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Q-CARD for Moderator

Ambassador Insight with the Embassy of Romania to Indonesia

Jakarta, Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Assalamualaikum,Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Good Morning, may peace be upon all of us.

1. His Excellency Chairperson of BKKBN, Bapak Dr. Hasto

Wardoyo, MD, OBGYN;
2. His Excellency Mr. Dan-Adrian Balenescu, Ambassador of
Romania to Indonesia
3. His Excellency Mr. Meidyatama Suryodiningrat, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to
Romania accredited to the Republic of Moldova
4. Dr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan, SKM, MPS, MA, Officer in Charge
Deputy for Training, Research and Development of BKKBN
5. Representative from Ministry of Family, Youth, and Equal
Opportunities of Romania
6. Ladies and Gentlement

1. Moderator thanking the MC, for giving the flor to moderate the

2. Family development and family planning is one of the national

development issues with an emphasis on the importance of
strengthening family resilience. Protection and empowerment of
the family as the smallest unit in society is the main target in family
development, while family planning can build resilience through
healthier and smaller families and contribute to ending the cycle of
crisis that cripples so many countries. Family development and

family planning is an effort to create quality, resilient and
prosperous families who live in a healthy environment at every
stage of life.

In this webinar we will have a Sharing knowledge, best-practices

and experience on Innovation in Strengthening Family Income:
Lesson Learned from Romania

3. Moderator invite Dr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan, SKM, MPS, MA,

Officer in Charge Deputy for Training, Research and Development of
National Population and Family Planning Board of the Republic of
Indonesia (BKKBN) to present on “Efforts to Increase family income
through Family Micro Business Groups Program for Family
Planning Acceptors in Indonesia”. – 20 Minutes

4. Moderator invite H.E. Dan-Adrian Balanescu, Ambassador of

Romania to Indonesia to give a Keynote Speech – 10 Minutes

5. Moderator invite Representative from Ministry of Family, Youth,

and Equal Opportunities of Romania, to share information and
insights on Innovation in Strengthening Family Income: Lesson
Learned from Romania – 20 Minutes (Join Virtually from Romania)

6. Moderator invite H.E. Bapak Meidyatama Suryodiningrat,

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Romania in Bucharest
to gives views and suggestions on Potential future Collaboration
between Indonesia and Romania in the field of Family
Development, Population and Family Planning – 10 Minutes (Join
Virtually from KBRI Bucharest, Romania

7. Entering the Discussion Session, Question & Answers (No direct

communication, Questions through Slido/Gform and selected by the
committee) – Moderator Read and address the Questions provided
at the screen – Estimated 30 Minutes or 4 to 5 questions
depanding on the remaining time

8. Moderator Wrapt up the Session and Hand Over back to MC

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