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Evaluation of Power Wheeling Proposed Concept in

Abdur Rouf Marchel. P. Rumlaklak Deky Angora Leo
Engineering Dept. Master of Management Student Planning Dept.
PT PLN Enjiniring Universitas Trisakti PT PLN (Persero) UID Suluttenggo
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Manado, Indonesia

Abstract—The power wheeling concept is an changing regulation is the main challenge for
approach to collectively utilize the electricity renewables to play a bigger role in Indonesia energy
network through an open access to electricity sector. The regulatory framework for renewables is
transmission and distribution networks. Nowadays,
currently under deliberation process in the parliament,
there are so many pros and cons about this concept
especially between stated owned utility company however the result is most likely remaining the status
(PLN) and Private Sector. In the other hand, the quo of the energy sector largely controlled by the
government has target to achieve more and more government through PLN and transition to renewables
renewable energy penetration which is become will be most likely to take longer than targeted
very challenges to accomplished. Not only the timeframe in 2060.
double, but also multiple increasing of RE
implementation specifically in energy sector. Issue of national sovereignty should not be
However, the limitation of the PLN to invest and misinterpreted and misused in energy sector, as many
build their own generation appeared as big parties in domestic politics use the energy security
obstacles to do it. It can be denied that private argument to indirectly push out private sector players,
sector participation is one of success key. The
or make unattractive to attract major investment.
optimum solution between power capacity that can
be transmitted, and distance of transmission line Argument of national sovereignty is irrelevant as more
become two main considerations to determine the strategic industries such as rare earth minerals mining,
power wheeling tariff. By simulating these two, it oil & gas, water, are all liberalized. These industries
can be obtained that the power wheeling have finite reserves, which will impact defence and
economically viable to implement in Indonesia geopolitical aspects – aspects that contradict with
which has steepness system more than 150 MW renewables, where there is virtually infinite resources
and distance in range 50-300 km. This concept has
and minimum impact to defence and geopolitical
advantages for private sector to reduce to cost
without build the transmission lines and can supply spectrums.
their own demand, while in PLN side, it can support Gradually opening and liberalization of the energy
renewable energy penetration, additional income by
sector will create a more attractive energy ecosystem in
rent the transmission line to private but it still under
control because the maximum power has been Indonesia, which in turn will attract investments
limited. specifically in heavy industries such as steel, cement,
or hydrogen production – all need stable and massive
Keywords — Power Wheeling, economically power supply. Currently there is gap of more than 1GW
viable, renewable energy penetration excess power in Java Bali grid. This will soon become
I. INTRODUCTION deficit as government initiated the policy of coal-fired
Indonesia’s energy mix in year 2020 was still largely power plants early retirement and economic activities
comprised of coal and crude oil & products, which made ramping up post-Covid19 pandemic.
up more than half of total mix. Lack of high penetration The most commercially feasible and environmentally
of renewable energy in national energy mix is primarily viable way of initial step into full electricity market
due to high cost associated with exploration, licensing, liberalization is enabling power wheeling concept as a
feasibility studies and commissioning of projects in public private partnership scheme. This scheme will
renewables. Geothermal for example, costs up to 15 US enable private company to setup agreement with PLN
cent per kwh, significant difference with coal which to transmit electricity generated from independent
costs only half of it. Other form of renewables such as power producer, for its own consumption and potentially
solar PV, hydropower or wind are also facing their own to retail market soon.
challenges to compete with fossil fuel. Constantly
With growing number of populations sustained by heavy (EBTKE) of Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
reliance on fossil fuel, the country’s capability to (MEMR), Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance,
gradually liberate the electricity market with active Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, and
involvement of renewables will create a more attractive Coordinating Ministry of Maritime & Investment Affairs.
investment ecosystem for heavy industries with
minimum risk of pollution and environmental
There are two objectives of this project, one is tactical
and other of strategic objective. The tactical one is to
create opportunity for private sector to disentangle main
aspect of its business model from state-owned
electricity company PLN, except for usage of PLN
transmission line, hence the need to establish wheeling

FIGURE 1. Indonesia Renewables Potential The strategic objective is to nudge the Indonesian
(Mustaba Ari Suryoko, Directorate of VNRE, Indonesia MEMR) electricity market towards total privatization of electricity
market. To speed up transition to Net Zero Emission
(NZE) and 100% renewable energy mix in the national
II. SCOPES AND ISSUES energy, the Indonesia national electricity market cannot
be left to be monopolized by PLN only. Overreliance on
Scope of this project is limited to power wheeling pricing PLN to dictate, operate and regulate Indonesia
mechanism between public and private entities, using electricity market is not only unfavourable towards
existing transmission line. The power generated by industry competitiveness, it would also undermine the
private sector asset would be consumed internally by effort to execute a rapid and smooth energy transition
the company itself (captive power). The issue on this to renewables.
scheme is, the renewable energy power generation To facilitate this transition to fully liberated national
plant owned by a certain private entity is located at a electricity market, the ecosystem should be in place to
considerable distance from its own manufacturing encourage private sector players, be it national or
facility. This situation creates unfavourable business international companies, to be able to see there is
landscape because the company must create its own strong business case to enter the sector. Most of
transmission line to connect both points of power existing players in non-renewables consist of long-time
generation and consumption. operators that keen to gradually switching to
Setting up and commissioning a new transmission line renewables because of market and policy pressures to
configuration is challenging not only from cost reduce climate change impact. Should power wheeling
perspective, but more from permit/licensing aspects, if concept makes business case for both PLN and private
the transmission line would be located on the natural operator, this would trigger a chain reaction that can
reserve, heritage designated zone, highly populated spark further investigation into benefits of electricity
and other special protected zones. Private company market liberalization.
utilizing existing PLN transmission line would be win- On below figures there is information of countries
win solution for both parties, as PLN will get revenue already implementing power wheeling including
from the wheeling tariff, while the private company Norway, Germany, UK, Australia, US and Japan. Japan
would transfer the cost of transmission line is recently liberated their market, as can be reviewed
establishment and O&M to PLN. from displayed timeline.
Main challenge of setting up this scheme is to first win
the buy-in from Indonesian government, firstly is the
support by Seventh Commission of Indonesian House
of Representatives/Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR),
overseeing energy, research, and technology.
Subsequently, the support from other key elements in
the government, particularly Directorate General of
New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation
using various secondary data analysis from countries
already implementing power wheeling. In particularly
the focus are on South Africa and Japan proposed
concepts from electricity energy expert.
In essence, the power wheeling concept envisioned by
this project depicted on diagram on figure F.1, with
pricing options on following tables. The power is
produced and captured by private operator for its own
use. The location of power generation and consumption
(industrial complex) is different with significant distance
between the two, hence the need to wheel power using
existing PLN transmission line.
There are several pricing scheme options for wheeling,
depends on business model, distance, and regulatory
environment of certain country. However, being the
scheme has to be commercially feasible, the options for
deal between generator and off-taker are narrowed
down to four main types which are fixed, time-of-use
(TOU), load-based, and bid-based.
Furthermore, there are two approaches available in
market for wheeling tariff calculation formula, that is
applicable for deal between generator and wheeler.
Options are embedded-cost-based and marginal-cost-
based. The embedded-cost based consists of several
transmission cost allocation methods of postage stamp,
contract path, distance-based MW mile, power-flow-
based MW mile. While marginal-cost based consists of
short-run marginal, and long-run marginal cost. These
Figure 2. Power wheeling in other countries pricing methods need to be tested against various
((Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN Aug scenarios to determine its applicability, commercial
advantage/shortcoming, and technical implications of
operations in Indonesia.
Benefits for each stakeholder involved in power
wheeling are described in table F.1, that in overall
shows there is strong business case and merits to
implement the concept in Indonesia.

Figure 3. Timeline of Japan liberalization of electricity market

((Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN Aug

Expected deliverable of this project is wheeling tariff
pricing concept summary in PowerPoint format, for
review by private investor in heavy industry. The pricing Figure 4. Power wheeling operational concept for heavy industrial
usage (Own elaboration)
concept should be condensed to high level concept
only, with granular description to be left for later
development, depends on market development and
political landscape in Indonesia. Research for the best
pricing scheme and calculation for industrial usage, are
Table 3. Tariff formula options for transmission cost allocation,
between Generator and Wheeler
Own deliberation based on:
(Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN Aug 2016)
(Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama (2011) Wheeling Charge Reflecting the
Transmission Conditions based on the Embedded Cost Method)

Figure 5. Power wheeling concept on a hypothetical location

(Own elaboration)
Table 4. Tariff formula options for transmission cost allocation,
between Generator and Wheeler (SWOT breakdown)
Own deliberation based on:
(Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN Aug 2016)
(Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama (2011) Wheeling Charge Reflecting the
Transmission Conditions based on the Embedded Cost Method)

Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama on their paper on

Journal of International Council on Electrical
Engineering argued that embedded-cost-based
approach is more beneficial due to its ability to recover
Figure 6. Comparison between IPP scheme and Wheeling Scheme invested cost. The in-depth investigation by modelling
(Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN the application test system using IEEE 30 Nodes Test
Aug 2016) System found that distance-based MW-mile and power-
flow based MW-mile methods are commercially more
viable as they dictate wheeling pricing based on
distance and/or power flow, instead of flat pricing in
postage-stamp and contract-path method. A flat tariff
structure would undermine the transmission line owner
business case, as there is no difference of wheeling
tariff regardless of distance nor power flow.

Table 1. Wheeling stakeholder merits table Leshan Moodliar, Innocent EA Davidson, and Elutunji
(Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR, PT PLN Aug 2016)) Buraimoh on their paper in South African Association of
Municipal Electricity Utilities argue that industrial time of
use (ITOU) pricing scheme is a win-win solution for deal
between generator and off-taker involved in wheeling
concept for industrial sector, as the scheme adjust the
pricing according to live usage that fluctuate based on
Therefore, by combining above findings, the author
argues the commercially ideal concept for power
wheeling in Indonesia is combination of industrial
Table 2. Pricing scheme options, between Generator and Off-Taker Time of Use (ITOU) and Load Based pricing scheme
(SWOT breakdown) with Distance-based and Power-Flow based MW-
Own deliberation based on: mile tariff calculation formula. However, the Time of
(ESKOM Wheeling Factsheet
(Jurnal SUTET STT PLN Vol.7 No.1 Jan-Mei 2017) Use in some cases are not relevant, because the
electricity tariff in Indonesia regulated by Government in
fixed price in certain times.
Further technical investigation needs to be done by
parties involved in wheeling transaction to determine
which MW-mile tariff will be used, either distance-based
or power-flow based, or combination of both. Aim of this
project is to provide basic commercial framework for
both private operator and Indonesia state-owned
electricity company PLN to devise a workable plan in
power wheeling sector. Without sound commercial
outlook, the concept would be stillborn and exist only in
academic paper without real industry implementation.

Figure 8. Comparison of Wheeling Charge

(Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama (2011) Wheeling Charge Reflecting the
Transmission Conditions based on the Embedded Cost Method)

To quantify the advantages between PLN as state-
owned utility company and private sector, it can be
Table 5. Industrial Time of Use (ITOU) tariff structure – South Africa
((Wheeling of Electricity: A Friend or Foe in the Energy Transition, AMEU,
simulated some model and optimizing by technical and
Leshan Moodliar) financial aspects.
Technically, PLN avoid the power wheeling because
lack of control on their assets to control supply and
demand. In this case, we can make the limitation of the
power which shall be delivered by using transmission
line that will rent by private company. For example, if
one system in PLN has steepness system 50 MW/Hz or
every loss of 50 MW generation will be decreasing the
frequency by 1 Hz. If we check on the Indonesian Grid
code, the system still in stability if the normal frequency
varies between 49,5 up to 50,5 Hz. So, the maximum
power wheeling can be transferred by rent the
transmission assets just 25 MW. Otherwise, if the
private sector wants to propose the power wheeling in
150 MW, they shall look on system with steepness
minimum 300 MW/Hz or above to avoid instability in the
In this study case, we try to simulate several values of
power 50, 100, 150 and 300 MW Hydro Power Plant
(represent the renewable power plant) and variating
Figure 7. IEEE 30 Node Test System
(Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama (2011) Wheeling Charge Reflecting the transmission distance from 50, 100, 150 until 300 km.
Transmission Conditions based on the Embedded Cost Method)
The summarize of the financial assumption can be seen
on the table below:
No Description Unit Value Remark No Description Unit Value Remark
Net Plant
50 or 100 or
150 or 300
MW assumption 17
20 % assumption Tarif Structure (Rp/kWh)
Capacity Loan
Number of
60 % assumption 18
80 % assumption
Power A B C D
Cost of
3 hours per
8760 hours assumption 19
11 % Calculation
Capacity component Component Component Component
Depend on

4 Energy Sales
capacity 50
or 100 or kWh assumption 20
Cost of
7 % Calculation 50 MW 2026,98 150,26 0,00 12,93
150 or 300

5 Lifetime
by CF 60 %
50 years assumption 21 WACC 6,57 % Calculation 100
long term
MW 824,16 150,26 0,00 12,93
Long PLN and
6 agreement
20 years private
ent Fee
0,50 %
values 150
MW 486,33 150,26 0,00 12,93
straight line - assumption 23
values 300
Transmission typical Agency IDR/yea
5 billion IDR/km
MW 196,88 150,26 0,00 12,79
10% x
land of typical typical
25 Insurance 6 %
values E Component (Rp/kWh)
Exchange typical typical
15000 IDR/USD
26 interest
7 %
Demand typical during typical
4 %
7 %
values Capacity 50 km 100 km 150 km 300 km
transmission typical Repayme
4 %
nt Period
12 years assumption
50 MW 118,47 226,16 333,86 656,94
Construction of
3 years assumption 29
3 % assumption
MW 59,23 113,08 166,93 328,47
3 %
Electricity 996,
tariff ESDM
No. 3
tahun 2020
escalation values tariff 74
Load I4 -
MW 39,49 75,39 111,29 218,98
Tinggi 300
typical Discount



10 % assumption
MW 19,74 37,69 55,64 109,49
tax Funding values
LCOE (Rp/kWh)
Table 6. Financial Assumptions Power
(Own elaboration) Capacity 50 km 100 km 150 km 300 km
50 MW 2.308,63 2.416,33 2.524,03 2.847,11
The simulation running to these parameters as shown MW 1.046,58 1.100,42 1.154,27 1.315,81
in table below:
MW 689,00 724,90 760,80 868,49
Power Capacity Investment Cost (million Fixed Cost (million Variable Cost (million 300
1 50 3,21 1,86 0,16 MW 379,68 397,63 415,58 469,42
2 100 2,61 3,72 0,32 IRR (%)
3 150 2,31 5,58 0,48
4 300 1,87 11,16 0,95
Table 7. Variation of Power Plany Capacity to CAPEX and OPEX Capacity 50 km 100 km 150 km 300 km
(Pedoman Investasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Aneka Energi Terbarukan by 50 MW 6,31 5,87 5,47 4,49
DJEBTKE-KESDM, UNDP, agustus 2021) 100
MW 7,2 6,57 6,02 4,74
After running in financial simulation, it can be extracted MW 15,14 13,63 12,39 9,74
the result as described in table below: 300
MW 43,72 39,16 35,32 26,79
Table 8. Financial Result
(Own calculation)

The yellow one shows that for that case the IRR <
discount rates, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) < 1 and it
means that the project is not feasible to proceed.
Next analysis is to calculate to potential advantages of
the PLN and the private company.
For the PLN sides, they can get the additional revenue
by rent their transmission lines with tariff as shown in
table above in E component.
While the private sector can get the lower investment by
build their own power plant and rent the transmission to
PLN compare, they must buy electricity for 20 years.
Also, the lifetime of power plant is still 30 years left, and
the next stage can be renegotiated.
From table 8. financial result, the economically viable
for power wheeling with minimum 150 MW for all
transmission distance up to 300 km. So, for the next
phase, it can be focused on 150 and 300 MW by
variating the transmission distance.
The rough estimation of this benefit can be seen in table
Parameters Power Wheeling Concept Business as Usual Benefit

Transmissi Power Energy Investment on Rent the Total

including changes in weather patterns, shifts in
Power Plant
(billion IDR)
/PLN Revenue
Electricity for 20
years (billion IDR) the economy, and changes in government
(km) ar) (Billion IDR)
50 150
policies. If the price of end-product
100 150
(steel/hydrogen/cement, etc) below the cost of
150 150 788 5.198 1.755 6.952 28.386 21.434
300 1.577 8.415 1.755 10.170 56.772 46.602 production, it could negatively impact the
300 150 788 5.198 3.453 8.650 28.386 19.736
300 1.577 8.415 3.453 11.868 56.772 44.904 financial viability of the business model.
Table 9. The rough estimation
(Own calculation) • Environmental risks: The construction and
It can be analysed that higher power capacity gives the operation of whole business model ecosystem
higher benefit for private sector but the reduce the can have significant environmental impacts,
benefit for longer transmission lines. On the other hand, including changes to water levels and habitat
for PLN sides, longer transmission lines will increase destruction. If these impacts are not properly
the revenue while the higher power capacity may have managed, the company could face legal
bigger impact on system stability. This solution shall be challenges or reputational damage, which
optimized by more detailed data and analysis, also could impact its ability to operate effectively.
need to be discussed comprehensively by two parties.
Above risks need to be addressed by the company
It is to ensure that technically and commercially the
using comprehensive enterprise risk management to
power wheeling concept will make win-win solution for
develop a risk register and ensure proper risk
PLN and private sectors.
management steps are taken including reduction,
VI. RISKS avoidance, transfer (for major risks) and acceptance for
residual risks.
There are various inherent risks of the project, with
separate risk management program required to map
out, mitigate and manage according to company
objectives. In general, there are various risks that
clustered into:
• Regulatory risks: The regulatory environment
for electricity generation and transmission is
complex and constantly evolving. Changes in
regulations or policies could have a significant
impact on the financial viability of the business
venture of renewable energy-based industry,
particularly if they result in changes to the rates
charged for the use of the state-owned
transmission line.
• Operational risks: The operation of a renewable
plant and heavy industry are subject to a range Figure 9. Risk Matrix clustering for Power Wheeling concept in
of risks, including equipment failure, weather- Indonesia
Own deliberation based on: (ISO 31000:2018)
related events, and human error. If the plant
experiences an extended outage or significant
downtime, it could impact the reliability of the
municipal transmission line, which could lead to
financial losses and commercial impacts.
• Financial risks: The construction and operation
of the whole components in the ecosystem bar
existing transmission line require significant
capital investments, which can be subject to
cost overruns and other financial risks.
Additionally, if the business concept is unable
to generate enough revenue to cover its
operating costs or debt obligations, it could face
financial distress or bankruptcy.
• Market risks: The price of electricity is subject Figure 10. ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Framework
to fluctuations in supply and demand, which (
can be influenced by a range of factors,
The distance of transmission and maximum power that
can be delivered by using transmission line which owned
by PLN will be the key parameters that need to be
considered most. Commercially, the power capacity
more than 150 MW will give feasible project to execute
as explained before that the IRR > discount rates (10%).
The higher power capacity of power plant will have
bigger benefit impact for private sectors, while the longer
transmission will reduce it. In the other hand, the bigger
power means the higher impact on system stability,
while the longer transmission distance will have most
advantages for PLN. However, these all things need to
be optimized techno-economically, so the win-win
solution for both parties can be achieved. The side
impact for PLN side, by implementing this power
wheeling concept is the penetration of Renewable
Energy (RE) can be pushed to support the RE target.
[1] Data Collection Survey: JICA, TEPCO, Indonesia MEMR,
PT PLN Aug 2016

[2] Hiromu Hamada & Ryuichi Yokoyama (2011) Wheeling

Charge Reflecting the Transmission Conditions based on the
Embedded Cost Method, Journal of International Council on
Electrical Engineering

[3] ESKOM Wheeling Factsheet

[4] Jurnal SUTET STT PLN Vol.7 No.1 Jan-Mei 2017

[5] Wheeling of Electricity: A Friend or Foe in the Energy

Transition, AMEU, Leshan Moodliar

ISO 31000:2018


[7] Pedoman Investasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Aneka

Energi Terbarukan by DJEBTKE-KESDM, UNDP, agustus

[8] Permen ESDM No. 3 tahun 2020 Perubahan ke empat

atas peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 28 tahun 2016 tentang Tarif
Tenaga Listrik Yang disediakan oleh PT Perusahaan Listrik
Negara (Persero)

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