Communication-Language Level Iii

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RECRUIT – i. to persuade someone to work for a company or
become a new member of an organization eg government
service,millitary service,firms

• Ii. or to find suitable people and get them to join a

company ,an organization,firm,armed forces,government

PERSONNEL-people employed in an organization or engaged in an

organized undertaking such as military service

VACANCY-it is unoccupied(unfilled or empty spce)position or job

-it is a space or place that is available to be used or a job

that no one is doing


the gap needs

-vacant position might be identified through the creation of

new role or where replacement is required

-here analysis takes place to ensure that the vacancy is

genuine(establishing role requirement in an organisation)

-check the compatibility of duties with the organizational


-consideration of whether the role could be offered on a

more flexible working pattern(part-time,job share or term time only
working) or on a fixed term or open ended basis

(a)-task(service)to be rendered







-are procedures followed to identify the content of a

job in terms of activities involved and attributes or job
requirements needed to perform the activities(a
systematic process of collecting all information about the
job for the preparation of a Job Description and Job
Specification meant for the selection of
employee,satisfaction in job and motivation)


-it is a broad,general and written statement of a specific job

based on the findings of a Job Analysis

-this generally includes Duties,Purpose,Responsibilities,Scope

and Working Conditions of ajob along with the Job’s Title and the
name or Designation of the person to who the employeereports

• or it is a formal account of an employee’s responsibilities

• or it is an informative documentation of
scope,duties,tasks,responsibilities and working conditions
related to the job listing in the organization through the
process of job analysis.

• job description also details the skills and qualifications that

an individual applying for the job needs to possess.

• Job Description usually forms the basis of the Job


• it is advisable that all employees be in possession of

Written Conditions of Service or listened to an Oral one.

• it is a great mistake to just take up a position in any

organization without actually knowing and understanding
fully any conditions of service(this an employment


-they include :


(a)make job title specific- here use clear language and

terms(standard ones)

(b)job summary- it has to be a strong one that provides an

overview of the company , expectations for the position and details
that make the company unique and an exact job location

(c)responsibilities and duties -outline core responsibilities of the

position (well listed)and emphasise on the duties which are unique

(d)qualifications and skills- a list of hard and soft skills


– it states the actual title of the job or post one has to apply for or
take (if successful in the interviews).

• it gives full details about the duties and responsibilities on

has to do if taken for the advertised post.
• it may also indicate to whom the hired
personnel(employee)has to be reporting as the immediate
boss during the time of stay in that organization eg to the
Deputy Principal,Chief Accountant,Headdriver,Bursar

• it highlights some requirements for the job applicants when

a vacant position exists in a company and gets advertised
which include:

(a)JOB TITLE eg Automobile Mechanics

Instructor,Communication Instructor,ICT Instructor,Workshop
and Contracts Manager,Relief and Disaster Preparedness

(b) JOB PURPOSE eg Communication Instructor is

responsible to plan and prepare schemes of work,assess and
manage the classes.


1.Education -such as Malawi School Certificate Of

Education,Masters Degree,Doctorate Degree,Bachelor’s

2.Professional- like Advanced Craft,National Trade

Testing G1 ,MAlawi TEVET Advanced Certificate.

3.Skills(Personal attributes)- for example, analytical

skills,computer operations,interpersonal communication
skills,leadership skills.

4.Age - it becomes one of the requirements by

employers to know the age of its employees

5.Nationality -employing organizations requests for

this to appear in the job application letters

6.Experience –an indication of how long one served in

the previous organization or the same company(for those who
worked before) eg three years,30 years in similar position.


• they would help the interviewer and interviewee to prepare

effectively for the planned interviews.

• they give the right direction of the company’s job roles to be

carried out by the employees from time to time of their
employment in that organization.

• they give an ably opportunity to prospective candidates

whether to tender their applications and also to attend
interviews should they be invited to do so.

• prospective employers are highly assisted during the


• an organization is helped further by hiring(recruiting)the

right personnel.


This exercise requires /relies on :

• Job Vacancy-vacant post that requires being filled up by

right officer

• Nature(Type) of job- be it skilled or unskilled eg Carpenter

or Cleaner

• Qualifications-relevant to the exisiting position the like of


• Place of duty-location where one is to be placed either

within the company premises or elsewhere.


• Advertisement is the sales message directed to mass on behalf

of the paying sponsor.

• Advertisement is the message paid for by those who sent

them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive

• Advertisement is the attempt to influence the buying behaviour of

customers or clients with a persuasive selling message about the
products and / or services.

• In business, the goal of advertising is to attract new customers by

defining the target market and reaching out to them with an
effective advertising campaign.

• Announces vacant posts

• Promotes products and services

• Announces special events or functions

• Publicises changes in the organization

• Creates permanents demands from the buying society

• Converting prospective buyers to actual ( real) buyers

• Supports personal selling

• Achieves sales increase and reduces costs

• Minimizes middlemen behavior

• Creates goodwill

• Protects people from imitation

• Reminds users about products or services

• Establishes relationship with users


• Provides employment – to person engaged in writing, designing

and issuing advertisement which brings additional income to the

-it also increases more demand in the market.

• Promotes the standard of living – by increasing the variety and

quality in consumption.

-It helps in sustained research and development activities by


-The manufacturers spend a lot on informative advertising.

• Educates people – about the various uses of different products

whereby their knowledge is increased.

• Sustains the press and other media – by providing an important

source of income to the press, radio and television network.

-it encourages commercial skills or art.


-This refers to the messages which are placed under specific or

particular headings and columns in newspapers and magazines, for
example, situations vacant (posts), commodities or services.

This includes:

(a) Small Advertisement or Line Advertisement with small fonts and

without special layout.

(b) Display Advertisement that incorporates a variety of font styles

and sizes – art work or colour may be included.


-It is conducted by government departments or undertakings to

promote public awareness with a view to overcome social problems
like dowry, drinking water, AIDS, environmental pollution and over

- This is also known as Social Advertisement.


- It is issued by financial institutions such as FINCA, FDH Bank, NBS,

NICO, Standard Bank and company’s sale of shares.

- These advertisements provide information about investment

opportunities with its attendant risks and benefit.


-Its main objective is to build a corporate image and also helps to

highlight the objectives and achievements of a company
- Large companies such as Illovo, Southern Bottlers, Auction Holdings,
Shaona Cement, Airtel,TNM, --resort to this type of advertising.

- Institution Advertising, companies have the following objectives;

• To create a corporate personality of the institution image.

• To build a company prestige
• To emphasize company services and facilities.
• To enable company sales man to see the top executive of the
various organizations when making sales calls.

- Customers often purchase durable products once in a lifetime

which are mainly expensive.

- Potential buyers require detailed information about the product e.g.

TV sets, refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines,
cars,ships,planes,boats,mills etc.

- The manufacturers spend a lot on Informative Advertising.


-This helps to create and maintain regular demand in the market and
attracts the attention and preference of the customers.

- It informs the target audience about the various schemes of sales


- The objectives of Customer – Oriented Advertising are as follows;

• To inform consumers about the new products

• To teach consumers how to use the products

• To promote a contest or a premium offer

• To establish a new trade character

• To hold consumer patronage against intensified campaign.



The writing style to use includes:

• Pick out main points or features of what is being advertised

in an interesting and attractive way such as “Potential Oil For
Modern Cars”, “Durable Desktops” etc

• Use the advertising writing techniques known as A I D A

which means:

• A = Attention – attract reader’s attention

• I = Interest – get the reader’s interest by mentioning

something which will appeal to them

• D= Desire – arouse the reader’s desire to buy, to attend a

function, to find out more or contact the writer.

• A = Action – make the audience want to do something as

a result of reading the advertisement
• Follow the following guidelines to achieve AIDA technique:
• Use company logo prominently displayed
• Compose a catchy headline and display it prominently
• Use spacing to advantage, giving special items
• Categorize the information using sub-headings and bullet
• Clearly state the action you want the reader to take
• Make your advertisement eye catching (attractive).
• Aim for your advertisement to stand out from all the
others around it.


-There are mainly two ways namely:

a) Print Media
b)Eletronic Media
a)Print Media-this is a form of mass media that delivers news and
information through printed publications such as
newspapers,magazines,flyers,newsletters,scholarly. journals
b)Electronic Media-refers to that form of mass media which
creates,delivers and accesses news and information through
electronic energy such as televisions,radio,internet,fax,CD-ROMs,DVD,e

NOTE: Media-is a fundamental means of communication which helps

the spread of messages related to latest
news,education,sports,entertainment and promotion of goods and
services to a large group of people in a very short time.


• this is the act of writing down names of qualifying

applicants upon submission of job Application Letters and
Curriculum Vitae in order to be considered(assessment of
candidates) for interviews.

• the process occurs soon after the closure of receiving

application letters.

• it also base on the relevant conditions of the existing post

which were raised in the advertisement such as
Education,Skills,Experience,Knowledge,Age and Nationality


-there are issues which need to be considered such as :

a)composition of a panel-officials who shall be involved in

conducting the interviews

b)venue-a conducive place where interviews shall be held

- be easily accessed by candidates

- it can a room or so

c)setting the date – about when interviews could be held and it

is communicated to candidates in time for their own preparations

d)inviting the candidates-it might be through letters,emails,phone,


e)costs-expenditure associated with the interviews such as

allowances,meals,transport,stationary,hiring of venue and some


• invitation to interviews might be through

letters,personal,email,phone calls or other means of contact

• these invitations to interviews shall include :

• Title of the post(vacancy)

• Venue of the interview

• Date of the interview

• Type/nature of the interview eg Written or Oral

• Items to be brought to interview eg certificates,pens,IDs

• Time when interviews start

• Job specications

-it is a formal discussion with somebody for the purpose of

-or it is the questioning of a person or a conversation in which

information is elicited(called forth).

-or it is a conference usually with someone important

-or it is the purposeful,planned ,decision-making,person to person


Interviews like other forms of communication,usually involve face-to-

face communication.

-in an interview,one of the participants has a purpose that goes

beyond interacting informally or simply talking for enjoyment.

-the conversation that occurs during interview is planned and

designed to achieve specific objectives.

-in the interview,interaction is structured,questions are asked and

answered,behavior is interchanged in an effort to explore
predetermined subject matter and realize a definite goal.

-the participants in an interview:

i.are involved in a process of personal contact and exchange of

information. to give and receive information in order to make educated


-the interview should be balanced: both the interviewer and the

interviewee should give themselves an opportunity to learn from the
data given and exchanged during the interchange.


-interviews serve a variety of purpose including:

i. INFORMATION-GATHERING INTERVIEW-the objective is to collect

information,opinions about a specific person or topic.

ii.APPRAISAL INTERVIEW –here the performance of an interview is

assessed by the interviewer who is usually a superior from

• the goal is to evaluate the what is done well by the interviewee

and what could be done better.

• through this method,expectations and behaviours are brought

closer together.

• Interviews are opportuned to gain knowledge on how others

view their work and also reveal how they reflect their own

iii.PERSUASIVE INTERVIEW-here it is mainly to change the attitudes

of the interviewee or behavior.

-it is hoped that as this conversation progresses, the interviewee

will come to a desired conclusion or give a desired response such as
Sales-People do with customers.

iv.EXIT INTERVIEW – conducted when an employee leaves an


-it is an effort to determine why it did not match between the

employer and the employee or the employee decided to leave the

-information gathered here can be used to refine the recruiting

process in order to prevent more employees to leave the firm or
merely making the departure a pleasant event for the employer and

v.COUNSELLING INTERVIEW-mainly performed by a psychologist to

provide guidance and support for persons under this interview to
solve problems,to work more productively,to interact with others
moereeffectively or to improve relationships with family mebers or
friends(to cope with life more successfully).

vi.HIRING INTERVIEW-it is done in order to fill a vacant employment

post/position in an organization.

-here the interviewer is an agent of the employer.

- it is the result of this interview that one is found accepted or

rejected by the prospective employer.

- this interview offers a unique opportunity for the potential

employer and potential employee to share meaningful information
that will permit each to determine whether their association would be
beneficial and productive.


-most effective interviews have the following stages:

i.BEGINNING-the opening segment that provides an orientation

to what will come and also creates good relationship through kind
greetings at the very beginning of the conversation.

-primary purpose of this segment is to enable the two parties

to engage in a free and honest participation through an atmosphere
of trust and good will by explaining the purpose and scope of the

-interviewer has a responsibility to calm down the interviewee

before the actual questioning time for it is natural to be in the the
condition of tremor.
ii.MIDDLE(BODY)-the longest segment whereby both parties get
down to business .

-questions are given to the interviewee to get relevant

information or a discussion might be held about work
experiences,challenges ,major accomplishments and weakness one
has and their ways to overcome them.

iii.END(CLOSURE)-the last segment of the interview

-main points covered during the interview are reviewed and


-care must be exercised to avoid destroying the future

meetings of interactants by creating comfortable departures.

-interviewer has to express appreciation for the time and

effort given being important(neither interviewee nor interviewer
should feel discarded).


-these are the categories of interview questions might fall into

Primary or Secondary Questions.

-Primary Questions-are there to introduce topics or to begin exploring

new ideas eg what is your favourite hymn? Or tell me about your last
industrial attachment.

-Secondary Question-they are probing questions and are used to

follow up Primary Questions.

-these questions are there for an explaination of ideas and

feelings behind answers to the questions especially where Primary
ones are vague eg Go on,what do you mean? Would you explain that
further?Could you give an example?What did you have in mind when
you said that?

-CLOSED QUESTIONS-these do not need explainations of any kind

but simply YES or NO or in just a few brief words.

-examples: -What is your name?

-Did you meet your parents?

-Do you want this job?

-How many letters did you send to companies last


-OPEN QUESTIONS-they are broader or wider in nature than Closed

Questions and less restricting as they offer an interviewee more
freedom with regard to choice and scope of an answer,that is one
has an opportunity to express oneself.

-examples: -Tell me about yourself.

-What are your career goals?

-How could you shape Malawi to avoid strikes in


-Why should you be considered for this post?

NOTE : Open and Closed Questions may either be Primary or

Secondary Questions.

: You need to be smart,punctual and avoid mannerisms in an

interview such as dangling of keys,perpetual tongue
protuluding,unusual nose scratching,unstable sitting on/in a
chair,hand wavings and many more.

:Put on decent leather polished shoes,decent dress,

shirt,necktie,trousers and jacket.

:Avoid wearing T-shirts,shorts,jeans and other shabby clothes.

:Be comfortable in the boardroom and not nervous.

:When at interviews premises follow instructions given by the

right authorities such as signing of forms,surrendering of
documents,entering the boardroom,introductions(before the
pannel),questioning techniques eg facing the chairperson at all times
when answering questions (but you only turn eyes to the individual
who is giving out question and back to the Chairperson when making

:Avoid questions about salaries when this information has

already been communicated through the advertisement or other

:When leaving the boardroom DON’T BANG THE DOOR at all


:Don’t interact with anyone once out of the interview room to

avoid being disqualified in any way.


-interviews can be conducted through:

• Phone calls

• Face to face

• videoconferencing


-these include:

• registration of candidates-here forms are filled

before one is interviewed
• introductions are made before the panel ie
interview secretary introduces members of the
panel to a candidate and later a candidate to the

• a small talk to make the candidate settle

• gathering of information from the candidate can

be done

• asking of questions whereby a candidates

supplies relevant information accordingly

• closing the interview by asking a candidate for a

comment or other and finally thanking the
candidate for attending.

-candidates get assured to be informed about the

outcome of the interviews

• following up summaries done about the final

outcome of the interview after assigning
someone who should finally communicate the
results to relevant officers of the hiring


-such processes include:

• communicating to the successful candidate(s)

about the results and also sending the Offer
Letter of the contract

• successful candidate(s) to provide an

acceptance letter for the job offered or a
Rejection Letter to the offered post

MIN.NO.22/2020 The Manager

TEVET Service Centre Central

P.O Box 1267



To: Mr/Mrs/Miss

Through:The TEVET Service Centre Manager,Central

P.O Box 1267


Dear Sir/Madam


I am pleased to inform you that the TEVET Authority in the Minute

number 22/2020 directed that you be offered the job to the post of
Curriculum Specialist with effect from 10 September 2020.

On acceptance of this offer,you are requested to report for duties at

TEVET Service Centre Central within thirty(30)days from the date of
this letter.The effective incremental date of your salary will be the
date you physically report for duties at your duty station.

Yours faithfully


For: The Service Centre Manager

NOTE- the employer might specify number of days in the Offer Letter
for a successful candidate to consider whether to accept or reject the

• if a successful candidate takes up the job,there is need to know

the Contract of Employment Conditions before providing
services to the organization(**see below):

• This is the agreement between an employer and
employee and it is the basis of employment
• This agreement can be made orally or in writing
• A contract starts as soon as the Offer of
Employment is accepted by employee
• Starting work proves that the employee accepts
the Terms and Conditions offered by the employer.
• Employees are legally entitled to a Written
Statement of the main terms and conditions of
employment within two calendar months of
starting work
• In the Writing Statement there should be details of
things like Pay, Holidays and Working Hours.
• An existing contract of employment can be varied
only with the agreement of both parties (Employer
and Employee)

Under the Employment Act,once a person is offered a job by a firm

they are entitled to a Contract of Employment.This contract should
show the main terms and conditions of the employment.

In addition it will also give details of any grievance procedures which

can be invoked either by the employer,should the employee prove to
be unsatisfactory worker, or the employee should he or she feel
unfairly treated by the firm.

Information in a Contract of Employment is set out in four main

sections,although other conditions relating to individual companies
may often be included.


1.Details of the company,the employee,the job title and the date on

which the employment commenced.

2.Details of the normal hours of work including meal breaks and

the rates of pay together with the frequency and the method of
It also highlights details of holiday entitlement,holiday pay and the
length of notice required by employee and employer should either
wish to terminate the employment.

The period of notice may be waived should the employee be

dismissed for professional misconduct.

Details of this will be given in the fourth section.

3. Any terms and conditions to involuntary absence through

sickness or industrial injury.

It also gives details of the terms and conditions of any pension

provision and where applicable,any conditions which may relate to
trade union membership.

4. Information of disciplinary or grievance procedures for both the

employee and employer and the arrangements for dealing with them.

The Contract Of Employment will be figured by both the employee

and the employer to show their acceptance of the conditions and the
copy issued to the employee for them to keep.


Freshwaters Shopping Centres Limited

Freshwaters House,Market Street,Chigumukire, Salima


This statement sets out the terms and conditions of employment

between Freshwaters Shopping Centre limited and:



Forenames : Dutsani Kachetechete

Surname : Umphawisozonda
Employment Number : 09002/19


Your continuous employment began on 25 September 2019.If you

subsequently re-join the company following a career breaks your
separate periods of service will be linked together to calculate your
total cumulative service.


Your job title is : Customer Service Assistant

Your job code is : CSA 74

You will be required to carry out other duties that may be reasonably
required of you in any department.


You will be based at: Branch 14,Lifuwu but you may be required to
work from an alternative location with reasonable travelling distance
of this location.You may be required to go to other locations for staff
training purpose.


Your normal paid working hours will be: 40 hours per week.The days
to be at work,together with starting and finishing times will be agreed
with your immediate superviser.You will be expected to work
additional hours if necessary.If you work less than 40 hours per week
you will be expected to cooperate in extending your normal working
hours at short notice in special circumstances.If you are contracted
to work on Sundays as well as other days in the week you will be paid
double the standard hourly rate.


Your hourly rate of pay will be : MWK ….. and your total weekly pay will
be :MWK ….
Details of the individual elements making up your total pay will be in
your itemised payslip.

You will be paid monthly on the last day of each month in arrears by
credit transfer.The company deserves the right to recover any
overpayment of earnings.


Details of absence due to sickness or injury and entitlements to sick

pay ,can be found in your Staff Handbook.


You will be entitled to four weeks paid holidays for each twelve
months service you complete.


Details of the company’s pension scheme and how to join it are given
in your Staff Handbook.Unless you complete a form available only
from the Pensions Department stating that you do not wish to join
pension contributions will be deducted automatically from your pay.


A minimum of four weeks’ notice is required from either party should

you or the company wish to terminate your employment.Employees
with more than two years’ service will be be entitled to redundancy
should their posts no longer be required.


Full details of the disciplinary procedures which may be used if your

conduct or performance falls below the required standard are
available from your store Personnel Manager or can be found on the
Staff Notice Board.

If you wish to raise a grievance about a job related issue,you have to
complete a Grievance Registration Form and return it to your store
Personnel Manager who will arrange for your grievance to be heard if
you subsequently wish to take the matter further,you should follow
the procedure set out in the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure,a copy
of which can be obtained from your store Personnel Manager or can
be found on the Staff Notice Board.


Any changes to the details provided in this document will be

communicated to you in writing within one month of the
change.Should your individual Contract Of Employment need to be
changed you will be consulted for a minimum of four weeks prior to
being given notice of the change taking place.

I understand and accept the terms and conditions of employment

outlined above.

Employer’s signature---------------------- Date---------------------------

Employee’s signature---------------------- Date---------------------------


-candidate(s)be aware of the following:

-Arrive at the venue of interviews in good time(be punctual) so

that you reset and eliminate stress or any discomfort which might
arise due late presence

-You need to be smart and avoid mannerisms in an interview

such as dangling of keys,perpetual tongue protuluding,unusual nose
scratching,unstable sitting on/in a chair,hand wavings and many
more. -Put on
decent leather polished shoes,decent dress:- like
shirt,necktie,trousers and jacket.

-If it is a practical task(interview),possess relevant equipment or

tools and be in the recommended attire such as worksuit

-Avoid wearing casuals such as T-shirts,shorts,jeans,chains and

other shabby clothes.

-Be comfortable in the boardroom and not being nervous.

-When at interviews premises follow instructions given by the

right authorities such as signing of forms(registration),surrendering
of documents,entering the boardroom(follow the secretary but once
inside the room, don’t get seated until you are told to do so by the
secretary),introductions(the secretary shall first introduce the panel
to you and yourself to the panel last)-before the panel,questioning
techniques –you have to be facing the Chairperson at all times when
answering questions (but you only turn eyes to the individual who is
asking questions at that time and back to the Chairperson when
making responses--answering).

-Allow yourself to ask for the repeat of the question if not got it
right at the beginning or request to answer it later and do next
questions BUT remember to remind the panel for the unanswered
questions so that they can be tackled last

-Put your phone on silence mode or switch it off completely

-Avoid questions about salaries since this information has

already been communicated through the advertisement or other

-After the interview remember to collect your belongings

-If you were borrowed materials to use during the

interview,surrender the back to board before leaving the venue

-Sometimes you may be allowed to attend interviews without

displaying all the required documents however the panel shall
request you to bring them before the exercise comes to end,in this
case then you need to exercise prudence by bringing them(be

-When leaving the boardroom DON’T BANG the door at all cost
to avoid giving a bad impression to the panel

-Don’t interact(involve yourself) with anyone once out of the

interview room to avoid being disqualified once found doing so.



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