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Unit 4 = Items of cargo gear, their use, care and maintenance

Proof Loads
Chains, rings, hooks, shackles. swivels are proved to twice the S.W.L.
Single-sheave pulley blocks are proved to four times the .S.W.L.
Multiple blocks up to 20 tonnes S.W.L. are proved to twice the S.W.L,
Multiple blocks 21-40 tonnes S.W.L are proved to the S.W.l. plus
20 tonnes.
Multiple blocks over 40 tonnes S.W.L. are proved to one and a half
times the S.W.L.
Pitched chains, their blocks and all permanently attached gear operated
by hand are proved to one and a half times the S.W.L.
Derricks and all permanent attachments relating to the derrick such
as mast lugs and deck eyebolts are to be inspected every year and
thoroughly examined at least once every four years.
All other lifting machinery (cranes, winches, and hoists) is to be
thoroughly examined at least every year

A thorough examination is done visually, and may include hammer

testing and dismantling, Derricks, winches, and cranes - completely
rigged for use - are tested before initial use and also after repair. (It is
the practice among some owners to test also at regular Intervals, e.g.
every four years. Under the Regulations, if a derrick never needs repair I
only one initial test is required in its life.)
Proof Loads
S.W.L. up to 20 tonnes - gear is proved 10 the S.W.L. plus 25%.
S.W.l. 20 to 50 tonnes - gear is proved to the S.W.L. plus 5 tonnes.
S.W.L over 50 tonnes - gear is proved to the S.W.L. plus 10%.

Purchase or a tackle
A ‘Purchase’ is mechanical device by means of which, an applied pull or
force is increased by a combination of blocks or pulleys, rove with rope or

A ‘Tackle’ is a purchase consisting of a rope passing through two or more

blocks in such a way that, any pull applied to its hauling part, is increased
by an amount depending on the number of sheaves in the blocks, and the
manner in which the rope is rove through them.

Parts of a Tackle: The blocks of tackle are termed the ‘Standing block’ and
‘Moving Block’ and the rope rove through them, is called the fall which has
its ‘standing’, running and Hauling parts.

The amount by which the pull on the hauling part is multiplied by the tackle
is called it mechanical advantage. If the friction is disregarded this is equal
to the number of parts of the fall at the moving block

A tackle is a set of two single or multiple-sheaved blocks with a single

continuous rope rove through both of them.
Tackles are used to reduce the pull required to lift or shift a load. For
example, if ten men are required to drag a case of machinery across the
deck, only two may be sufficient if a tackle is used.
One of the blocks is fixed to a stationary point and it is called the Standing
The other block is called the Moving Block which is hooked to the load to be
lifted or shifted. The Standing Part of the rope is fastened to a Becket in
one of the blocks. The other end of rope is called the Hauling Part. Parts of
rope running between the two blocks are called the Running Parts

The number of tons that can be lifted by a tackle with the pull of one tone
on the hauling part is called its Power or Mechanical Advantage.
Theoretically, if there was no friction in the system, the mechanical
advantage of a tackle will be equal to the number of parts of rope at the
moving block. For example, if there are 5 parts of rope at the moving block
and the weight to be lifted is 10 tons, a pull of 2 tons will be required on
the hauling part. But in actual practice, because of friction between the
sheaves and pin, a little more than 2 tons pull will be required. Each sheave
adds to the weight to be lifted by 1/10th. Therefore, if the load is ‘W’ tons
and there are ‘n’ sheaves between the load and the pull, the effective load
will be W+ n. If ‘P’ is the theoretical power gained and ‘S’ tons is the force
with which the hauling part has to be pulled to lift the load.

Then S x P =W + n x W/10.

The safe working load of the rope used in the tackle should not be less than
S tons.

Reeving a Tackle to Advantage and to Disadvantage

The number of parts of the moving block, and therefore the mechanical
advantage, is always greater when the hauling part comes away from the
moving block, and such a tackle is said to be rove to advantage. Conversely,
a tackle in which the hauling part comes away from the standing block, is
said to be rove to disadvantage. Where practicable, always rig the tackle so
that the hauling part leads from the moving block

Mechanical Advantage is the ratio of load to effort.

M.A. =Load (without friction) or Resistance
Effort Applied force

Velocity Ratio is the ratio of velocity of effort to velocity of load.

Velocity = Distance/time and since the time when the effort and load moves
is the same, (the load does not keep moving after the effort is stopped, the
formula can be modified to
V.R. =Velocity of effort = Distance effort moves
Velocity of load Distance load moves

Velocity Ratio is also equal to

1. Number of parts of rope at the moving block
2. 'n + 1' when the purchase is used to advantage and 'n' when used to
disadvantage, where n = number of sheaves.

The number of tons that can be lifted by a tackle with the pull of one ton on
the hauling part is called its Power or Mechanical Advantage. Theoretically,
if there was no friction in the system, the mechanical advantage of a tackle
will be equal to the number of parts of rope at the moving block. For
example, if there are 5 parts of rope at the moving block and the weight to
be lifted is 10 tons, a pull of 2 tons will be required on the hauling part.

But in actual practice, because of friction between the sheaves and pin, a
little more than 2 tons pull will be required. Each sheave adds to the weight
to be lifted by 1/10th. Therefore, if the load is ‘W’ tons and there are ‘n’
sheaves between the load and the pull, the effective load will be W+ n. If
‘P’ is the theoretical power gained and ‘S’ tons is the force with which the
hauling part has to be pulled to lift the load. Then S x P =W + n x W/10.

The safe working load of the rope used in the tackle should not be less than
S tons.

In a perfect machine, all the effort that is put in is used to do work on the
load.However there is no perfect machine. Part of the effort that is put in is
used to overcome friction which is present in all machines. This is not useful
work. In a purchase, friction increases the load by about 10% per sheave.
Thus Work put in by effort = Work done on load + Work spent in
overcoming friction

Effort x DE = (Load + n x 10% x load) x DL

Or DE = (Load + n x 10% x load) = MA

DL Effort

Or Effort x DE = (Load + n x 10% x load)


VR = Distance effort moves

Distance load moves

Or Effort x VR = (Load + n x 10% x load)

Rearranging, E = (W + nW/10)
where E = effort, W = load,

The formula will change if friction is other than 10%.

Efficiency of a system is = Useful work done on weight x 100%

Work applied by effort

=WxDx100% = MAx 100%


Types of Tackles
Single whip: Just a single block. More like a lead block which changes the
direction of pull by 1800. No power gained.

Double whip: A popular rig on general cargo ships. The end of the cargo
runner after passing through the head block of the derrick is made fast to
the head of the derrick itself and in the bight thus formed, a snatch block is
inserted. The hook of the snatch block is used for lifting the load. Power
gained is 2. This is called ‘Doubling up’ the derrick.

Gun Tackle: Two single blocks. Power gained is 2 or 3 depending on which

is the moving block. If the hauling part comes away from the standing
block, power gained is 2 and the tackle is said to be Rove to Disadvantage.
If the hauling part comes away from the moving
block, then the power gained is 3 and the tackle
is Rove to Advantage. This is the difference
between double whip and gun tackle. A double
whip cannot be rove to advantage.

Watch Tackle or Luff tackle: A double hook block and a single hook block. If
rove to advantage power gained is 4 and rove to disadvantage, power
gained is 3

Handy Billy: Principle is the same as luff tackle, but blocks are small wooden
blocks to make it a handy tackle. Another difference is that the double block
is a tail block. The tail is strapped to any rope that is to be hove up and the
single block is hooked on to any fixed place. This gives a power gain of 3 to
4 times.

Double Purchase or Two fold Purchase: Two double blocks. Power gained is
4 if rove to disadvantage and it is 5 if rove to advantage.

Three and Two tackle : As the name implies, it consists of triple block and a
double block. Power gained is 5 or 6 depending on how it is rove. Used for
heavy lift derricks.

Three Fold Purchase: Two triple sheave blocks. Power gained is 6 or 7

depending on if it is rove to disadvantage or advantage.

With heavier lifting gear heavier purchases with greater number of sheaves
per block are used to lift up a greater weight minimizing the size of the wire

A Gun tackle rigged to advantage is used to lift a load of 3 tonnes. Find out
the effort and minimum size of polypropylene rope required.

If the hauling part of this purchase was secured to the moving block of a
watch (Luff) tackle used to disadvantage, find out the effort required,
efficiency of the system and minimum size of Nylon rope required for the
watch (Luff) tackle .

(Assume friction as 12 % per sheaves for the both the purchases and use a
factor of safety = 6)

A Gun tackle has 2 sheaves. So, n = 2, W = 3 Tons

The velocity ratio for a gun tackle used advantage is 3
and any of the three methods. Friction = 12 % per
E = (W + nW x 12/100) = (3 + 2 x 3 x 0.12) = 3 +
0.72 = 1.24 t
Velocity Ratio (VR) = 3

It will be noticed that the effort is borne by the single

rope of the hauling part, while the load is being shared
by three ropes. Therefore the rope must be able to
bear a SWL of 1.24 tons which is the effort. Breaking stress of this rope will
be 1.24 x 6 = 7.44 t.

Breaking stress of polypropylene rope = 3 x D x D/300

Therefore, 3 D x D/300 = 7.44, D = 27.3 mm or 28 mm
The minimum size of polypropylene rope required for the gun tackle is 28
mm diameter

Now, 1.24 tonnes, the effort of the first purchase, becomes the load for the
second purchase. W = 1.24, n = 3 VR = 3
For watch(Luff) tackle used to disadvantage.
E = (W + nWx12/100) =(1.24+3x1.24x12/100) = 1.24+0.4464 = 0.562T
VR 3 3

Thus the SWL that the nylon rope of the watch tackle will have to bear =
0.562 t and

Its breaking stress will be 0.562x6 = 3.372 t.

Also breaking stress for Nylon rope = 5xDxD/300

Therefore, 5xDxD/300=3.372, D = 14.22 mm or 15 MM

The minimum size of nylon rope for the watch tackle is 15mm diameter,

Efficiency of the system =(MA/VR)x100

MA = Load = 3 = 5.338
Effort 0.562

Velocity ratio of the combined system may be considered to be the product

of the individual velocity ratio ie 3 x 3 = 9 ,
Efficiency = 5.338 x 100 = 59.31 %
Chain Register
Certificates of test, annealing. and all reports of inspections and
are to be entered in the Register before the gear concerned is put into use.
The Register is to be kept on the vessel.
It is a buff-coloured book and is entitled on the front cover 'Register of
Machinery, Chains, etc ., and Wire ropes'.

Entered on the front cover is the vessel's name, port of registry , and the
owner's Name and address. The book is often called simply the 'Chain

The inside front cover and page I contain instructions regarding

examinations and annealing.

Part 1. Pages 2, 4, 6, are for entries concerning four yearly examinations.

Pages 3, 5, 7, are for entries concerning annual inspections.

Part 2. Pages 8-13 are for entries concerning annual thorough examinations
of cranes, winches, and hoists and accessory gear, other than derrick.

Part 3. Pages 14-17 are for entries concerning the annual thorough
examination of gear exempted from annealing.

Part 4. Pages 18-23 a re for entries concerning the annealing of gear .

Page 24 contains some recommended minimum factors of safety
namely :
Metal parts of lifting machinery : 5 for S.W.L. 10 tons or less : 4 for S.W.L
over 10 tonnes.
Wooden structures: 8.
Chains : 41.
Wire rope : 5.
Fibre rope : 7.

Test certificates, etc., are attached to the Register. The Register is designed
for eight years' service. When a new one is put into use the old one should
be preserved for at least four years.

Sling legs stresses at various angles- optimum angle

Vertical Choker Basket Hitches

500 375 1,000 866 707 500
Sling WLL (kg):

This sling has a Working Load Limit of 500 Kg. in a vertical

hitch. Used in a choker hitch, it would have a capacity of
375 Kg. Used in a basket hitch with the legs at a 90° angle
to the load, it would have a working load limit of 1,000
Kg. Used in a basket hitch with the legs at a 60° angle to
the load, it would have a working load limit of 866 Kg., etc.
The angle at which a sling is used, and the number of legs
lifting the load can significantly effect its capacity.
Vertical - When a sling is used in a vertical hitch, the full lifting capacity of
the sling material can be utilized.

Choker - Due to the stress created at the choke point, slings rigged with
this hitch achieve only about 75% of their potential capacity. Always pull a
choker hitch tight before a lift is made - never during the lift. (more, click

Basket Hitch (90°) - The cradle configuration of this hitch allows the two
extending ends (legs) of the sling to function as if they were two separate
slings. The capacity of the sling in this hitch is twice that of the same sling
in a vertical hitch, but only if the sling angle of each leg is 90° (see right).
Lifting with both legs at 90° would normally require two lifting devices or a
spreader bar.

Basket Hitch (less than 90°) -When slings or sling legs are used
at an angle during a lift , the sling capacity is reduced. How much it is
reduced depends on the sling angle (see above and table, right).

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