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Republic’ of the Philippines Quezon City CITY CoUNCIL PM88-291-4 ORDINANCE No. No-_85 , s_a9 ORDINANCE CONSOLIDATING HE PROVISIONS oe JzquoR ORDINANCES a INCORPORATING THE SAME INTO COMMO} REGULATORY MEAS AND PROVIDING PENALATES FOR VIOLATION ‘THEREOF. Introduced by Council: Sponsored by Councilors George Cans: A Herrera, Melencio M. Castelo, Vicente D. Piglang-awa, Dente V, Liban, Isidro fe Saludes, Edgardo 8. Serrano} Mitchell Y. Gumabao (Dennis Roldan), Jorge Le Banal, Jose J. Faculdo, Elizabeth O. Gaba, Eduarde F. David, Cielito "Hahei" t, Del Mundo, Ricardo R. Del Rosario, Alfredo A, Francisco (Fred Motilla), Hernicss pButch" C, Bautista, Francis ’P. N. Pangilinan end Guillermo C. Aliuna. WEEREAS, in view of the absence of an ordinance jReorperating ali ordinances regulating the sale of jiquor or other intoxicating beverages any without Beoney Tnscentifying the concerned local governoont sgency thereot, there is difficulty in implementing Provisions of said ordinances; +, Sas Unsentinedbed étepesal of Liquor or intoxicating ‘beverages within the promised radius has contributed immensely to the alarming incidence of Juvenile delinquency end criminality fame: City; ee -—— not effectively checked would Gisrupt the morals, under- mine public order and the stability of state; WHEREAS, there is urgent nece, sity to reinforce the drive against alcoholism in the City; mig eas), 211 taxes and tees due the City fron the sale of liquor and intoxicating beverages are By the gine Properly and fully collected Sen trope by the City is losing plenty of revenue from the source. wo- 85 | g.a9 | NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Quezon City in session assembled: SECTION 1. 11 provisions of liquor ordinances $f Quezon City are hereby consolidated and incorponsted into common regulatory measure. SECTION 24 Declaration of policy - It is the policy of the Citys 1s To regulate the welli: serving and dispensing of liquor and/on intoxicating deverag: 2. To regulate the establishment and gperation of the liquer business ‘the City; 3- To lessen criminality, the pre- servation of peace and to upgrade operation standards of busine, ablishmexts, mam~ fac’ cing, éistliling, $plling, Serving ‘snd’ dispensing liquor "and/or intoxicating beve— rages; 4. To provide for the collection of fees and constituting law- ful source of revenues or income; 5+ To prohibit and penalize intoxi— cation: and other species of dis- orderly conduct or disturbance of peace; and 6. To compel operaters of amusenent laces, eate 3 to, Ly obi ‘and comply es to properly observe and c With the voeulvecente ee law, or es and directive regulating business operations, SEOTION 3. Definition - For Purpose Ordinance the terms: as Liquor or intexicating beverages shell include any alcoholic drink containing a specific percentage of alcohol by volume. or weigh whieh may be in the form of whisky, brandy, gin, rum, cordial, liquor, | coektali, wine, champagne’ yereorth | basi, tuba, saki, beer, ale, stout | and Others; of this Ord. No. no _85.,-3.39 d. Licensee - « person, partnership, firm or corporation authorized to engage in the business of manufac- tring, producing, selling or ser- ving Uuor or intoxicating beve- rages; ec. Serving - To furnish, set out, sup- Ply, provide or extend to persons the facility to drink or consume liquor or intoxicating beverages the premises of the Licensee; as Acatenic Behool = Inchutes those offe: euentary, sc and college couress' chased See as academic by the Secretary of Educe- tion, Culture and Sports, excluding schools offering hair selence, dress- making, dancing, radio sutomechanic, telegraphy and other ‘vocation courses; ~ refers te any place, building or strueture of designated as such by the Cty Govern- nent including public streets, side walks, plazas, parks, theaters and 85 SECTION 4, Establishments Entitled te Liquor Licenses ~ Subject to the provisions of Section 6 hereof, galy establishments as follows may be issued a liquor censet Yor Retailing/Wholesaling ~ Duly permitted and licensed ‘ablishnents doing retail and/er wholesale of general merchandise or those which sell solely liquor ‘or intoxicating beverages; For serving/dispensing of liquor and/or intoxicating Ddeverag. 4. Nightclubs 2. Bere/Cocktail/Lounges 3. Beer Houses/Gardens 4. Publiouses 6. Restaurants 7+ Membership/Sports Clubs For Manufacturers/Distilleries/Producers - 421 Setablishments manufacturing, distillings or producing liquor and/or intoxicating beverages. SECTION 5. Payment of Taxes and Fees ~ The rates of taxes as provided for under the existing Me litan Manila Revenue Code No. 82-03, as amended by MMC Ord. Now 83-02, is hereby adopted to be imposed for all permit/ Pag! Ord. No. NC- 85, 5-89 te license to be issued by the City Government. However, a filing fee for all applications for a permit to sell liquor shall be paid as follows: Retailer Wholesaler Serving/Di SECTION 6. License ~ Cont: ‘spen: Nanufacturer/Distillers/ ucers - 740.00 20, = 100.00 Conditions for the exercise of Liquor 6 exercise: of the liquor depends ~ ‘Anuows on the follewing conditions: ae ce de SECTION 7. That the Licensee shall undertake and provide measures to suppress disorderly conduct and disturbance of the place due te liquor used; Tat liquer shall be sold or served only to persons 18 years of age or over, and in case of doubt, the li- Censee shall demand proof of age; That the licenses, shall hot allow his place of business or establish- ment to be haven of hoodlums and women of ill-repute; That the licensee shall not violate any provision of this Ordinances Prescribed Sign - Every liquer licensee ar shall be required to put up a prescribed sign bei the words "Authorized Ligquar Dealer" A a ©: no which shall not be less than three (3) the cerresp. expiry date of the same clearly SECTION 8. Idquor License i ssued to 8 person eng: tall with number of the permit/license and the Tndieated underneath: Exhibition of Liquor Idcense ~ The ed in liquor business shall kept conspicuously exhibited in plain view or at the place where the business is conducted. SECTION 9. Prohibited Areas - No liquor license shall be issued to any person, partnership, firm or corporation, whose place where business isi ae be Bars cocktail lounges, pub- houses, beer gardens, ‘and other smusement places within a radius of fifty (50) meters from an academic school, church, hospital or public building, Night clubs, Cabarets - within a radius of two hundred (200) meters from an academic school, church, hospital or public building. Ord. No. No-_85 , 5-89 Page —5~ Ce Mamufacturers, distillers, pro- ducers - within residential areas of the City. Provided, However, that amusement establishments men- tion in tems @ and b already existing before the erection of any academic school, churoh, hospital or public building shall not be covered by the prohibition, SECTION 10. Hotels and Other Tourist Oriented Establishment ~ Notwithstanding the preceding section, hotels and other tourist oriented establishments duly licensed and registered with the Department of Tourism wherever they are located may be granted liquor license. SECTION 11. Prohibited Time - No licensed Jiquor dealer shall sell or serve liquor before 8:00 A.M, and past 10:00 P.M.. However, Special Permit may de issued ro aerment of an aanval permit fee in the amount of usand Pesos (P2,000,00) te a qualified estab— lishment to be allowed’ to sell liquor past 10:00 P.M.. it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, buy and/or otherwise diverse of any kind of hard drinks or liquor in sari~sari stere within the jurisdiction of Quezon ne from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. of the following day. ee 12. croces Bours: When srieetol to Sell. F etc. = saloons, bars and er, drinking plac ‘shal: be allowed to remaln open to the public eve: ine cluding Sundays, except from 2:00 A.M. until 810d Act. unlawful for any person to sell, give avey, or otherwise dispose of any fermented malt, visous, fox ritous lor other intoxicating liquore between the above-mentioned hours except as herein provided; But the words "give away", where they occur in this erdi. pence, shall not apply to the giving away of intesieating liguer by a person in his private dwelling unless such vate dwellings shall become a place of public resort; Provided, “hoverse, that 2 oecc es tee s2 ‘also licensed to operate a restaurant, cafe or refreshnents parlor, it may remain open 4 the prohibited heurs unle; prohibited by inw of: e but only to serve meals, vith or without refreshments, or nom-intexioatiag Liquors or drinks: Provided, further, that a store, place on establishments other then bars or saloons, Licensed ro sell, or give away alcoholic beverages or liquers of any kind, ‘shall be subject to the same limitations to days and hours of operation as herein prescribed for bars. SECTION 13. Evidence of Illegel Sale — Drinking of liquor or intoxicat beverages within the premises of any store or establishment which is not a d& licensed liquor deader shall be evidence of the illegal sale or disposal or such liquor or intoxieating beves rages by such store er establishment. It shall be unlawful for 227 person or persons to conduct or maintain any saloon, ber, or drinking place without first having obtained a license therefor, as eerie in this StLtareotd einer be Srp ead ny employee or agent to sell or give away liquor when no, license has been issued to his principal author izing the same. SECTION 14, Amusement in Saloons and Disorder, Intoxication and Adulterated Idquer: Forbidden, = It shall be unlawful to conduct er operate or permit to be Conducted or operate any gambling device, slot machine, billiard or pool teble in saloons, bars or drinking aces. It shall be unlawful for the holder of license herein provided for, to maintain but a clean, quiet and orderly place, or sell or serve or permit tobe sold or served any adulterated liquor or intoxieating person or to permit such persons to be or remain er about the Premises where such liquors are kept for sale or to poll therein any wine, beer or liquor, except mich as Gh good standard qual! ‘ty and free from adulteration, + - No license intextsating liguers in public maskets booths, or stand mituated in the public places’ P! or to street vendors or peddlers, or in any nse, to an establishment located within a raiiue oF firty (50) meters from any academic schools SEGRION 16. Idquors of Domestic Mamfaetures When sale of, May be bited. ~ Whenever in the opin the Mayor, after due investigation, any lia quer or domestic manufacture being sold by any bay, seloen; or other establishment is adultersted or other wise injurious to health, he may prohibit the sale thereof, reveke the correspending license, and orier ‘the establishment closed; Provided, that in case the 4 sale of other liquors, she business to convime but the license shall bear a notation thereon to be made by the City Mayor or his authorized representative, to the effest $hat the seme does net cover the sale of th bited liquors or e. But any such adulteration made er caused to be made by the owner or operator or the establishment shall be penalized as in this ordinance provided. It shall be unlawful for erson to be drunk * or intoxicated, or while in any public plese or places Ord. No, Now_85 ; 5.89 Eras Hee Nom_GS open'to public view, to behave in a drunken, boister ous, rude or indecent manner in lace or premises within the jurlediction of queses 1Aby, to the ennoy= ance and inconvenience of another person. SECTION 18,. Prohibition to Minors. —- Persons below 18 years of age are hereby prohibited te drink or axe” ed malty. Lntericsting: Liquors, inclading Beer, taeent sees beverages in Seateurenter tere steres, saloons, pavillions and other eimisr sleses in Quezon City where such liquors are served of setts of any owner or operator of saloon, pavilien and ether such liquors are y the letters'of which shall ¢ en tall, relative to the said prohibitions in a conspicuous place. Tdkewise, it shall be unlawful for any operater to allow such’persons below 18 years of sge in night clubs, bars, or other night spots in Queron City shich sf ‘taxi dene the shall not apply during p: days, civic and school Betal vices of hostesses or taxi dancers are such occasions, Puployaent of hostess or taxi dancer called for under 8 ordinance shall not take place unless a health certificate of examination issued by. a govern~ ans. physician that the applicant is free. from ‘venereal seases. SECTION 19, Transfer of license must be author ized: Fee. ~ No license shall be transferred frem ene Person to another or from one place te anether except by written euthority of the Mayor, and no transfer all be made which jnvolves the addition of privileges, For all authorized tranéfers ten percentum (10%) ef the original license fee and a new permit fee shall de collected. SECTION 20, Charges and Fees for Regulation, - charges and fees imposed by this ordinance are essentially for purpose of regulation. A liquer license who pays the annual charges and fe: under this re~ story measure is not exempted frem the payment of Fayor's Permit fees and jas License taxes provided under the Quezon City Revenue Code, SECTION 21. Offenses on Officers and ae ae oye led, that ser not engaged on Every officer, mt er loyee of the Oi: overnnent: charged with the enforcenent or exsortion te sie Pro- YAsions of this Ordinance, who ie gullty of 7 queney herein below indicated shall bi fine ef not less than One Thou: sonment for not less than fine er imprisonment at the dii Page -8- de » for the performance of any duty; Ce fe &e SECTION 22, provisions of this Ordinance shall be apable bye fine of not more than Five Hundred Pesos (P500,00) er imprisonment at the dis- eretién of the Court. If the vielation is committed’ by a firm, corpo- coon er pe te charg e and the managing SECTION 23, addition to the Ord. No. NO-_85, ssag penalty imposed for the vielgtion of any Provision of this with it the confiscation and forfeiture of deverages in faver of the City Government of Quezon City. Those guilty of extortion or willful oppresion under color of law; Those who knowingly demand other or greater sums than what is autherized by lew or receive any fee, compensation or reward, except or as prescribed by law, Those who willfully neglect to give receipts for any cum the performance of, ect to Pof the duties en= 8 Ordinance; Those who will: tuni’ Those who conspire or celiude with another to defraud gn applicant, a jiconsee of the goveratenty or otherwise violate the provisions of this ordinano Those who ently or signedly perait the wolstion of ten tee by any other person; Those who, without the authority of law, demand or accept er ate Feagt to cdliect, directly of rectly, as payment er ether whee, any Sun of ny xr the compremise, adjustment or settlenent of any charge or complaint for any violation or alleged vislation of existing ordinance, Penalty. ~ Any violation of the ent Bection 21 hereef, ship, the er of any other person. Manggenont of the fire or copperetien partner’ shall be c: Tables Confiscation and Forfeiture. = In Ordinance, the same shall carry : all alcoholic WS, ON 2h, 2 Clause. - obrtinance Nos. a “eens $333" eas 6957, 8-67; 7 eels 8-67; §-56; 2598, 8-56; 2358, 3

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