BWA - So Hum Mantra Kriya

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So Hum Mantra Kriya

The So Hum Mantra Kriya is more than just a practice; it’s a transformative journey towards inner awakening.
As you immerse yourself in the rhythmic repetition of the “So Hum” mantra, a kriya (purification) based on
ancient mantra “So Ham”

The finest bridge between body and mind:

Breath is a bridge between the body and the mind. When trying to meditate it is extremely
common to have tension in the muscles and noisy thoughts in the mind. The nervous system is the
arbiter between the tense body and the noisy mind. One of the best ways to regulate that nervous
system, and in turn the body and mind, is through the breath. This has been known by the Yogis
for thousands of years, and has also come to be widely known in recent years by the modern
medical and psychological community

Value of Soham and breath:

One of the finest, easiest, and most direct ways to train the breath, and in turn, regulate the nervous system,
relax the body, and quiet the mind is through Soham mantra practiced at a steady, slow speed, with
exhalation somewhat longer in duration than the inhalation


● This kryia imitates certain types of breath that are connected with emotions. Allowing your
energetical and emotional body to start purifying.
● So (inhalation), Ham (exhalation) always through the nostril.
● Keeping the body always still and relaxed.
● I inhale with all my lungs capacity with So and exhale air out with ham.
● The most important thing is the inhalation, let the exhalation be natural.

(breath only thought the nose, this is not a hyperventilation technique).

● Explain about circles of energy
● Long circles Soooooo, hammmmmm
● Middle size circles: Soo, Hamm
● And full speed circles: So, ham, So, ham.
● Show how to perform a fast breathing.
● Explain about possible normal side effects on the area of mouth and hands.
● Importance about keep breathing thought the whole process (do not go away, nor meditate)
● Stages are interconnected, the work of one stage connects with the next one and all create
one. If you stop during the kriya you might be cutting this process.
● Listen to your body but put 110% of yourself to work out!
● If you feel the energy it too much, listen to your body. Optional perform a soft fast breathing (show
to students).
● However, It is on you how much it is going to work!
● Ask: How was feels with lots of will and determination to breath? (Even up people with more
manipura around the hall)


● We will do 2 warm-up exercises before starting the meditation to prepare the body.
● First exercise will work better if its done with Ujjayi beath.
● Do you know what is Ujjayi breath?
● Explain ujjayi breath (For Example Dark Vader)
● Guide people though breathing exercises on the 3 positions:

1. Hand on waist,
2. Thumbs under the armpits and arms parallels to the floor .
3. Hands as much as you can rich on your back and elbows pointing to the calling.
● Guide through 5 inhales, 3 holds, 7 exhales, 2 holds (about 7 times in each position)
● This exercise is important to help align the back.
● After each time relaxing hands on the lap, wait 1 minute, go to the next position.

● Explain Hara-activation technique (ham mantra)

● When you hear “so” inhale, by the end of “so” you should have a full inhalation.
● When you hear “hum”, you repeat hum strong and clear.
● Placing hands in your lower belly.
● Encourage people to follow at your guidance

● Explain and perform 3 series of 10 svastricas. (optional)

● Hand rise from fist to “superman”.
● Check right height with fingers
● Let the hand fall down naturally and hit the ribs to exhale all the air out.
● Remember to do it with a smile, it works better.. just like we would be enjoying it.
● Perform, notify the students when is going to be the last breath on every svastrica.

● Play track
● Go for it!! ;-)

Link for audio:

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