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Chapter 7 :
Internet Transport Protocol
7.1 Transmission Control Protocol
7.2 Packet Structure
7.3 Flow Control
7.4 User Datagram Protocol
7.1 Transmission Control Protocol
 The Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, is
the most widely used transport protocol on
computer networks today.
 TCP provides control mechanisms that manage
the data contained in the message, ensuring that
the data is sent in manageable pieces, that it
arrives intact, that the data can be sequenced, and
that the reassembled data is a faithful copy of the
data that was sent.
7.2 Packet Structure
 A TCP packet consists of a header with many
sections and the body of TCP data with a
variable size, as determined by the current value
of the receive window
 The receive window is a negotiated value that is
used to prevent a TCP memory buffer overrun
at the receiving system by signaling to the sender
when to send data and when to delay sending
The packet structure of a TCP packet, with
all of the header sections shown
Header fields
 The first four fields in the header are the
Source port, Destination port, Sequence
number, and Acknowledgement number.
 Ports are similar to a TV channel in that
they represent the type of data being sent
or received.
 The block that begins at bit offset 96 contains a
number of flags that are used to determine the
states of different fields and the purpose of the
 The Data Offset field at the end of the header
ensures that whatever the size of the options
below, the size of the TCP header is always the
same; therefore, the Data Offset size is from 20
to 60 bytes
Checksum field
 The Checksum field contains a value that is used
to determine if the entire packet has arrived
correctly at its destination, and includes checks
on both the header and body of the data.
Control fields
 As part of traffic control, the Window field
specifies the size of the receive window.
 The size of the data block that is transferred
isn’t specified by TCP.
 It can be as small as a single byte or as large as a
kilobyte, or anything in between.
7.3 Flow Control
 The TCP flow control mechanism works by
establishing an initial transmission rate and
packet size, and then altering these parameters
as needed during data transfer.
 The size of the packet header doesn’t change,
but the amount of TCP data in the body of the
packet can be altered
Sliding windows
The flow control protocol used is
referred to as a sliding window because as
the packets are received and assembled,
the receive window field’s value can be
altered by the receiver to indicate to the
sender how much data it can buffer at the
The Options block contains a number of different
values that can be set, ranging from 0 to 8.
0. End of options list
1. No operation
2. Window scale
3. SACK, or Selective Acknowledgement
4. Data Offset (if required)
5. Data Offset (if required)
6. Data Offset (if required)
7. Data Offset (if required)
8. Timestamp
The state diagram
for a TCP system
A Receive Sliding window allows data to be
transferred efficiently without buffer overrun
 Multiplexing is a feature that allows a data
stream to be sent using several different
 TCP includes multiplexing as an option.
When an application supports it,
multiplexing can be used to speed up or
optimize TCP data transfers.
example of multiplexing three individual file streams with
the same protocol and port.
7.4 User Datagram Protocol
 The User Datagram Protocol, or UDP, is an
Internet Protocol that creates stateless
connections between two hosts on an IP network.
 UDP creates a short data transfer format called a
datagram and a connection called a Datagram
socket between two endpoints
The structure of a UDP datagram
 Both TCP and UDP Transport Protocols use
what is called a port to communicate between
endpoints of an Internet socket.
 When data packets arrive at their destination,
they are examined for their source address,
source port number, destination address, and
destination port number
There are three different ranges of ports
 Well-Known Ports. These are ports used by common protocols
and are in the range of 0 to 1023; they are administered by IANA
 Registered Ports. These are ports that send or receive traffic for
specific applications that are registered by vendors, industry trade
groups, and other individuals and organizations. Registered ports
are given the range 1024 to 49151
 Dynamic and/or Private Ports. These ports are left unassigned for
use. In some applications, ports are chosen randomly during a
connection to improve security, The range for dynamic and
private ports is from 49152 to 65535
Problems with TCP
 TCP communications have suffered from a number of
different types of attacks.
 In a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, the intruder can
send multiple SYN packets originating from a spoofed IP
 This attack, referred to as a SYN flood, forces the
receiving system (usually a server) to respond to these
SYN requests and use up its resources managing bogus

 This chapter described the two most important

transport protocols used on TCP/IP networks: the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP).
 TCP is used when the data must be delivered intact with
complete fidelity.
 UDP is used by applications that can tolerate lost data
and out-of-sequence packets.
Source :
 Barrie Sosinsky, (2009), Networking
Bible, 1. Wiley Publishing, Inc,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
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