Science and MAPEH Health Collab Innovation Project WHO WON 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Project title: Project WHO-WON (We Have One lives -We Observe New-Normal protocols
Name of Proponent: MARK JOHN T. RAMOS
Project Time-frame: School Year 2022-2023

I. Project Contacts

The list below are the persons involved in this project. Their corresponding roles is
specified in the table with their contact numbers and email addresses.

Name of Teacher Task/Role Contact Email Address


Mark John Tiglao Proponent 09673869132


II. Project Summary

Project WHO-WON is the pronunciation for the nickname of the innovator Juan yet
likewise a powerful educational campaign and advocacies to adhere to the comprehensive
strategy measures to suppress transmission and save lives; it is to wear mask even vaccinated
already and more so if not; understand that wearing mask is new normal part of being around
with people; demonstrate appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks;

Department of Education has started the face-to-face pilot implementation and side-
by-side are continuous physical reporting following government protocols among school
stakeholders where essential health precautions should never be neglected and remains as
number one priority. The innovation keeping himself abreast with Science and likewise
teaching Health in MAPEH subjects not only sees it’s significance to reiterate Project
WHO-WON but potentially spearhead webinars among stakeholders who know yet
sometimes still not so compliant with the protocol for wearing masks properly especially in
the public places.

This will be in the form of Webinar Series which will be administered twice a month
from May 2022 – July 2022 and will continue yearly until new protocols will be implemented
and if all Filipinos are vaccinated or if Philippines specifically at the locale of the study San
Jose del Monte National Trade School had reach the herd immunity, since potential risks may
still arise given that the Science exploration with various variants of Covid strain is still
mutating as per experts.

Feedbacks and learning outputs of the from the FB live webinars will be in the form
of Testimonials on the Webinar which are to be posted in the comment section of the FB
In the Figure 1 below shows the Input-Process-Output of Project WHO-WON intervention project.

1. New Normal Education Set-

Up where stakeholders are into
physical reporting yet under 1. Developed Project WHO-
AWA. 1. Implementation of WON Intervention Webinar
2. Deped proposes Face-to-
Project WHO-WON to be materials.
Face to some pilot schools. aired 2 webinars per 2. Capitalized on FB Live
3. Development of Intervention month from May 2022 to Webinars to purposefully
Program materials: July 2022 reiterate guidelines on proper
4. Feedback Mechanism via FB 2. Monitoring and wearing of masks and
testimonials psoted in the Feedbacking of disposal among stakeholders
comment section. of Trade.
stakeholders' status
5. Stakeholders awareness in during the intervention 3. Project WHO-WON as
Project WHO-WON advocacy community service will give
webinar series to reiterate
program free mask donation.
health compliance into wearing
mask properly and disposal.

III. Project Background

Project WHO-WON is an advocacy of the innovator proponent nicknamed JUAN

yet maximizing potential understanding of proper wearing of face mask and disposal among
stakeholders through live webinar series since pandemic is still around where variants of
concern are seemingly constantly mutating based on researchers and scientist claimed.
Stakeholders of Trade are into AWA and Physical reporting, more and more parents and
guardians are coming to school from time to time, sometimes even learners are seen at school
while also following strict IATF protocols while inside the school premise yet the assurance
that after imposing health and safety protocols at school there is a tendency to be complacent
while outside the school premise which as proponent’s perspective is concern it is still
essential to equally wear mask even outside school or inside or in any other public places
where people and community gather. The point is to strengthened awareness to properly wear
mask and properly dispose it as a concern for the innovator proponent to deliver a webinar
series and educate the stakeholders and remind them always about its significance. More-over
the innovator intends to donate hand-made mask also a form of his community service this

IV. Project Objectives

Project WHO-WON has the following objectives: make a powerful educational
campaign and advocacies to adhere to the comprehensive strategy measures to suppress
transmission and save lives; it is to wear mask even vaccinated already and more so if not;
understand that wearing mask is new normal part of being around with people; demonstrate
appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks through webinar series; to teach
the science and health ways of making all stakeholders voluntarily practice and adhere to the
advocacies even without monitoring. Then if this will be successful all stakeholders surely
won the battle for covid and battle for cleanliness of the surroundings and preserving our

V. Project Methodology

With the above-mentioned objectives, Project WHO-WON utilizes this flow chart of
the development of material for the innovation activities which is presented below.

Figure 2 is the Phase I of Project WHO-WON, this is from the start of the program.

Figure 2. Phase I of the Project

1. Stakeholders awareness in Project WHO-WON advocacy webinar series to reiterate health

compliance into wearing mask properly and disposal.

2. Development of Intervention Program materials: Webianr Series 2 per month from May 2022 to
July 2022
3. Feedback Mechanism via comments on FB in the form of Testimonials

4. Conduct of Identifying the participants for the Webinar Series for the Stakeholders and Learners of
Project WHO-WON Intervention

5. Webinar Series for the Stakeholders and Learners of Project WHO-WON Intervention

6. Feedbacking on the relevance of Project WHO-WON

Figure 3 below is the Phase II of the Project. This the detailed Stakeholders’ Process
undergoing the Project WHO-WON intervention program.

Figure 3. Phase II of the Project

Observed needed support in the reiteration of the
advocacy campaign among stakeholders and
learners who will undergo the Project WHO-WON
intervention program

Stakeholders will receive the following intervention

Webinar Series: Implementation of Project WHO-WON
aired on FB Page.

Monitoring and
Feedbacking on
Stakeholders will synchronously or asynchronously intervention process
and implementation

 Stakeholders
Stakeholders will post their Testimonials how Project
WHO-WON benifited. and Learners will
receive Project
All Stakeholders will promote and practice Project innovation and
WHO-WON they will give
their testimonials
on their
learnings and
Stakeholder and learners will access and can
participate via FB Page application.

A. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates

The table below are the activities of this intervention project including its
scheduled date and the persons involved.
Schedule Activity Persons involved

May 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

Back to Normal Must Have

May 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

COVID – 19 Vigilance in the New Normal

June 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

How to Get Away from Virus ?

June 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

Mask On

July 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

Project WHO - WON

July 2022 1 Project WHO-WON Webinar Series will Selected Grade 9 Modular
be aired monthly Teachers Learner’s and Parents

Stakeholder’s Commitment to Health and

Safety Adherence

B. Project Deliverables

These are the products that will be delivered to the client at the end and
throughout the project.
Title of the Material Description

Observation/Monitoring/Feedback Monitoring of Project WHO-WON Innovation program.

from Stakeholders on the learning and
participation experiences on the
Webinar Series

Project WHO-WON Airing of 2 Webinars per month from May 2022 to July 2022

Honesty Pledge Form A form signed by the stakeholders on their sincereness and
utmost cooperation in the Project WHO-WON Innovation

Stakeholders Testimonials on their To be posted on fb comments section

learnings and application of Project

Stakeholders Feedback Via online Kamustahan to be administered by Innovator/ via GC

or text or call

C. Project Risk Management

Below are the possible project risks of the intervention project. While on the other
column was the solution or action to be taken by the proponent of this project upon
encountering those project risks.
Possible Project Risk Solution/Action to be taken

1) Trade Stakeholders’ honesty Create and implement “HONEST PLEDGE FORM.”

in answering their insights
2) Trade Stakeholders’ Consistent monitoring of the teacher-innovator with via
responsibility in applying the online Kamustahan or GC or text & call
insights gained
3) Cooperation of Trade Creation of a short video teaser explaining the purpose
Stakeholders in the project and goal of this project.

4) Implementation on the Should consistently monitored by the project innovator

project posted on fb
5) Safekeeping of the comments Teacher-Innovator will monitor the
posted solely for this purpose comments/testimonials online.
in compliance with the Data
Privacy Act of 2012.

VI. Project Costs

The source of funding for this Innovation is eliminated since Project WHO-WON
will utilize FB Page for Webinar Series Innovations.
Prepared by:


Teacher III

Noted by:


Vocational School Administrator I

Checked by:


Public School District Supervisor IV

Reviewed by:


Educational School Supervisor - MAPEH

Quality Assured by:


Recommending Approval by:

CID Chief

Approved by:


Schools Division Superintendent
Episode 1 Webinar: Back to Normal Must Have

The Department of Education (DepEd) is committed to ensure safe educational continuity amidst the
challenges of COVID-19. Learning opportunities must be provided to give hope and stability, contribute to
the normalization of activities in the country, and facilitate development of our learners and bring normalcy to
their lives.

To ensure the safe return to schools and DepEd offices when allowed by the DOH some essential
materials are important to be kept handy by everyone. These are masks, alcohol, sanitizer, and pen aside from
the tissue or wipes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention truly do take note of that, with regards to forestalling
the spread of COVID-19, "on the off chance that cleanser and water are not promptly accessible, utilize a hand
sanitizer that contains no less than 60% liquor." Masks ought to be utilized as a feature of an extensive system
of measures to smother transmission and save lives; the utilization of a cover alone isn't adequate to give a
satisfactory degree of insurance against COVID-19. You can purchase scouring liquor with a grouping of 70%
or almost 100% isopropyl liquor. Despite the fact that you might think the higher fixation is more viable,
specialists say 70% is better for cleaning. It has more water, which assists it with dissolving all the more
leisurely, infiltrate cells, and kill microscopic organisms. The cleaning force of scouring liquor drops at
focuses higher than 80%-85%.

Careful steps are to be seen by all partners to ceaselessly try not to get found out by the Covid-19 at
the everyday schedule going out. As educator I notice the vital convention for this school year to protect
myself from the infection. It is important to remain careful against Covid-19 even friendly times, for example,
eating or drinking at work since it sets out open doors for Covid-19 transmission. This is on the grounds that
when people are with believed collaborators they unwind, take their covers off and don't rehearse physical
removing. Truth be told, generally, this is the means by which COVID-19 can be spread in the work
environment by people loosening up their carefulness with confided in companions and associates and
accidentally contaminating each other.

As indicated by the news roughly 40% of all COVID-19 positive people have no side effects by any
stretch of the imagination; the precarious thing about COVID-19 is that people might test pessimistic during
the time they are spreading the infection or just before they start to spread the infection, and furthermore
spread the infection to others before their side effects start or regardless of whether they have no side effects
by any means. This implies that negative testing or being side effect free may prompt bogus certainty that one
has a "pass" to participate in unsafe way of behaving.

This seems OK to be completely inoculated as person. Being back to ordinary can be uncomfortable
yet what is important to be thought about is everybody's wellbeing and security with no split the difference. If
NORMAL means New Opportune Risk Management After Living on pandemic Necessary Observance
Reiterated and Mandatory After Living on pandemic This is what it takes to be safe and alive in this present
time. Let us live the NORMAL life ahead of us!

Reference DO_s2020_014

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