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Graph Theory (BCST 604(A))

Q1: Define the terms a) Walk b) Path and c) Circuit with an example.
Q2: Prove that the no of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even.
Q3: Draw a graph that has a Hamiltonian path but does not have a Hamiltonian circuit.
Q4: Draw the graph of the following.
a) Graph that is Euler and Hamiltonian
b) Graph that is Euler and but not Hamiltonian

Q5: Let G be a simple graph of order n. If the size of G is 56 and size of G’ is 80. What is n?
Q6: Define the directed graph? Differentiate Symmetric digraphs and Asymmetric digraphs.
Q7: What do you mean by complement graph? Give an Example.
Q8: A simple graph G has 10 vertices and 21 edges find the total number of edges in its
complement graph G.
Q9: A simple graph G has 30 edges and its complement graph G’ has 36 edges. Find
number of vertices in G.

Q10. Prove with example that in a complete graph with n vertices there are n(n-1)/2 edge
disjoint Hamiltonian circuit, if n is odd number n>=3.

Q11. A connected graph G is Eulerian iff each vertex has even degree.

Q12. Define Graph with Example? find out the following:

i. Order of Graph

ii. Size of Graph

iii. degree of Graph

Q13. Solve the Question:-

a) Let G be a simple graph with nine vertices and twelve edges, find the number of
edges in G'.

b) G is a simple graph with 40 edges and its complement G' has 38 edges. Find the
number of vertices in the graph G or G'.

Q14. Prove that a simple graph with n vertices and k components can have at most (n-k)
(nk+1)/2 edges.

Q.15 What is tree in graph theory? Explain with Example.

Q16. What is Spanning Tree. Find the spanning tree of given graph

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