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Title: Anatomy Of A Literature Review: Mastering the Art of Scholarly Synthesis

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the anatomy of a literature review! Crafting a literature
review is often perceived as a daunting task, requiring meticulous research, critical analysis, and
proficient writing skills. Whether you're a seasoned academic or a student navigating the intricate
world of scholarly writing, understanding the essence of a literature review is crucial for academic

A literature review serves as a critical component of academic research, offering a comprehensive

overview and evaluation of existing literature on a particular topic. It not only demonstrates your
familiarity with the field but also provides a foundation for your research by identifying gaps,
debates, and trends within the existing body of knowledge.

However, the process of constructing a literature review is inherently complex and time-consuming.
It involves:

1. Thorough Research: Conducting extensive research to identify relevant sources, including

scholarly articles, books, conference proceedings, and other academic publications.
2. Critical Analysis:Evaluating and synthesizing the findings, methodologies, and arguments
presented in the selected literature. This requires critical thinking skills to assess the strengths,
weaknesses, and biases of each source.
3. Organizational Structure: Structuring the literature review in a logical and coherent
manner, often following a thematic, chronological, or methodological approach to present the
information effectively.
4. Writing Proficiency: Articulating your insights and analysis in clear, concise, and
academically sound language. Writing a literature review demands proficiency in academic
writing conventions, including proper citation and referencing.

Given the complexities involved, many individuals find themselves struggling to compose a literature
review that meets the rigorous standards of academic scholarship. That's where ⇒ ⇔
comes in.

At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges students and researchers face when it comes
to crafting literature reviews. Our team of experienced writers specializes in academic writing,
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Don't let the complexities of writing a literature review hinder your academic progress. Order your
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Writing and structuring a literature review imparts the required knowledge to the readers only when
you do it at the right time. Questions for Further Research: What questions about the field has the
review sparked. You should be able to answer it based only on a review of existing publications.
Organize: Sort the remaining impressions into categories. Nova has also worked as a technical and
scientific writer. Yet Another Writing Tip When Do I Know I Can Stop Looking and Move On. Find
the research gap Okay, that’s enough abstract discussion and metaphor. When you have multiple
sources cited in a paragraph, you are more likely to be synthesizing them (not always, but often Read
more about synthesis here. Often, the literature review is where you can establish your research as
filling a particular gap or as relevant in a particular way. Depending on the length of your literature
review, you can combine several of these strategies (for example, your overall structure might be
thematic, but each theme is discussed chronologically). A review may be a self-contained unit — an
end in itself — or a preface to and rationale for engaging in primary research. It’s one of the great
ironies of science: researchers make exciting discoveries and then dull them with dense, boring
writing. Pivotal publications: are there any influential theories or studies that changed the direction
of the field. Source: SciSpace ii) Thematic literature review The thematic literature review is the best
way to structure your literature review based on the theme or category of your research. Searching
the extant literature: The next step consists of searching the literature and making decisions about the
suitability of material to be considered in the review ( Cooper, 1988 ). For example, a literature
review that focuses on continuing research about the emergence of German economic power after
the fall of the Soviet Union. Introduction The introduction should: define your topic and provide an
appropriate context for reviewing the literature; establish your reasons - i.e. point of view - for
reviewing the literature; Literature Reviews A literature review can be just a simple summary of the
sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis.
Maybe you’re on the verge of getting a doctorate and want a literature review to be just ideal.
Writing service experts are ready to make it, considering the peculiarities of your educational stage. If
you ask the literature for knowledge, you’ll grow frustrated with how slowly it teaches you. Unlike
other review types, critical reviews attempt to take a reflective account of the research that has been
done in a particular area of interest, and assess its credibility by using appraisal instruments or critical
interpretive methods. Scientific research can be made more accessible, informative, and impactful by
structuring the literature review according to the different types of approaches discussed in this blog.
Take notes and cite your sources As you read, you should also begin the writing process. Do not use
extensive quotes as a substitute your own summary and interpretation of the literature. Other
Sections of Your Literature Review Once you've decided on the organizational method for your
literature review, the sections you need to include in the paper should be easy to figure out because
they arise from your organizational strategy. Summarize and synthesize Remember to summarize and
synthesize your sources within each paragraph as well as throughout the review. Try to analyze the
patterns, turning points, and key debates that have shaped the direction of the field. Fuel
314:122869. Wang Z, Xie W, Zhang C (2023) Towards COP26 targets: characteristics and
influencing factors of spatial correlation network structure on U.S. carbon emission. Resour Policy
81:103285. To this end, they conducted a comprehensive search on multiple databases using highly
sensitive search strategies without language or publication-type restrictions to identify all rct s that
are eligible for inclusion. Take notes that you can later incorporate into the text of your literature
If the same thing is being said, just by different people, then this likely demonstrates that the research
problem has hit a conceptual dead end. Provide strong sentences at beginnings of paragraphs: every
paragraph shall deal with a topic or make a point. Look at sources the authors cite to in their work.
Zhang YJ, Da YB (2015) The decomposition of energy-related carbon emission and its decoupling
with economic growth in China. Anytime I review a new article, I start with this template and refer
to it as I skim. You need to make sure that you are aware of the debates and counter arguments
associated with your topic as well. Social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok
Body image, self-perception, self-esteem, mental health Generation Z, teenagers, adolescents, youth
Search for relevant sources Use your keywords to begin searching for sources. Usually, it’s
unnecessary, but if an abstract is mentioned in the requirements, consider adding it to the working
plan. While the study focuses on one topic, the Internet’s impact on American presidential politics, it
will still be organized chronologically reflecting technological developments in media. The purpose
of this descriptive or mapping review was to characterize publication trends in the medical
informatics literature over a 20-year period (1987 to 2006). Every Tuesday and Thursday at the
Research Commons. Given this, while literature reviews are designed to provide an overview and
synthesis of pertinent sources you have explored, there are a number of approaches you could adopt
depending upon the type of analysis underpinning your study. Omri A (2013) CO 2 emissions,
energy consumption and economic growth nexus in MENA countries: evidence from simultaneous
equations models. This handout will explain what literature reviews are and offer insights into the
form and construction of literature reviews in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Make
sure the sources you use are credible, and make sure you read any landmark studies and major
theories in your field of research. Tip: Use SciSpace Literature Review to compare and contrast
multiple research papers on a single screen, saving a significant amount of time. In essence, a well-
crafted literature review informs and elevates your research, ensuring its relevance and impact within
your academic field. Provide the reader with strong “umbrella” sentences at beginnings of
paragraphs, “signposts” throughout, and brief “so what” summary sentences at intermediate points in
the review to aid in understanding comparisons and analyses. London: Pearson. You may reproduce
it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Make a Gift Learn how to write a review of literature
What is a review of literature. Does the research use the usual methods, or is it trying something new.
Analysis of Performance Appraisal Systems on Employee Job Productivity in Pub. The classification
of quality indicators into the three delineated categories as per the Donabedian model necessitated
thorough discussions among the reviewers. Wrong, Dennis H., (1995). Power, Its forms, bases and
uses. Despite their well-documented potential, many health systems have yet to leverage quality
indicators to tackle the increasingly prevalent issue of workplace violence in healthcare. For each
source, consider the following: What's the Author Trying to Do. So when I joined my friend for an
“easy” 10-mile tour on a borrowed road-bike, I thought I’d enjoy myself. The easiest way to do this:
take one of those weaknesses and make it your research gap. You’ll feel daunted by the mountain of
reading before you. The following study designs were eligible for inclusion in this review: abstracts,
case studies, cluster-randomized control studies, commentaries, comparative studies, cross-sectional
studies, database analysis, Delphi method studies, letters to the editor, literature reviews, meta-
analysis, mixed method studies, qualitative studies, quality improvement studies, quantitative
studies, quasi-experiments, systematic reviews, and validating method studies. You are seriously
underestimating the value of a note-taking template. I know. You probably think the way you take
notes now is just fine.
What are some strategies or tips I can use while writing my lit review. Features: collaborative,
permits multiple co-authors, and multiple export formats. And the longer you put it off, the guiltier
you feel. Research Guides: Literature Reviews: Concept Mapping A concept map or mind map is a
visual representation of knowledge that illustrates relationships between concepts or ideas. But
there’s no need to worry about the quality of the writing if you get inspired by the examples
presented here. Mark the top of your notes with an “X” to signal an exemplary article. Tip: Use a
Synthesis Matrix As you read sources, themes will emerge that will help you to organize the review.
Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 5 February 2018 at 06:02 Wow, great post. Is contrary data
considered or is certain pertinent information ignored to prove the author's point. For example:
Qualitative versus quantitative research Empirical versus theoretical reeview Divide the research by
sociological, historical, or cultural sources Theoretical: In many humanities articles, the literature
review is the foundation for the theoretical revieew. Analyzing data using quantitative or qualitative
methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:8459. Mento C, Silvestri MC, Bruno A,
Muscatello MR, Cedro C, Pandolfo G, et al. Despite its detailed coverage, it is important to note that
in the emerging field of healthcare WPV QI, this reviews list of indicators is non-exhaustive and not
broadly applicable to every healthcare environment. Thus, while ambient sexism accounted for some
of the masculine bias, sexist language amplified the effect. (Source: Erika Falk and Jordan Mills,
“Why Sexist Language Affects Persuasion: The Role of Homophily, Intended Audience, and
Offense,” Women and Language19:2). To help you come up with an overall organizational
framework for your review, consider the following scenario: You’ve decided to focus your literature
review on materials dealing with sperm whales. Give your interpretation of how and why certain
developments occurred. The critical evaluation of each work should consider: Provenance -- what are
the author's credentials. Conducting a literature review establishes your familiarity with and
understanding of current research in a particular field before carrying out a new investigation.
Conceptual Categories: The literature review is organized around a topic or issue, rather than the
progression of time. This helps you remember what you read and saves time later in the process.
University of Toronto; Writing a Literature Review. If so, you can find a more novel research gap by
combining multiple weaknesses. Identifying Gaps: Aims to pinpoint areas where there is a lack of
research or unresolved questions, highlighting opportunities for further investigation. However, there
are situations in which it is neither reasonable nor appropriate to pool studies together using meta-
analytic methods simply because there is extensive clinical heterogeneity between the included
studies or variation in measurement tools, comparisons, or outcomes of interest. The utilization of
indicators showed promise for characterizing WPV and measuring the efficacy of interventions. Key
Concepts (one main section per theme and then sub sections as necessary to help organize your work
and make it easier to read) 5. Findings from eight rct s involving 6,615 participants were pooled into
meta-analyses to calculate the magnitude of effects that mobile text message reminders have on the
rate of attendance at healthcare appointments compared to no reminders and phone call reminders.
As you’ve been collecting and synthesising literature, you’ll likely have started seeing some themes
or patterns emerging. This review establishes a compilation of indicators across all three categories to
serve as a starting point for health systems looking to incorporate comprehensive and actionable
quality indicators. It should: - Go through our key themes in order (eg, by importance or
chronologically). - Explore relevant material, theme by theme; - Clearly show why certain studies are
important - Draw conclusions from our literature as we go - Explore the ideas of experts AND our
underpinning research theories - Contain all the materials needed for our research project - Explain
how individual studies relate to and advance theory.
In-text citations are key to a good literature review. A summary is a recap of the important
information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information in
a way that informs how you are planning to investigate a research problem. Focus on ways to have
the body of literature tell its own story. For each publication, ask yourself: What question or problem
is the author addressing. Wondering whether Articles X, Y, and Z corroborate each other’s findings.
Literature Review Table One way to organize your thought process, and your writing, is to create a
Literature Review Table. Keep your own voice While the literature review presents others’ ideas,
your voice (the writer’s) should remain front and center. Doing Your Literature Review: Traditional
and Systematic Techniques. Understanding the use of balanced scorecard in the context of state
owned ent. Kucharski JB, Unesaki H (2017) Japan’s 2014 strategic energy plan: a planned energy
system transition. You may want to use a Critical reading grid for social science resources or a CASP
tool for specific research types. Balancing carbon emission reduction with economic growth poses an
unprecedented global challenge. Thus, while ambient sexism accounted for some of the masculine
bias, sexist language amplified the effect. (Source: Erika Falk and Jordan Mills, “Why Sexist
Language Affects Persuasion: The Role of Homophily, Intended Audience, and Offense,” Women
and Language19:2). Even when paraphrasing an author’s work, you still must provide a citation to
that work. But there’s no need to worry about the quality of the writing if you get inspired by the
examples presented here. Critically evaluate: mention the strengths and weaknesses of your sources.
Counting what Counts - Key Performance Indicators for Adult and. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
Department of Library and Information Science University of the Punjab. Depending on the length
of your literature review, you might want to divide the body into subsections. Despite its detailed
coverage, it is important to note that in the emerging field of healthcare WPV QI, this reviews list of
indicators is non-exhaustive and not broadly applicable to every healthcare environment. N Engl J
Med. 2016;375. Byon HD, Sagherian K, Kim Y, Lipscomb J, Crandall M, Steege L. Read them to
get a sense of the types of themes you might want to look for in your own research or to identify
ways to organize your final review. By trend: A better way to organize the above sources
chronologically is to examine the sources under another trend, such as the history of whaling. The
goal is to deliberately document, critically evaluate, and summarize scientifically all of the research
about a clearly defined research problem. When setting up measures, managers are warned of the
strong effects the process. Using relevant keywords and phrases in your search is essential,
experimenting with diverse combinations for a thorough collection of relevant sources. The pool of
writers on this platform encompasses experts in every literature review type. Introduce the literature
review by pointing out the major research topic that will be discussed. Instead, researchers often
present studies that are representative of most works published in a particular area and they consider
a specific time frame to be mapped. What you include in each depends on the objective of your
literature review.
Systematic approaches, such as the Delphi technique, can be leveraged to develop consensus
amongst diverse stakeholders involved with WPV management. In either case, you could use a more
balanced pace. Whatever method you use, complete your research gap brainstorm session by writing
a brief summary. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the data
made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Conducting a
literature review Focusing on different aspects of your literature review can be useful to help plan,
develop, refine and write it. This approach should only be followed if a clear path of research
building on previous research can be identified and that these trends follow a clear chronological
order of development. Liu B, Li Y, Hou R, Wang H (2021) Assessing the drivers of China’s CO 2
emissions based on PDA. Tip: Use SciSpace Literature Review to compare and contrast multiple
research papers on a single screen, saving a significant amount of time. How does the publication
relate to other literature in the field. Depending on the nature of your project, you could also present
your stance or point of view at this stage. It’s one of the great ironies of science: researchers make
exciting discoveries and then dull them with dense, boring writing. Here are three reasons why I
love using a note-taking template. How will you further your research as a result of the review. The
above fund mainly provides financial assistance in the process of paper discussion and language
polishing. You'll get your paper on time, even if it is due in 3 hours. Bourne, 2000, p.17). Its
purported advantages over traditional systems are seen in. It is useful when emphasizing the
methodologies used by researchers and their implications for the findings. The purpose of this
descriptive or mapping review was to characterize publication trends in the medical informatics
literature over a 20-year period (1987 to 2006). Guo F, Zhang L, Wang Z, Ji S (2022) Research on
determining the critical influencing factors of carbon emission integrating GRA with an improved
STIRPAT model: taking the Yangtze River Delta as an example. Thomas’ Note-taking Template
Here’s the template I use for taking literature review notes. As you’ve been collecting and
synthesising literature, you’ll likely have started seeing some themes or patterns emerging. Doing a
Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. Here’s a quick recap of what
you need to keep in mind when deciding on your literature review structure: Just like other chapters,
your literature review needs a clear introduction, body and conclusion. It will change the way you
perceive the literature. Initially this table can start to be filled out when gathering literature, and then
further filled out when surveying and critiquing your literature. Root-cause analysis: swatting at
mosquitoes versus draining the swamp. Literature search -- finding materials relevant to the subject
being explored. 3. Data evaluation -- determining which literature makes a significant contribution to
the understanding of the topic. 4. Analysis and interpretation -- discussing the findings and
conclusions of pertinent literature. Caution must be exercised to ensure indicators are not
discriminatory and are suited to specific organizational needs. Nova has also worked as a technical
and scientific writer. When writing your review, keep in mind these issues.
In-text citations are key to a good literature review. Performance Measurement in Service Businesses
London: The Chartered Institute of. After the introduction, it grounds your research in a scholarly
field and leads directly to your theoretical framework or methodology. If you are writing a literature
review as a stand-alone assignment, you will have to choose a focus and develop a central question
to direct your search. We yearn to read each article from start-to-finish. To illustrate the difference
between reporting and reviewing, think about television or film review articles. A majority of the
articles (93%) contained at least 1 quality indicator that possessed the potential to be operationalized
at an organizational level. A methodological scope will influence either the types of documents in the
review or the way in which these documents are discussed. All Good Essays, Documentaries and
Presentations Contain. Some questions to ask: How are they organizing their ideas. You can use our
free APA Reference Generator for quick, correct, consistent citations. Categorizing and clustering
indicators can help healthcare systems, target areas that are under-supported, underperforming, and in
need of intervention. You can use a simple Synthesis Matrix to track your notes as you read.
Highlight key areas for future research on the topic. Effect of an education program, Risk
Assessment Checklist and Prevention Protocol on Violence against Emergency Department nurses: a
single center before and after study. Thank you! You have given thought-provoking information
about the review of the literature. Thank you. It has made my own research better and to impart your
work to students I teach I learnt a lot from this teaching. What other sections you include in the
body is up to you but include only what is necessary for the reader to locate your study within the
larger scholarly framework. Frodeman, Robert. The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity.
Introduction Define the topic of the literature review, including any terminology. Findings revealed
that there were over 77,000 medical informatics articles published during the covered period in
numerous journals and that the average annual growth rate was 12%. You dust off a novel and a
book of poetry, settle down in your chair, and get ready to issue a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” as
you leaf through the pages. “Literature review” done. I was initially skeptical and doubtful that the
work could be done as requested. Is contrary data considered or is certain pertinent information
ignored to prove the author's point. A small set of indicators were also utilized to gauge healthcare
worker perception of security team responses during violent incidents. So, it’s essential to learn the
components of a literature review structure before you start writing one. Sometimes, students hesitate
whether to trust authors or not. The MeSH term analysis also suggested a strong interdisciplinary
trend. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The literature review gives you a chance
to: Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and scholarly context Develop a theoretical
framework and methodology for your research Position yourself in relation to other researchers and
theorists Show how your dissertation addresses a gap or contributes to a debate You might also have
to write a literature review as a stand-alone assignment. Grand MC (2016) Carbon emission targets
and decoupling indicators.

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