Universal Declaration Against Sexual Abuse

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**Universal Declaration Against Sexual Abuse**


Acknowledging the inherent dignity and the inalienable rights of all members of the
human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world;

Recognizing that sexual abuse is a grave violation of human rights and an affront to
the dignity and integrity of individuals;

Affirming the urgent need to protect all individuals, especially children, women, and
vulnerable populations, from all forms of sexual abuse;

Emphasizing the importance of global cooperation and solidarity in preventing sexual

abuse, supporting victims, and holding perpetrators accountable;

Hereby proclaim the **Universal Declaration Against Sexual Abuse** as a common

standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, with the goal of eradicating
sexual abuse and fostering a world where every individual's rights and dignity are
respected and protected.

**Article 1: Right to Protection**

Every individual has the right to be protected from sexual abuse. States and
communities shall take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual abuse and to
provide safe environments for all individuals.

**Article 2: Right to Support and Justice**

Victims of sexual abuse have the right to access support services, including medical,
psychological, and legal assistance. They also have the right to seek justice through
fair and impartial legal processes that respect their dignity and privacy.

**Article 3: Duty to Educate and Prevent**

States, institutions, and communities have the duty to educate the public about the
harms of sexual abuse and to promote respectful and healthy relationships.
Preventive measures, including awareness campaigns and educational programs,
shall be implemented to combat sexual abuse.

**Article 4: Right to Rehabilitation and Recovery**

Individuals affected by sexual abuse have the right to access rehabilitation and
recovery programs that address their physical, psychological, and social needs,
ensuring their reintegration into society with dignity and respect.

**Article 5: International Cooperation**

States shall cooperate internationally to combat sexual abuse, including sharing best
practices, supporting cross-border initiatives, and adhering to international
agreements aimed at protecting individuals from sexual abuse.


This **Universal Declaration Against Sexual Abuse** calls upon states,

organizations, and individuals worldwide to commit to the principles outlined herein,
to take concrete actions to prevent sexual abuse, support victims, and ensure that
justice is served, thereby upholding the dignity and rights of every person.

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