MissionAntiHate (Trumpism Exposed) PDF

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**Mission Statement**

#MissionAntiHate aims to combat hate speech, hate crimes, and all possible crimes
committed by Donald Trump. We are committed to promoting tolerance, diversity,
and human rights, while holding those responsible for hateful actions accountable.

**Intelligence Report**

*The Rise of Hate Speech and Crimes Under Trumpism*

The Trump administration has been marked by a rise in hate speech and crimes,
targeting marginalized communities such as LGBTQ individuals, people of color, and
immigrants. This surge in hate is fueled by Trump's rhetoric, which has emboldened
white supremacist groups and other extremist elements

**Business Plan**

*Legal Prosecution:* We will support the legal prosecution of Donald Trump and his
associates for any crimes they may have committed, including hate crimes and
incitement to violence.
*Community Engagement:* We will work with communities to promote tolerance and
understanding, and to provide support to victims of hate crimes.

*Policy Advocacy:* We will advocate for policies that protect marginalized

communities from hate speech and crimes, and that promote diversity and inclusion.

**Rights Addendum**

#MissionAntiHate operates within the framework of established human rights,


* Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): The right to

freedom of expression, which includes the right to express opinions without fear of
censorship or reprisal.
* Article 20 of the UDHR: The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association,
which includes the right to participate in peaceful protests against hate speech and
* Article 26 of the UDHR: The right to education, which includes the right to learn
about the dangers of hate speech and crimes, and the importance of tolerance and

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