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Jenny R.

Olaco EDE2A
Written Report in Educ 111: The Teaching Profession
III: Teaching as a Profession in the Philippines
Profession is any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often
one that is respected because it involves a high level of education. In education,
teaching is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is usually
organized within a discipline and, more generally, the provision of stimulus to the
psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another person or artifact.
The policy goals should be to ensure that all children have access to skillful
teachers to make the teaching profession more attractive to talented young adults,
and to produce humane and intellectually lively learning communities for both
students and teachers. (Linda Darling – Hammond)
In January 1977, Presidential Decree No. 1006 entitled Providing for the
Professionalization of Teachers regulating their practice in the Philippines otherwise
known as the Decree Professionalizing Teaching was promulgated. It was declared
policy that teacher education be of the highest quality, and strongly oriented to
Philippine conditions and to the needs and aspirations of teaching will attract the
Filipino people. The examination for teachers was jointly given and retain its rightful
by the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Education share of the best
and Culture. Passers in the board examination were qualified for registration as
professional teachers and were given the Professional Teacher Certificate.
In 1991 the Congressional Commission to Review and Assess Philippine Education
(EDCOM) came out with the finding that the “quality of Philippine education is
declining” and that the teachers are “at the heart of the problem”. The EDCOM
discussed further that:
• teachers are poorly trained
• there is low quality of students enrolled in teacher training
• teaching is perceived as a poorly esteemed profession so it does not attract the
best as mandated in the Philippine Constitution that “teaching will attract and retain
its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and
other means of job satisfaction and fulfilment” (Article XIV, Section 4 (5).
In 1994 Republic Act No. 7836 known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization
Act of 1994 declared the policy recognizing the vital role of teachers in nation
building. The Act created Board for Professional Teachers, a collegial body under the
general supervision and administrative control of the Professional Regulation
The dynamics of teaching is a continuous interaction of the teacher and the
learners, the learners with other learners – inside and beyond the classrooms, in co-
curricula and other school activities. Dynamism in teaching would result to the
acceptance of roles, responsibilities and accountability of the teacher in the teaching-
learning process given the complexity and magnitude of the Philippine educational
System (Llagas, 2003 )

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