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Writing a literature review can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to complex topics like

fast food. Fast food literature review thesis requires extensive research, critical analysis, and
synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. It involves
delving into various scholarly articles, books, and research papers to gather relevant information,
evaluate different perspectives, and identify gaps in the existing literature.

The process of writing a literature review on fast food involves:

1. Research: Conducting thorough research to identify relevant sources of information related

to fast food, including academic journals, books, government reports, and other scholarly
2. Analysis: Critically analyzing the literature to understand the key concepts, arguments, and
findings presented by different authors. This involves comparing and contrasting various
viewpoints and identifying patterns or trends in the literature.
3. Synthesis: Integrating the information gathered from different sources to construct a
coherent narrative that addresses the research question or thesis statement. This may involve
categorizing the literature into themes or theoretical frameworks and discussing their
implications for the topic.
4. Writing: Organizing the literature review into a well-structured and logically coherent
document that presents the findings of the review in a clear and concise manner. This
includes providing an introduction that outlines the scope and purpose of the review,
followed by sections that discuss the key themes or topics identified in the literature.

Given the complexity and time-consuming nature of writing a literature review on fast food, it can
be beneficial to seek assistance from professional academic writing services like ⇒
⇔. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting high-quality literature reviews that meet
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This was meant to ensure that the data collected fully represented the real university students since
the intent of the assessment was to obtain or acquire the rate and prevalence of fast food
consumption among college and university students. One more disadvantage for fast food is the
quality. Food items that are easily prepared and available yet are low on their nutritional values are
fast food items. Fast foods have gained their popularity for their convenience and inexpensiveness;
these foods also serve as a treat for one’s taste buds. These writing skills are learned in practice, and
even expert research writers regularly use constant redrafting to achieve the desired effect.
Introduction: Nowadays, most people -especially kids and youngsters- prefer to eat fast food, such
as McDonald, pizza, fried food, and etc. Thesis: I am here to tell you why poor quality food should
The Cause and Effect Essay Report C. Others said that the foods are quick, easy to get and cheap.
For instance, an average of 5 men and 5 ladies as well as age limits of 19 to 22 for each focus group.
Most kids need only 2,000 calories per day, while adults require even less. Deshpande S., M. D.
Basil, and D. Z. Basil. 2009. “Factors Influencing Healthy Eating Habits Among College Students:
An Application of the Health Belief Model.” Health Marketing Quarterly 26(2): 145-164. R5: (Male,
1, 17) Quality, yeah, I consider fast foods as having good quality. Answer: Consumption of fast food
that is high on sugar and fat daily causes changes in the human brain, making the food hard to resist.
Answer: Fast foods are not necessarily bad, but in many cases, it is highly processed containing large
amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, salt (sodium) and unhealthy fats. Question 3. Do fast food
items have any nutritional value. Sample thesis thesis title about food and beverage. Such projects
should aim at nurturing health eating habits among university students. Another reason could be that
they are not enlightened or made aware about how fast foods consumption could possibly lead to
such diseases. The culture of consuming fast foods has continued to replace the traditional meals
among university and college students and is considered a big public health concern. Fast food
bistros have many wholesome foods to present. Excessive consumption of fast foods results in
affecting the brain, which in turn results in affecting the mental health of the person. M: Why do you
mean by fast foods being “convenient”? M: Why is it important to you that fast foods are cheaper?
Research has shown that there are various American’s biggest and growing fast food chains that are
competing with McDonald’s in the sale and distribution of fast foods. Health education programs,
public awareness campaigns as well as dietary guidelines could be initiated so as to address the
unhealthy lifestyles of the students and help them improve on their health. Start by looking at the
date it was published, who published the information, and whether or not the content meets your
research needs. Many fast food items are high in calories, fat, and sodium, which can contribute to a
variety of health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Firearm, Firearms, Gun 889
Words 5 Pages obese than those of above-average economical resources. Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. R1: (Female, 3, 21) A fast food is any
kind of food which is readily available. Heidal, K. B., S. E. Colby, G. T. Mirabella, K. S. Al-Numair,
B. Bertrand, and K. H. Gross. 2012. “Cost and Calorie Analysis of Fast Food Consumption in
College Students.” Food and Nutrition Sciences (3): 942-946. R3: (Female, 3, 20) My parents only
give me inadequate money so I have no other option other than looking for fast food outlets which I
consider to be cheap.
While the convenience and low cost of fast food can be appealing, it has also been the subject of
much criticism due to its negative effects on public health. This may be true and more so depends on
a person’s taste and craving which mostly depends on resources available and the accessibility of fast
food outlets and restaurants. Some would argue this growing predicament is due to the poor choices
made by. The grammar and style of the components is also explained. Firearm, Firearms, Gun 889
Words 5 Pages obese than those of above-average economical resources. Around the globe, the
penetration of fast food sector is enormous. One more disadvantage for fast food is the quality.
These stored food items are served to customers in a packed form for takeaway. Less than half of the
respondents agreed with the fact that fast food consumption exposes one to developing diabetes and
also agreed that consuming a lot of fast foods consistently increases a person’s chance of developing
hypertension and that consumption of fast foods is dangerous to one’s health (Steyn, 2001,
143). Fast food is a type of food that is designed to deliver the order in the quickest way possible
available at any eating joints. On the other hand, high costs and preference for other restaurants were
the major reasons not to consume such foods (Fraser, Edwards, Cade, Clarke 2012, 82). Students
need to consume a couple of tips regarding fast nation research papers when they want their paper to
standout. It is no doubt that McDonald's is the most favorite fast food among students. Processed
food items like pizzas, noodles, white bread, diet soda etc. There should be some connection
between the two: researchers must read previous work which is relevant to their own research and
use this to both contextualise and make a case for their own research. In this decade americans have
been spending too much money on fast food. No one. While appreciation for bigger female bodies
among African Americans is hailed as protecting against thinness-oriented eating disorders, this same
cultural preference is partially blamed for overweight and obesity among African American women
and girls. Fast foods are characterized as quick, cheap and easily accessible alternative to home
cooked meals. Good tastes of the foods, low costs were some of the main reasons given by the
students for consuming fast foods occasionally. For instance, it has increased by 60 percent over the
past five years and even surpassed the American total in 2013. Health education programs, public
awareness campaigns as well as dietary guidelines could be initiated so as to address the unhealthy
lifestyles of the students and help them improve on their health. R: (Male, 5, 25)Well the quality of
the ingredients used, because fast food restaurants buy things in bulk, and at some of the place, you
can see the ingredients in front of you, thus I think it is more of a trust thing. One of the situations,
of eating fast food is that consumers think its the providers fault. People who prefer to eat fast food
can highly get chances of becoming obese. Fast food is definitely cheaper, especially for people who
live on their own. Among the respondents, a large percentage was of the perception that fast foods
could be consumed anytime a person feels like but not so often. Food beverage part i like every
business and commercial activity a food chain also requires a comprehensive strategic scheme for the
successful launching of its services which requires paying attention and. Listed here are the
guidelines that students should follow. If one was to travel down any main city block, he or she may
be overwhelmed with the many options to choose from. Olumakaiye M.F, Ogbimi G.E, Ogunba
B.O., K.O.Soyebo, 2008 Snacking as a contributor tooverweight among Nigerian
What is Junk Food Junk food refers to cheap and simple food that has very low nutritional value but
very rich in calories from fat and sugar. Answer: Fast foods are not necessarily bad, but in many
cases, it is highly processed containing large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, salt (sodium)
and unhealthy fats. Question 3. Do fast food items have any nutritional value. R: (Male, 5, 25)Well
the quality of the ingredients used, because fast food restaurants buy things in bulk, and at some of
the place, you can see the ingredients in front of you, thus I think it is more of a trust thing. The
interview process mostly focused on the students who live within the surroundings of the university
premises and not those who spend their nights from their parent’s homes. Yet just one fast food
hamburger can carry up to 750 calories, not to mention the French fries which carry at least another
350 calories. If one was to travel down any main city block, he or she may be overwhelmed with the
many options to choose from. In this decade americans have been spending too much money on fast
food. No one. Life today has become fast, and the changes in the lifestyle of people have gotten
them addicted to food items that can be readily made. Another percentage stated that they were
attracted by the taste of fast foods, sociability as well as its good value in terms of cost. Answer:
Consumption of fast food that is high on sugar and fat daily causes changes in the human brain,
making the food hard to resist. Specialty salads and grilled chicken are now a staple in just about
every fast food restaurant. Overtime, the number of KFC outlets has continued to increase. M: What
do you think is the correct definition of a fast food? Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech
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Calculator. There should be some connection between the two: researchers must read previous work
which is relevant to their own research and use this to both contextualise and make a case for their
own research. Defensive Eating at Fast Food Restaurants,” Consumer Reports on Health, Vol. 20,
No. 4, 2008, p. 1, 3, 5. It is a way of socializing and sharing with friends and family members. We
also asked to conduct further in-person interviews as well as use of audio recordings to be able to
read non-verbal and at other times go back and listen to other non verbal cues. RachelPearson36
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Fast food is a
term that is given to food that is prepared and served very quickly and was first popularized in the
US in 1950s. I don’t like the experience of preparing foods myself. Some students were even aware
of that any food item that is high in salt, sugar and fats could be referred to as junk food or simply
fast food. Increase in he size changes the ownership pattern and separated the ownership form the
management of organization. Fast foods were developed to make the process of food serving as
smooth as possible, and it indeed has been able to meet its demands in the best ways possible. R1:
(Female, 3, 21) A fast food is any kind of food which is readily available. Genetic engineering may
even one day be used to help solve world hunger. It doesn’t mean that you ought to select any
subject for the paper it might be better and simpler that you should write if you choose a subject of
the interest for that paper. People tend to binge on fast foods that have a high level of fats and sugar
which affects their brain making it hard to say no. Majority of the respondents consumed fast foods
on weekly basis with differences only in the number of times per week (Steyn, 2001, 145).
Bourne, L., Lambert, E.V, K. Steyn, 2002. Where does the black population of South Africa stand on
the nutrition transition.
These foods often provide energy-dense and nutrient poor food. Scholars can use them for free to
gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Therefore, it is of much
importance if we understand why students will opt to buy fast food for their consumption despite
knowing the consequences of fast food to health. It can also be difficult to stop consuming junk food
because of its instant gratification properties. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing -
A Real-World Look, present. What is the factor on marketing aspects that affects decision making of
the customer. Fast food is definitely cheaper, especially for people who live on their own. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Additionally, this article demonstrates how argument structures may vary depending on the different
sections of the article where they are located. Center for Disease Control, “Overweight and Obesity,”
2007. Another percentage stated that they were attracted by the taste of fast foods, sociability as
well as its good value in terms of cost. People eat fast food almost every day because they are too
lazy to cook healthy food in their home so they always look for. It is a way of socializing and sharing
with friends and family members. But excessive consumption of carbohydrates can cause obesity.
The interviews and discussion took place within the university premises with the help of the dean of
students as well as the student’s body. In this essay, we will explore the history of fast food, the
arguments for and against it, and its impact on individuals and society. For example, you can start
from the prehistory about the fast food idea, how it originated, and how the fast food industry has
developed since the first day of its appearance. All this was stressed so as to make sure that the
interview process was taken seriously (Wart 2006, 156). In this decade americans have been spending
too much money on fast food. No one. Answer: Consumption of fast food that is high on sugar and
fat daily causes changes in the human brain, making the food hard to resist. Clearly it’s the
consumers fault for committing the same. However, fast food has also been criticized for its negative
effects on public health. R3: (Male, 5, 26) No, they are not healthy, personally have added a lot of
weight and calories basically because am spending a lot on fast foods. Efforts to minimize the local
availability of unhealthy foods and programs aimed at helping consumers identify the best strategies
of obtaining healthy meals t fast food outlets may help improve health outcomes (Wart 2006, 152).
Research Report on the consumption of fast foods by university students. To conclude, we mustn't
eat too much fast food, eat it in right time and the right places. The questions asked were specific
and straightforward. Cookery definition is the art or practice of cooking. Other types of fast foods
commonly consumed by majority of the respondents were flour based products which were found to
be high in carbohydrates, sugars and fats as documented. R6: (Female, 2, 22) Too often, especially
when am too busy with classes and meetings.
Fast food being rich in salt, adversely affects the heart health and the overall health of an individual.
Food items that are easily prepared and available yet are low on their nutritional values are fast food
items. Fast foods have gained their popularity for their convenience and inexpensiveness; these foods
also serve as a treat for one’s taste buds. This was believed to be due to a person’s affordability as
well as a person’s taste and the desire as well as perceived health complications of such foods.
Bowman SA, Vinyard BT. 2004. Fast food consumption of U.S. adults: impact on energy and
nutrient intakes and overweight status. Rijal S., 2007. Non-communicable diseases cause half of total
deaths Copyright 2000-2007 India.Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd. Among the respondents, a large
percentage was of the perception that fast foods could be consumed anytime a person feels like but
not so often. The results showed that the students who consumed fast foods were reported to be
obese and overweight. McDonald’s opened their first restaurant in California, USA, in the year 1948
and it has continued to spread the gospel behind fast food consumption ever since. The prevalence of
obesity was observed to have increased consistently with frequenting fast food restaurants from
approximately 43.8 percent of those going less than once in a week to around 56.2 percent of those
going two or even more times in week. Other students said that they are very busy to cook and that
they don’t like the experience of cooking. On the other hand, high costs and preference for other
restaurants were the major reasons not to consume such foods (Fraser, Edwards, Cade, Clarke 2012,
82). Thesis structure works to communicate the thesis argument clearly without having to over-
explain every detail. Good tastes of the foods, low costs were some of the main reasons given by the
students for consuming fast foods occasionally. Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Barbie - Brand
Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do
them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them well
Introduction to C Programming Language Introduction to C Programming Language Disadvantages
of fast foods(1) 1. My family too has a history f high blood pressure, so I had to top completely.
View food and beverage research papers on academiaedu for free. Around the globe, the penetration
of fast food sector is enormous. The average monthly frequency of consumption of fast foods by the
students was 4.05 (4.25 for men and 3.83 for ladies). Similarly, the work of Narver and Slater 1990
and Jaworski and Kohli 1993 substantiated that customer orientation brings economic benefits to an
organization. R6: (Female, 2, 22) Too often, especially when am too busy with classes and meetings.
Interview technique was employed to explore and analyze the research question- reasons as to why
university students consume fast foods. White Castle was opened in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas by
Billy Ingram. One major reason for obesity and overweight among college students is the
consumption of fast foods which contain a lot of calories. According to the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), many fast foods have responded to the growing public awareness about nutrition by
giving out some foods that are lower in fat and calories than their normal fare (Fraser, Edwards,
Cade, Clarke 2012, 85). Other side effects are not immediate but harm one’s health and body. 10
Lines on Fast Food Essay in English 1. Even though the main disadvantages of fast food are health
related, people on a diet can also find good options in the menu of most fast food chains. For future
research, we asked the willing students to give us their backgrounds, whether or not they have ever
had a job related to fast foods and if yes, whether this affected how often they consumed fast foods
or if they used to eat at the outlets or restaurants they worked in. There were a lot of entrepreneurs
many years ago that realized that going into the fast food chain would bring them great profit
Levenstein. A Leading Cause of Obesity The way the foods are prepared, often fried, is very bad for
the body. R4: (Male, 5, 24) It’s a way of socializing with my family and close friends as well, yeah
and also, I don’t like the experience of cooking for myself.
Academiaedu is a platform for academics to share research papers. M: Why do you mean by fast
foods being “convenient”? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998; 52:891-8. When the speed
of service was made the priority, the inconvenience of the customers who had limitations on their
time and could not wait for their food was tackled with. Adults and Children: Dietary and Nutrition
Intake Profile. Schlosser describes throughout his text the commonality of fast food in restaurants,
airports, schools, and large chained stores available nationwide, in which each compress the
similarity of fast food. The structural components are identified in arguments, including some
excerpted from published academic papers. Fast food items are high in saturated fats, trans fats,
sodium and cholesterol. But even more specific than that, many are talking about how the fast food
industry has affected and impacted our society. These include work stress, motivation, leader
behaviour, group structure and processes, change process and job and work design Bigelow et al.
According to several research reports consumption of unhealthy food can cause stress and
depression. The way that fast food is portrayed to be unhealthy is understandable and there are many
reasons to support that, but there are also many reasons why people think fast food is great and is not
getting any less popular. The schools are persuading the students to eat fast food by selling it to them.
Clearly it’s the consumers fault for committing the same. It doesn’t mean that you ought to select any
subject for the paper it might be better and simpler that you should write if you choose a subject of
the interest for that paper. It also discusses the name of the business, it location and as well as its
mission and vision of the business, its logo and the related national programs. Fast-food hamburgers
are being replaced by Chinese takeaways. The next chapter will give methodology of dissertation.
According to statistics carried out, most students have been found to have bought these kinds of
food for themselves over a period of time in spite of their knowledge of the effects of fast food
(Poirier et al 2006). RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-
World Look, present. R2: (Female, 3, 20) Not really, for instance, I care for my health, weight,
calories and the future as well. How often do you consume fast foods either daily or per month in
while still within the university? This is because the food items are excess in oils calories and are not
easy to digest. Another percentage stated that they were attracted by the taste of fast foods,
sociability as well as its good value in terms of cost. In conclusion, fast food is a controversial topic
that has both proponents and detractors. Although 90 percent were aware of the adverse effects of
fast foods, they were still addicted to it. Bowman SA, Vinyard BT. 2004. Fast food consumption of
U.S. adults: impact on energy and nutrient intakes and overweight status. Students looking for free
top notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Rijal S., 2007. Non-communicable diseases
cause half of total deaths Copyright 2000-2007 India.Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd. In the
contemporary United States, thinness is associated with high social status and taken as evidence of
moral virtue.
Instead of going home and cooking a healthy meal, people go through the drive thru lane of the fast
food restaurant and get their food there. Fast food bistros have many wholesome foods to present.
There are 6 students like KEF and 6 students like Subway. Paeratakul S, Ferdinand P, Champagne
M, Ryan DH, Bray GA. 2003. Fast-food consumption among US adults and children: dietary and
nutrient intake profile. Therefore, Children too much eat this food are less tall and health than other
children who eat nutritious food. A case study from an urban area in Mali, West Africa. For the
present, at a macro level, what has traditionally been accepted as conventional thesis structure does
an excellent job of connecting up key points in the thesis argument chapter by chapter, which is why
I advise my students to use it. In the courtroom, an attorney can interpret audience cues so as to
make adjustments while speaking, and add or cut out explanation as seems appropriate. R4: (Male, 5,
24) It’s a way of socializing with my family and close friends as well, yeah and also, I don’t like the
experience of cooking for myself. Defensive Eating at Fast Food Restaurants,” Consumer Reports on
Health, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2008, p. 1, 3, 5. Mainly, the focus was on both men and ladies on average. Do
you think you need to stop consuming fast foods. There were a lot of entrepreneurs many years ago
that realized that going into the fast food chain would bring them great profit Levenstein. Because of
the lower quality food sources, most fast food options are not made with the most protein-rich,
nutritious ingredients. Bowman SA, Vinyard BT. 2004. Fast food consumption of U.S. adults:
impact on energy and nutrient intakes and overweight status. Oral interviews were conducted among
students in the university. Essay examples. There are many articles about the harm of the fast food
today. With long hours and busy schedules, many people turn to fast food as a quick and easy option
for meals. This shows that the consumption of fast foods is on the increase especially in colleges and
universities (Fraser, Edwards, Cade, Clarke 2012, 77). To identify the different types of fast foods
available in universities and other institutions of higher learning. The fact of the matter is it seems
that a person has a very realistic chance of finding a McDonalds within a 4 mile radius of any
household in the country, it is also arguable that this is already the case for the world as well, and if
not now then very. These foods often provide energy-dense and nutrient poor food. It’s the selection
of students to create either in support of or against junk food within their junk food nation research
paper. What is the best thesis title for food and beverages research. Clearly it’s the consumers fault
for committing the same. Bourne, L., Lambert, E.V, K. Steyn, 2002. Where does the black population
of South Africa stand on the nutrition transition. For example whether improvement of cooking skills
can generate interest and knowledge and improve dietary behaviours and whether a lack of interest
in food and nutrition contributes to a lack of both fruit and vegetable consumption and cooking
skills. Fast food has gained its popularity as it is convenient, tastes good and inexpensive. For each
focus, we only took approximately 30 minutes to interview the students. People should stop being
sloths and cook their own meals such as vegetable soups.

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