LAW3016C - Summative Assessment Brief

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Legal Response to Environmental


Summative Assessment Brief

Term 2

Dr Misan Afinotan
Module Convenor
Ecocide Trial
Week 8

In W8, you will take part in an ecocide moot /mock trial, which will serve as your formative
assessment. The trial brief for all parties will be uploaded to the module ELE page.


3-minute individual presentation

Week 10
Deadline for submission: March 22, 2024
Word count: 500 words
Weight: 25%

In W10 workshop, you will be expected to deliver a 3-minute individual presentation on your
plan for the written legal advice/opinion piece to your clients that you will make up your
summative assessment 2. This will be a showcase of the legal arguments on environmental
destruction that you intend to make in your second assessment. This assessment will make up
25% of your marks.

What is expected from you?

In Week 10 you are required to deliver an oral presentation to your colleagues. This must
consist of:
 3 minutes of oral presentation.
 It could be a word document of PDF.

Written Legal Advice on Environmental Destruction
Deadline: May 10th, 2024 (submission on ELE by 12:00 NOON)
Maximum word count: 2000 words
Weight: 75%

What is expected from you?

You are to write a legal advice/opinion piece on environmental destruction based on your
overall knowledge of the module, and more specifically, the experience you gained from the
ecocide moot trial. You will be writing this legal opinion piece on environmental destruction,
for the party/parties you represented in the ecocide moot trial. In this assessment, you will be
drawing on your knowledge and understanding from the entire module and the moot, to
expand the legal arguments you outlined in the first assessment, to create an opinion piece
for your client.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The Exeter Law School Cornwall Assessment Criteria (Level 6) will

FORMAT: Any reasonable font may be used but please use font size 12.

REFERENCING: Use whatever referencing you are already used to in your discipline. For
example, law students are expected to use OSCOLA referencing style. The important
consideration here is consistency – whatever style you choose, be consistent in its use
throughout the written piece.

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