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Module 6 Important Concepts 2

More about the choose of energy sources

Which fuel mix option is more suitable for the development of Hong Kong?
Option 1: Purchase from the Mainland Option 2: Using more natural gas for
power grid local generation

1. Environment (Really? Cross border 1. More reliable

pollution****) 2. Less diversified fuels, susceptible
2. Diversified fuels to the price increase due to heavy
3. Flexibility to increase the supply reliance on natural gas

Sustainable Development

Definition of Sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

A) Economic Aspect
- Production (GDP), Availability of natural resources, Labor force, Technological advancement,
Expenditure of the government...
B) Environmental Aspect
- Ecosystem, habitat, energy, pollution, Natural resources, Carbon footprint
C) Social Aspect
- Political (Governance, Policy, Human Right, Equality, Rule of Law)
- Cultural (Tradition, HIGHLY related to the sense of identity of citizens)
- Education and learning
- Health and Well being (QOL)
- Social discontent and instability

Case Study:
Can the use of renewable energy promote sustainable development in China?

Example 1 - Example 4: Liberal Studies TutorialLesson 3Important concepts Question and Ans

Exam Skill 4 – Formulating your Counter Argument and Rebuttal Part 1

Format of your answer when you are answering a stance question.

IF 10 Marks,
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Counter Argument

YOU MUST write your Counter Argument when dealing with questions asking your stance.
Rebuttal is not a must. Your Counter arguments must be elaborated logically and in great details. YOU SHOULD
NOT give a weak and illogical Counter Argument just for being able to provide a rebuttal (不要為搏而搏)

Ways to make a rebuttal

1. Questioning Necessity
- CA: Doing ABenefit, R: Not the only way/better alternatives available
- (e.g. Comparing the effectiveness of different methods)
2. The Dark Side
- CA: Adv of A, R: AdvDisadv
- (e.g. Internet Learning, CA: Flexible, R: Too flexible, students don’t have discipline)
3. The Bright Side
- CA: Disadv, R: DisadvAdv
- (e.g. Abolish Liberal Studies in HKDSE, CA: Pressure, R: Pressure push us to learn)
4. Questioning validity of CA with Reasons and Evidence
- CA: Any Arguments supporting his stance, R: Saying that his argument is not logical or using evidence
to reduce the validity of his argument
- (e.g. GM Food, CA: Good for people living under poverty, R: Most of the GM food are sold in
developed countries + reduce the income of farmers in the developing countries)
5. Solvable
- CA: Problems exist, R: There is solution to solve the problem
- (e.g. Assessing effectiveness of your suggested method)
6. Refuting Mutual Exclusivity
- CA: X causes Y which is good disappears, R: X and Y can exist together + How come?
- (e.g. Spending money on “One belt One Road”, CA: Money should be spent on helping the poor, R:
Government has a lot of money, helping the poor and supporting OBOR can coexit)

Exam Skill 5 – Conflict

Steps in coping with this kind of question

1. Find the stakeholders involved in the issue discussed
2. Find the conflicts (2 types) between the stakeholders (Don’t write the same stakeholders for 2
A) Interests
- Individual vs Public
- Harmful vs beneficial
- Different kinds of interest, e.g. economic, QOL, own right etc
B) Value
- Different Priority
- Different FOCUS of the stakeholders (注重 d 咩)

A and B have conflict in terms of Value/Interests.
For A, + Explanation
However, for B, + Explanation

Example 1-3: Liberal Studies Tutorial Lesson 3 Exam skill Question and Ans

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