A Study of Hours Spent On Tiktok As Coping Mechanism and Students Academic Performance

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Rhogie Lyn B. Abadines

Arjay C. Aguilar
Lia B. Bawar
Jhon Rick B. Cantimbuhan
Ma. Mikaila V. Gordula
Sahra H. Mustapha
Abdul Walid D. Unda
Alliana Eryn I. Verzo

A research project submitted to the faculty of the Senior High School of Emilia Ambalada
Integrated High School on partial fulfillment with the track ACADEMIC and strand of
EAPINHS_SHS_20232024__. Prepared under the vision of Ms. Cherry Lyn D. Norcio.

S.Y. 2023-2024

Young people feel the constant need to be productive, disregarding the counter

productivity these distractions bring These simple, three-minute videos on TikTok can distract its

users from completing other necessary tasks, such a finishing homework or completing chores

and the sample consisted of 110 female and 130 male students, aged between 23-27, results

showed that 31.25% of students were addicted to TikTok, and 87.5% of students spent more than

two hours per day on social media.

Study conducted by i showed that TikTok is causing various issues, including addiction,

in kids and teenagers. Some of the adverse effects of Tik Tok addiction include interiority

complexes, superiority complexes, and complexes of attractiveness and an increased usage of

social media platforms by students is associated with a notable shift in their study habits,

resulting in reduced attention towards scholarly works and This is particularly evident when

there an imbalance between excessive Tik Tok use and limited focus during study time.

Consequently, such changes in study habits may adversely impact the academic prospects of

students (Demelash, 2022). However, social media's addictive nature and capacity to draw in

and hold users attention can have a negative impact on study habits and academic achievement.

When students spend excessive time on TikTok or other social media platforms, their focus on

studying can diminish significantly. Constant distractions, such as receiving notifications,

scrolling through endless feeds, and watching short videos, can break their concentration and

hinder their ability to engage in deep and meaningful learning (Petrillo, 2021). Moreover, the

popularity of social media platforms offer several advantages, including improved

communication, easier information access, and platforms for artistico expression. There's a

negative way that students give impact by using tik tok as their coping mechanism.

Furthermore, previous work has revealed that when confronted with threatening or

traumatic experiences or information, an effective defense mechanism is to provide some degree

of psychological distance between oneself and the source of threat or stress. The technique of

distancing is a common method in clinical and therapeutic contexts. For example, research has

shown that imagining or narrating traumatic experiences from a third-person perspective allows

individuals to process the meaning of negative events without triggering their accompanying

negative emotions (Ayduk & Cross, 2010; Kross & Ayduk, 2017). Likewise, using performative

role-play, in which one enacts real or anticipated life events, has been shown to aid individuals in

confronting harsh realities in a safer, yet productive manner (Abel, 2011). The use of humor in

response to trauma and tragedy plays a similar role in providing a sense of safety in confronting

and communicating lived experiences and, moreover, facilitating coping, social coordination,

and meaning-making (McGraw & Williams, 2014). To sum it up, this work guided our focus on

the features and patterns in COVID-19 related video content shared by users, as a means to

understand how the platform affords mechanisms of distancing for engaging with the traumatic

realities of the pandemic.

According to Kents (2023), social media is becoming an increasingly focal tenet and

point of contention of concern in the structure of society, however, TikTok is a unique social

media outlet for its long-form consumption, which is almost exclusively video-based. Arguably,

in a world seeing an increasing amount of conflict politically, socially, and environmentally

people need an escape mechanism and often turn to social media to cope with it. Studies show

that TikTok has become a significant aspect of society, attracting both attention and concern in

all aspects. Most people often seek escape mechanisms, using the TikTok app serving them as a

common coping tool. TikTok's unique video-based format offers users a distinct way to engage

and escape from the challenges of the world, providing a platform for entertainment and


According to Lemmi (2023), This literature review aims to explore and summarize the

existing research on the impact of TikTok on students. The literature surrounding the impact of

TikTok on students is relatively limited but provides valuable insights into several relevant areas.

This review examines the effects of TikTok on various aspects of students' lives and lives,

including academic performance, mental health, social interactions, and overall well-being. The

findings from this review highlight both the positive and negative impacts of TikTok and provide

insights into its risk and full potential influence on students. The study has shown that the TikTok

application has an impact on students, exploring their lives such as academic performance,

mental health, social interactions, and overall well-being. While it offers valuable insights into

the influence of TikTok on students. It reveals both positive and negative impacts of TikTok,

shedding light on its potential risks and benefits for students.

According to Ethan Ramsden and Catherine V.(December, 2023), the data revealed that

TikTok use temporarily relieved academic stress. These effects were largely mediated by

TikTok’s algorithm, which recommended content based on users’ previous interactions. TikTok

provides temporary relief from academic stress since some students use TikTok to manage stress
and anxiety. TikTok content posted by mental health professionals offers coping techniques,

education about anxiety and depression, and guidance on obtaining treatment which suggests that

TikTok has the potential to be a valuable resource for mental health education and support. To

sum it up, Tiktok as a coping mechanism has a positive impact on students as it offers temporary

relief from academic stress, providing students with coping techniques and mental health

education, making it a valuable resource for managing stress effectively.

However, according to Intan Herlina(2022), social media is a place where we receive

information from all walks of life and can create types of communication. One of them is the

social media tiktok, which is accessed by various groups for entertainment and to hone talent, but

increasingly there are many impacts caused by the tiktok application, one of which is narcissism.

The change that can be felt is when everyone is competing to be the center of attention and

always wants to be considered that they are in power in their environment. TikTok may increased

narcissistic behavior among students, as they compete for attention and validation on the

platform. Excessive use of TikTok as a coping mechanism may lead to a decrease in productivity

and academic performance among students. They May become overly reliant on TikTok as a

source of entertainment and distraction, leading to a decrease in real-life social interactions and

relationships. The addictive nature of TikTok may result in time-consuming behaviors, causing

students to neglect other important aspects of their lives, such as self-care, hobbies, and studies.

Exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and comparison with influencers on TikTok can impact

students' self-esteem and body image. To conclude, TikTok's excessive use may decrease

students' productivity and academic performance due to competition for attention and validation.
Over Reliance on the platform may lead to neglect of real-life social interactions, and unrealistic

beauty standards may impact self-esteem and body image which may lead to negative impact.

According to Nila (2023), Using the TikTok application is comfortable when someone

experiences discomfort due to the problems they face. Thus, the use of the TikTok application

can be a self-defense mechanism in the form of someone's denial of circumstances that make him

uncomfortable. According to the study of Mohnish Nath (2022), The TikTok app launched in the

market plays a major role in helping people live their unfulfilled dreams. In the study, it is shown

that the use of Tiktok has positive effects, especially on themselves when they are stressed. They

use TikTok as their coping mechanism.

Based on the study of Quin (2022), TikTok addiction is determined by users' mental

concentration on the medium and its content. Several theoretical insights from the

stimulus-organism-response (S- O-R) model and the flow theory are used to explain the findings.

According to the study of Nisha Yao (2023), These findings suggest that the perceived inability

to withstand distress may contribute to the development of problematic TikTok use, and may

explain the relationship between psychopathology symptoms and problematic TikTok use.

Studies showed the negative impact or uses of TikTok. Their behavior and health were affected,

and because of this, the academic performance of the students was affected.

Based on the study of Salman Amin et al. (2023) This study examines how Tik Tok

addiction affects academic performance, mental health, and social interactions of University

Students. Teachers and parents are concerned about the potential implications of this application
which affects the educational performance of the students. According to Farina Nozakiah et al.

(2024) The study reveals that Tik Tok has become a significant and frequently employed tool,

with a majority of respondents engaging multiple times a day. The findings emphasize the

platform's usefulness in assisting language learning, aligning with the broader literature on

digital platforms as supplementary educational tools.

In conclusion these­ findings indicate that TikTok has both positive and negative effe­cts

on students. It is evident that Tik Tok has a significant impact on various aspects of students'

lives . These findings suggest a need for a balanced approach to TikTok usage among students.

Based on the study of Qing Lie (2023). Since TikTok was released in 2016, more and

more people have found TikTok interesting and have tried to become users. Nevertheless, as

TikTok has become increasingly popular, more students are becoming the primary users of

TikTok. At the same time, the variety of short videos available on TikTok can lead to

inconsistent content quality due to their low cost of production. According to Demelash Lemmi

(2023) This literature review aims to explore and summarize existing research on the impact of

Tik Tok on students. The literature surrounding the impact of TikTok on students is relatively

limited but provides valuable insights into several relevant areas. This review examines the

effects of Tik Tok on various aspects of students' lives and life, including academic performance,

mental health, social interactions and overall well-being. The findings from this review highlight

both the positive and negative impacts of Tik Tok and provide insights into its full potential

influence on students.
On the other hand this review likely explores how TikTok affects students academic

performance and mental health. The review might highlight both positive aspects such as

educational content and negative consequences such as distraction from studies, exposure to

inappropriate content, and potential mental health issues.

TikTok has gained popularity since its release in 2016, attracting a large number of users,

particularly students. It offers various features, including video, chat, learning, and working,

providing entertainment and relaxation for users. These areas of influence highlight the need for

instructors to guide students in using TikTok appropriately, providing valuable insights for future

educators and students in the field of education. However, its integration into students' daily lives

raises questions about its impact on academic performance. According to Qing Hua Lui(March

2023) there are three areas of influence that students experience when using TikTok which affect

their academic performance, and these are; first, the Psychological Influence, it says that,

TikTok may lead to distraction, reduced focus, and decreased motivation towards academic tasks

when use excessively. Second, the Behavioral Influence, TikTok may result in procrastination

and reduced time spent on studying and completing assignments that may lead to negative effects

on their academic performance. Lastly, in Physical Influence, this talks about the lack of physical

activity due to prolonged TikTok use, and may lead to sedentary behavior, negatively impacting

overall well-being and academic performance. Moreover, the inconsistent content quality of

short videos on TikTok may also contribute to a lack of educational value, diverting students'

attention away from their studies.

However, this was contradicted by other researchers, saying that the use of TikTok as a

learning media enhanced the understanding and motivation among students, leading to improved

academic performance. They suggest that TikTok can be a valuable teaching-learning tool for

students. By utilizing TikTok's video-sharing platform, students can engage with course materials

in a more interactive and visually appealing manner. This can help them grasp complex concepts

more easily and stay motivated throughout their studies. By the data shown in their study, 80% of

the students reported having better motivation to study course materials when using TikTok.

Moreover, incorporating TikTok into the learning process has the potential to positively impact

students' academic performance, and it has been found to have a significant positive effect on

academic achievement, as observed in a study (Yoshi Febrianti et al., 2021).

To put it briefly, the two articles share a common theme related to TikTok's impact on

students' academic performance. While Qing Hua Lui's research highlights the negative aspects,

such as distraction, reduced focus, and sedentary behavior caused by excessive TikTok use, the

second article emphasizes the positive potential of TikTok as a learning tool.According to Yoshi

Febrianti, TikTok can enhance understanding, motivation, and engagement among students,

leading to improved academic performance. Both articles recognize TikTok's influence on

students but present contrasting perspectives on its effects.

TikTok can captivate anyone who is using the app and can cause something like an

addiction, where you do not want to get off the app. The more time per week that people spend

on social media, the more they become addicted to social media (Ciplak, 2020). How much time

do students spend on TikTok and what impact does that have on college students paying attention
in class and getting their schoolwork done? By finding answers to this question, we can see if

this app does have the ability to keep college students from paying attention and completing their


TikTok, popular among various age groups, has skyrocketed in popularity. Users can

create and share any type of video, although many feature individuals dancing to music. College

students have been drawn to the app as a source of entertainment. They can dance to popular

songs and accumulate followers. However, while engaging in this digital amusement, college

students must prioritize their academic responsibilities. TikTok's captivating nature can pose a

significant distraction for students attempting to complete their coursework.

Also, as students spend more time on social media platforms like TikTok, concerns arise

about its potential impact on their academic performance (Ciplak, 2020). This study investigates

the extent of TikTok usage and its effects on college students' attention spans and ability to

complete schoolwork. By understanding the effects of excessive TikTok use, we aim to assess

whether this platform poses a significant hindrance to students' education.

Social media has developed into a potent and beneficial instrument that allows

contemporary society to engage. However, social networking platforms are becoming very

addicting for their users (Yahya et al., 2020). The addictive nature may significantly interfere

with users’ everyday commitments in the real world, necessitating a recovery process to

overcome the tremendous addiction. Today, there are growing concerns over social media

addiction that reduces students’ academic attention span (Yahya et al., 2020). This research
focuses on students with TikTok addiction, discussing how and why such habits lower learning

performance in schools. Lewin’s change models can be applied to understand how students’

behavioral patterns can become an addiction and why addiction to TikTok can lead to lower

academic performance. The addiction is likely to affect the student’s time management abilities,

leading to reduced focus on academics.

However, social media has become a powerful tool for connecting people today.

However, many people are becoming addicted to these platforms (Yahya et al., 2020). This

addiction can become a problem, especially for students, as it can interfere with their ability to

focus on their studies. This research will explore how TikTok addiction can lead to lower

academic performance. Specifically, the researcher will examine how TikTok addiction can

affect students' time management skills, leading to less time spent on schoolwork.

TikTok has become an increasingly popular app for people of many different ages to use.

Users can create whatever types of videos they want on this app and post them for anyone to see,

despite a large majority of posts being people dancing to music. This app has attracted college

students who are in the stage of emerging adulthood. College students enjoy having fun and this

app allows them to do just that. They can dance around to the top-rated songs and then gain

followers from their posts. But along with having fun, college students still have to be able to

focus on their schoolwork, and distractions can pose a big challenge to getting schoolwork done.

Transactional Model of Stress and Coping

The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping, proposed by Lazarus and Folkman in

1984, suggested that individuals assess stressors based on their challenges and available

resources. Challenging situations are those perceived to offer the potential for growth, mastery,

and gain. Coping strategies are then employed to manage these stressors, with the effectiveness

of coping influenced by the individual's situation. TikTok could serve as a coping mechanism, it

potentially offers a form of distraction and social support to help individuals manage stressors

and improve their mood.

According to this theory, individuals actively engage in coping strategies to manage

stressors. TikTok, with its wide influence on entertaining and socially interactive content, can be

seen as a potential coping mechanism for stress reduction and mood enhancement. By providing

a source of enjoyment and distraction, TikTok may help individuals temporarily escape from the

pressures of academic life, allowing them to relax and unwind. In which it helps students to

refresh before starting another task.

However, there is a downside to using TikTok as a coping mechanism. Excessive use of

the platform, driven by the desire to cope with stressors, could lead to procrastination and

distraction. Instead of addressing the underlying causes of stress or finding more effective coping

strategies, individuals may turn to TikTok as a quick fix, unintentionally neglecting their

academic responsibilities. This could negatively affect the students academic performance,

highlighting the importance of using TikTok in moderation and alongside other, more coping

mechanisms (Chatoor and Loredana, 2020).

Self-Determination Theory

Deci and Ryan (1985), emphasizes the importance of motivation in achieving academic

success. According to this theory, individuals are more likely to excel in their academic

performance when they are driven by internal factors such as personal interest, enjoyment, and a

sense of independence or freedom. In the context of TikTok, if its use is aligned with motivation,

such as using it as a reward or a break after completing academic tasks, it may not necessarily

harm academic performance. Taking breaks and engaging in activities that bring enjoyment can

help revive one's motivation and focus.

However, if TikTok use starts to interfere with motivation for academic work, it could

potentially harm the student's academic performance. For example, if students find TikTok more

rewarding or engaging than their academic tasks, they may be less motivated to complete their

assignments or study effectively. This could lead to procrastination, decreased productivity, and

ultimately, negative academic outcomes. Individuals need to balance between using TikTok for

enjoyment and ensuring that it does not undermine their motivation and commitment to

improvement of the students' academics (Ryan and Dehan, 2014).


Escapism is when a person routinely uses an activity or behavior to escape life's realities.

It is a way of distracting the mind. Examples include social media, substance use, or playing

games to avoid thinking about or facing something else, such as a relationship conflict or a

stressful assignment deadline. TikTok, like other forms of media, can serve as a form of escapism

from real-life stressors. By immersing themselves in short, engaging videos, users may
temporarily distract themselves from problems or negative emotions, providing a coping

mechanism for managing stress. This escape into the world of TikTok can offer a mental break,

allowing users to relax and unwind. The platform's diverse content, ranging from comedy

sketches to educational content, caters to a wide range of interests, offering users an opportunity

to explore and engage with content that resonates with them (Young, 1976).

However, while TikTok can provide a temporary reprieve from stress, excessive use as a

coping mechanism can have negative consequences. Constant engagement with TikTok's content

may create a dependency, where users increasingly rely on the platform to regulate their

emotions. This can potentially lead to issues with time management and a neglect of other

important aspects of life, ultimately affecting academic performance and overall well-being

(Olivine, 2023).

Social Cognitive Theory

Bandura (1986), emphasizes the role of observational learning, social influence, and

self-efficacy. In TikTok and academic performance, researchers could investigate how TikTok

influences students' self-efficacy regarding their academic abilities. TikTok content that

showcases academic achievements or study tips, for example, may lead students to believe that

they are capable of achieving similar successes.

Moreover, TikTok use serves as a tool for relaxation or social connection and could also

have a positive impact on academic performance. By providing a break from academic stressors

and fostering social interactions, TikTok may help students recharge and maintain a positive

mindset, which is important for academic success. Additionally, social interactions on TikTok
can provide a sense of belonging and support, which can further enhance students' overall

well-being and academic aspects of the students.

However, it's important to note that the influence of TikTok on self-efficacy and

academic performance depends on how it is used. Excessive use of TikTok that leads to

procrastination or distraction from academic responsibilities could hurt self-efficacy and

academic performance. Therefore, promoting mindful and balanced TikTok use, where it is used

as a tool for relaxation and social connection without interfering with academic responsibilities,

may be key to leveraging its positive effects on self-efficacy and academic performance.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Blumler and Katz (1974), theory relies on two principles about media users. First, it

characterizes media users as active in their selection of the media they consume. From this

perspective, people don’t use the media passively. They are engaged and motivated in their

media selections. Second, people are aware of their reasons for selecting different media options.

They rely on their knowledge of their motivations to make media choices that will help them

meet their specific wants and needs. Past research has uncovered several motivations people

often have for using media. These include the force of habit, companionship, relaxation, passing

the time, escape, and information. Studies from a uses and gratifications perspective have

involved all kinds of media, from radio to social media (Vinney, 2019).

In the context of TikTok, users may turn to the platform for various reasons, such as

entertainment, social interaction, or emotional support. TikTok's diverse range of content,

including humor, music, and educational videos, allows users to satisfy these needs in a

personalized and engaging manner, making it a popular choice for many seeking entertainment

and connection.

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