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Module 6 Important Concepts Part 1

Advantages and Disadvantages of using fossil fuel

A) High energy efficiency

- Tiny amount of fossil fuel produces large amount of energy
B) Extensive Usage
- Generating electricity or producing by-product
C) Easy storage and transportation
- Can be transferred directly to users through pipelined
D) Uneven distribution
E) Limited Reserves
- Demand increasing since Industrial Revolution
- Supply is limited
F) Air pollution
- Incomplete combustion
- Suspended particulates, SO2
- Smog, Acid Rain
G) Global Warming
- Excess CO2 (kind of greenhouse gases)

Advantages and Disadvantages of using nuclear energy

A) Rich Reserves
- Large reserves of uranium
B) High energy efficiency
- Tiny amount of uranium produces large amount of energy
C) Easy transportation and storage
- Volume of uranium is small
D) No AIR pollution
- No air pollutants are emitted
E) Limited reserves
- Non-renewable
F) High Cost
- Advanced Technology is needed, hence high cost for construction and maintenance
- Exclusive to many developing countries
G) Locational limitation
- Located at coastal areas (Need water to cool down the reactors)
H) Environmental Concern
- Thermal pollution
- Land cannot be reused for other purposes due to radioactivity
I) Safety concern
- Nuclear waste is radioactive
- Nuclear explosion causes death and brings long term health impacts

Factors affecting the choice of energy resources

A) Cost
- Construction, R&D, Maintenance, Price of raw materials (Fluctuation?)
B) Environmental Impacts
- Extraction stage and Consumption stage
- Greenhouse gas, air pollutants
C) Energy efficiency
D) Safety
E) Reliability/Stability
F) Level of Technology

Question: Is nuclear energy a good alternative to fossil fuel? (10m, 15mins)

Exam Skill 3 – Data Analysis: Describing the Pattern

How to do?
A) Classification
B) First and last (To get the trend)
C) Representative data (The largest/smallest number)
D) Comparison of data
- More/Less/Fast/Slow
- Need calculation
E) It shows that…….
F) Conclusion
- Improve/worsen/stable/preview/Increase/Decrease

 Use More=Better

Example 1: Liberal Studies Tutorial Lesson 2 Exam skill Question and Ans

Example 2: Liberal Studies Tutorial Lesson 2 Exam skill Question and Ans

Next Lesson:

Module 6 Important Concepts Part 2 – More about the choose of energy sources / Sustainable
Exam Skill 4-Foumulating your Counter Argument and Rebuttal Part 1
Exam Skill 5-Conflict

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