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NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ____________________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________________

Learning Competency: Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph

Read the questions carefully. Write the letters of your answers on the blank.

1. What are the parts of a paragraph?

a. First Part, Second Part, and Third Part
b. Character, Events, and Setting
.c. Topic Sentence, supporting details and closing sentence
2. What part of the paragraph tells the reader what the paragraph is about.
a. Closing Sentence b. Supporting details c. Topic Sentence
3. This part of a paragraph includes sentences that support the topic sentence.
a. Closing Sentence b. Supporting details c. Topic Sentence
4. A closing sentence________________.
a. Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.
b. It provides information to the topic sentence.
c. Tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
6. How will you identify the topic sentence in a given paragraph?
a. It tells what the paragraph is all about.
b. It supports the main idea by providing details.
c. It sums up the details presented in a paragraph.

Select the best topic sentence that will complete the paragraph. Write the letter of your answer.

7. _________________________. Cellphone bridges the gap of communication. This is the best gift of technology to
us. As long as you have access to the internet or has load, no matter how far or near the person you wanted to talk
with, cellphone can do it for you. However, aside from its good features especially in communication, there are still
incidents reporting the harmful effect of cellphone to our health. Over-exposure to radiation is unhealthy. Cellphone is
functional but users must be aware and prevent its bad effects by decreasing the number of hours spent in chatting and
playing games on their cellphones.
a. Cellphone makes communication convenient but dangerous when used too much.
b. Cellphone is used to capture the best moment of your life.
c. Cellphone will fail you to communicate with your loved ones or friends unless it has load
or access to the internet.
8. ________________________. Instead of playing with friends, Adrian does the household chores immediately after
recovering his energy from miles of walk in going home. When done, he reviews all his lessons of the day. All his
assignments were prepared at night and everything is ready for tomorrow. He focused his review on their Mathematics
lesson about fractions. When teacher Maxima entered their classroom, everyone was told to prepare a clean paper.
Adrian got a perfect score because he studied the lessons well.
a. Watching TV can help pupils get high score in a surprise quiz.
b. Studying the lesson every night always fruits a positive result.
c. Studying the lessons should be banned at home.

Read each paragraph below and choose the best concluding sentence that will best complete the paragraph. Write the
letter of the correct answer.
9. My grandmother is loving and a strong woman. She loves me more than anything else. She is my personal nurse
when I am sick. She always finds a solution to our problems. ____________
a. She’s the most loving and strongest person that I have in my life.
b. She is the best woman in my life.
c. She is the woman that I love the most.
10. My pet dog is my best friend. We walk around the garden every morning. We play together at the park in the
afternoon. He is always with me wherever I go. I love my pet so much. He listens attentively to my funny jokes.
a. My pet dog is the kindest one.
b. My pet dog knows how to give me comfort and happiness like a real best friend.
c. I am lucky for having a nice pet dog.


Learning Competency: Use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of

Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following can be used in getting the meaning of unfamiliar words?
a. dictionary b. notebook c. diary
2. Why do we use a dictionary?
a. It helps us remember numbers.
b. It tells us what the words mean.
c. It provides solutions to a problem.
3. Use the dictionary below. What is the meaning of the word complacent?

complacent com.pla.cent adj. 1. marked by self-satisfaction especially by unawareness of actual

dangers or deficiencies: marked by complacency: SELF-SATISFIED

a. marked by self-satisfaction especially by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies

b. in the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or
c. facts provided or learned about something or someone
4. Use the dictionary below. What is the meaning of the word vigorous?

righteous righ.teous adj. 1. acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin 2. a.
morally right or justifiable b. arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality 3. GENUINE,

vigorous vig.or.ous adj. 1. Done with vigor: carried out forcefully and energetically 2. possessing vigor:
full of physical or mental strength or active force: STRONG

a. acting in accord with divine or moral law

b. morally right or justifiable
c. full of physical or mental strength or active force: STRONG

Use the dictionary below then answer the questions that follow.
5. Which of the following words means a large body of men and women organized for land warfare?
a. legerdemain b. legion c. legendary
6. Which of the words has the same meaning to the word legionary?
a. legendary b. legerdemain c. legion
7. What part of speech is the word legendary?
a. noun (n.) b. verb (v.) c. adjective (adj.)

Study the given thesaurus and answer the following questions.

legend[ lej-uhnd ]Syn. fable, fiction, folklore, lore, myth, mythology Ant. non-fiction,

migrant [ mahy-gruh nt ]Syn. traveler, wanderer, mover, vagrant Ant. native, immigrant

search [ surch ]Syn. hunt, inquiry, investigate, chase, quest Ant. ignorance, finding
8. Which of the following words has the same meaning with the word legend?
a. chase b. immigrant c. myth
9. Which of the following is correct?
a. legend [ lej-uhnd ] Syn. fable, fiction, folklore, lore, myth, mythology Ant. non-fiction, truth
b. migrant [ mahy-gruh nt ] Ant. traveler, native, mover, vagrant, wanderer Syn. native,
c. search [ surch ]Ant. hunt, inquiry, investigate, chase, quest Syn. ignorance, finding
10. What is the antonym or opposite word of the word migrant?
a. mover b. native c. vagrant


Learning Competency: Note significant details of various text types

Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer.

The Talking Bird

Kiaw is a talking bird found in the thick forests of Palawan. It lives in the tree trunks. To catch it, men have to
climb the tall trees. Only few people possess this kind of bird because it is difficult to catch.
The Kiaw is a very interesting creature. It likes bananas, papayas and red pepper. It also drinks a lot of water.
This black bird takes a bath at least five times a day.
The Kiaw is also very loyal to its master. To make the Kiaw talk, its master repeats a word many times. This
rare bird can learn to talk in three months. The Kiaw loves its master very much. When it is given away, it feels very
lonely, then it dies. It also does not like to see blood. If it sees
blood or the color red, it hurts until it dies.
Source: Developing My English Reading Power 4, p. 32
1. Where is the Kiaw found?
a. Cagayan Valley b. Palawan c. Cordillera
2. What makes the Kiaw different from other birds?
a. It is difficult to catch.
b. It drinks a lot of water.
c. It can learn to talk in three months.
3. How does the Kiaw learn to talk?
a. It goes to school.
b. It repeats what its master says many times.
c. It is a talker by nature.
4. What happens when the Kiaw is given away by its master?
a. It sings. b. It dies. c. It gets angry.
5. When does the Kiaw hurt itself to death?
a. when it sees blood b. when it is hungry c. when it is old

Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Honest Boy
by: Cindy Tadeo
One afternoon, Brex went to Daniel’s house. Brex and Daniel were good friends. They played volleyball in
the garden. They were very happy. Until Brex spiked the ball really hard which landed right on top of the garden table
where a big flower vase was placed. The
vase was broken. Brex and Daniel were shocked. Brex was so nervous and didn’t know what to do.
Daniel’s mother came in a rush after she heard the loud noise. She knew something was wrong. She was upset
to see what had happened. Daniel cried. He was too scared. Brex felt sorry for Daniel so he decided to tell the truth.
Daniel’s mother was glad to know that
Brex was an honest boy.

6. Where is the setting of the story?

a. farm b. garden c. seashore
7. Who are the characters in the story?
a. Brex, Danilo and Mother b. Brex, Daniel c. Brex, Daniel and Mother
8. When did the story happen?
a. one Monday b. one morning c. one afternoon
9. What was the problem in the story?
a. Brex broke the big vase.
b. Brex and Daniel broke the big vase.
c. Daniel broke the vase.

10. How did they solve the problem?

a. Daniel cried to his Mother.
b. Brex told the truth to Daniel’s mother.
c. Mother scolded the two boys.

WEEK 4 – 5

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the purpose of an informative text?
a. To persuade you to buy something
b. To tell you how to do something
c. To provide clear facts about something
2. What type of text will you use to tell someone how to cook pinakbet?
a. narrative b. procedure c. informational
3. What is the purpose of a procedure text type?
a. To persuade you to buy something
b. To tell you how to do something
c. To provide clear facts about something

Rad and understand the given texts below. Write the letter of the correct answer from the choices inside the box.

A. problem and solution B. description C. procedural

4.Garbage and trash are everywhere. If we do not stop this soon, the Earth will become polluted and it will be
impossible to live in it. We must learn to segregate our wastes. If everyone will practice reduce, reuse, and recycle,
then there is hope.
5. Calamansi juice is all-natural and refreshing. First, prepare three calamansi and slice open. Next, squeeze the juice
in a glass. Then, add water and sugar to taste. Finally, you can add ice before serving.
6. My favorite toy is a Hello Kitty Stuffed Toy. It has a big, red ribbon on its head. Its round and black eyes seem to
wink. It has a cute, yellow nose. It is soft and always fragrant. I hug it tight when I sleep.
7. My bedroom is my favorite spot in the house. We painted it blue and pasted glow in the dark stars on its walls.
From its ceiling hang round balls with dim, yellow lights. It feels comfortable and relaxing to stay here.
8. Are you feeling hungry and want to prepare something easy? Why not cook instant noodles? First, boil water in a
pan and put the noodles. Next, when noodles are soft, drain water. Then, on a plate, prepare seasoning and other
special ingredients. Finally, mix cooked noodles with prepared seasoning. Enjoy!
9. I need to buy new shoes. I know Mother cannot give me money because we only have enough. I decided to run
errands for other people like cleaning the lawn, throwing the garbage, and feeding the dogs. In a few weeks, I went to
the shoe shop to get my new pair of shoes.
10. Jana feels worried. She cannot find the necklace that Mom gave her. Jana thought hard and suddenly remembered
that she removed it before taking a bath. She felt relieved when she found the necklace in the shower.
11. When it rains hard, the street easily gets flooded. Garbage clogs floodways and waterways. The people decided to
talk about this and agreed to clean their surroundings. From then on, the water runs freely and no floods occurred.
12. The big and green watermelon seems inviting. When we opened it up, the sweet smell spreads, and its fresh juice
flows. The bright red flesh with the black seeds on it even made it more
delicious-looking. When I took a bite, it was the most refreshing feeling ever!

13. Hotdogs for breakfast is the easiest thing to cook. First, remove the plastic covering the hotdogs and make short
slices. Next, heat oil in a pan. Then, in a low fire, cook the hotdogs till bright red. Finally, serve and enjoy!
14. I remember that one summer day when I had fun at the beach. The sun’s heat was touching my face. The cool
breeze feels relaxing. The salty and crystal clear water seems endless. I did
nothing that day but swim.
15. Candy always loses her wallet. Even if it only has coins in it, she still feels bad. Mother thought of ways to stop
this. One day, Mother decided to tie the wallet in Candy’s pocket using a red ribbon. It looks funny but it sure worked.


Read the sentences and write the letter that best completes the sentence on the blank.

1. In many countries it is ___legal to keep a gun in your house. What should be added to the word legal to make the
sentence correct?
a. un- b. il- c. in- d. dis-
2. You shouldn’t eat chicken that is ____cooked.
a. under- b. mis- c. un- d. post
3. There was some ___agreement over the bill.
a. dis- b. im- c. un- d. re-
4. He is the most power___ businessman in today’s generation.
a. -ful b. -less c. -ly d. –ment
5. I feel so use___ for not contributing into our project.
a. -ful b. -less c. -ly d. –ment

Choose the correct prefix inside the parentheses that best fits the given root below.
6. He remained (un-,mis-,re-) ____ true to himself.
7. While the teacher was talking, Jason called out his friend. It only shows that Jason is
(im-, dis-, un-) ___polite.
8. The story is absolutely (re-, dis-, un-) ___believable.

Change the words inside the parentheses by using correct suffixes to complete the meaning of the sentences.

9. Ryan loves being outdoors. He likes to sleep in his tent. He loves star gazing. However, tonight the sky is ________
(no star).
10. The plants in the yard are _________ (no flowers).


Identify the underlined word used in the sentence whether denotation or connotation.

1. He was angry with me because I had broken his pen.

2. Huge waves rose in the angry sea.
3. “Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the foot of the orchard.
4. AAAAAAARGH! A snake just bit me!
5. You stole and sold my cell phone, you snake!
6. Susi is very blue.
7. Johnny is my best friend.
8. Sara’s peace of mind was shattered.

9. The servers of the restaurant are all young.

10. The wind whispered in my ears.


Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

1. Butcher is to knife as Hairdresser is to?

A. scissors B. dress C. curls D. blond
2. Punch is to pain as hug is to ___________.
A. Squeeze B. Comfort C. Massage D. Hurt
3. Sniff is to smell as lick is to _________.
A. Eat B. Taste C. Stamp D. Stink
4. Tired is to sleep as hungry is to _________.
A. Drink B. Exhausted C. Starving D. Eat
5. Heat is to dry as water is to _______________.
A. Mold B. Wet C. Flood D. Flow

6. Heart is a part of human just like an engine is a part of ______.

A. animal B. house C. machine
7. Hands are used in volleyball just like feet are used in ________.
A. soccer B. tennis C. basketball
8. Cabbage is a yummy vegetable just like kiwi is a __________.
A. shape B. fruit C. meat
9. Mom uses detergent soap to clean our clothes just like I use a hand sanitizer to ___________after going outside.
a. wash my feet b. Clean my hands c. wipes my nose
10. Heel is a part of your foot as knee is a part of your ________.
a. nose b. stomach c. leg

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