depending on their
pathogenesis. Geographic stomatitis: an oral manifestation of psoriasis. Geographic tongue was
observed in 7% of patients with early psoriasis and in 1% of patients with late psoriasis. The authors
concluded that there is a significant relation between facial lesion and increased severity. 35 35
Keshavarz E, Roknsharifi S, Shirali Mohammadpour R, Roknsharifi M. In this condition, the tongue
will develop red, irregular, and smooth areas which may look like an outline of the map. Prevalence
of oral manifestations in 203 patients with psoriasis. Prevalence of oral lesions in patients with
psoriasis. Psoriasis clinical implications and treatment: a review. These symptoms and their causes
will be explained and you are given a link to access complete information on these symptoms from
other sections of the book. Geoepidemiology and environmental factors of psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis. There is evidence to suggest that taking probiotic supplements can help prevent and treat
geographic tongue. You will also find other tongue and mouth deficiency symptoms and what they
are likely to cause. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2012;30:173-5., 6 6 Miloglu O, Goregen M,
Akgul HM, Acemoglu H. The disease can be histologically differentiated from other vascular
disorders such as cavernous or capillary hemangioma with the lymphatic endothelium-lined cystic
spaces. Know all the disorders suffered by the tongue and learn how to naturally cure them in just
days. Fortunately there are effective home remedies for intertrigo to help you get rid of its
symptoms. What makes these red skin folds rash to appear. BMC Dermatol. 2004;4:16. The authors
reported that 32% of patients with psoriasis and GT had severe psoriasis, relating this lesion to
disease severity.

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