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so at this point in time based from our intended learning objectives our subject matter or

topic to be discussed is about exceptionalities and when we speak about exceptionalities
not all learners have common characteristics and based on psychology, they have of course
individual differences and one of its differences of course is their exceptionality and, when
we speak about exceptionalities there are two main divisions number one is

disability and the other one is of course a handicap when we speak about this ability
this ability is a measurable impairment or limitation that interferes with person's ability so
when we speak about measurable meaning it can be seen, it can be touched or it can be
heard something like that, there are of course limitations in the ability of the students the
second one is because of this ability handicap is produced.

So what is a handicap handicap is disadvantage that of course as a result of a

disability or impairment so when a student or a child has a disability therefore he is
handicapped and based on this discussion we will be uh discussing about different
disabilities and of course the different handicaps that are are results of this disabilities.

Next disability we have number two we have the social emotional and behavioral
difficulties or the s-e-b under the social emotional and behavioral difficulties.

We have the first uh type which is called autism and what is autism autism can be
manifested in different levels of impaired social interaction and communication repetitive
behaviors, and limit limited interest so uh these uh students and people who are having this
autism uh there is of course a problem in social interaction and of course in communication
they could not express themselves properly, because of the difficulty in speech as well as
they will do behaviors repeatedly and they will of course exhibit limited interest and what
uh we ask them to do, so we must be very careful for this kind of disorder, you know pupils
of having autism really need a special school for them so that the teachers who are highly
And then we have also the following signs of autism we have one sign is these
students or pupils having this social emotional behavior difficulties such as autism they
avoid or do not keep eye contact they have they have really difficulty in focusing their eyes
and having eye contact with their mentor or to the teachers they do not respond to name
until nine months of age they will never respond when you are calling them even you are
shouting at their names they will never respond to you until uh the time that they are
already one year old they will pay attention if you are if you are really patient in calling their
name they do not show facial expressions like happy sad angry and so in surprise so most of
them do not reflect uh facial expressions to really really exhibit what they feel because uh it
is really a problem for them to to coordinate their feelings as well as their facial expressions
they do not play simple interacting games like apata cake and they will only do that when
they are already one year old no they really find it hard to play especially those that are next
that needs any dexterity and of course another sign most of them use few or no gestures
until one year of age so these are now the signs of autism as a one example under social
emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Then another one is mental retardation what is mental retardation this refers to
significant some average of intelligence and deficits and adaptive behavior so, these are
now the individuals who are really having a problem in their cognition and, uh really find it
hard to remember, find it hard to speak of what is in their minds and its like if you are
teaching them
today whatever you have taught them today will be forgotten tomorrow.

we have the first one the mild mental retardation they have an average of intelligent
cautions between 50 to 75 percent but uh because it's a bit uh higher so they can acquire
academics up to sixth grade you know they can go to school and understand up to sixth
grade because they have an iq of 50 to 75 although it ill be hard and difficult for the teacher
to really train them as compared of course to normal uh students or pew peels

Then we have the next which is moderate uh these are now those students and uh
peoples who have mental retardation their iq is of course has an average of 35 to 55 percent
they can carry out work and have self-care tasks but they need to be taught repeatedly of
the simple self-care tasks such as such as wearing their shoes lacing their shoes or uh say for
example keeping uh the the waste throwing them on the on trash cans then we have also
severe their iq is between 20 to 40 percent in average and this um uh pupils who have
mental retardation may master basic self-care skills and some is communication but you
have to do it with patients okay they can also tie their shoes they can also bring their bags
on its proper boxes but they have to really do with as uh as as the mentor or as the teacher
is giving careful attention to them and they must be consistent in what they want to teach
them especially this simple self-care skills as well as in communication skills you have to
really take time to teach them the alphabet and it sounds and uh it will be very good if you
will be doing it in the law of exercise or law of repetitions then we have also the the highest
no problem of mental retardation is called profound in which these pupils or students have
an iq of lower than 25 percent they will less be able to develop self-care in communication
skills with appropriate training so uh this pupils having a problem of mental retardation as
well as autism really needs an expert a master holder of a special education so that they
will be attended to properly.

Next we have emotional or conduct disorders and this emotional or conduct

disorders are aggressions over a considerable amount of time meaning uh these are the
students who could not control their emotions who could have uh the the longer display of
negative behavior. then under them this we have the following signs one there is the
presence of emotional states like depression.

We have the third one which is called now the emotional or conduct disorders or the
ecb and these emotional or conduct disorders are really students who are not who could
not control uh their exist emotions and the displaced problem to avoid by uh other students
and other and and some times of course the teachers.

And then we have also the following effects if if there are if we have students who
have physical disabilities and health impairments the following are its effect one there will
be limited energy and strength so most of these students are not that well fit so they have
only limited energy and strength, so if you are handling students like them there must have
a lessened uh time of engagement as compared to normal pupils or normal students, the
next there is a reduced mental alertness so the attention span is really very short, if most of
the individuals especially those that are high school or college have a quality time span of 20
minutes in average, these students who have physical disabilities and health impairments,
they have of course reduced mental alertness it's good if they can focus for 10 minutes, and
then of course they have limited muscle control especially those that are having autism or
mental retardation they could not handle uh things such as glass or balls that can be broken
because they have limited muscle control now uh in this discussion.

We have also the so-called severe in multiple disabilities, when we speak about
severe and multiple disabilities these are the disabilities encountered or the students who
have uh multiple disabilities or the people have two or more different types of this ability.
uh and we can also say that this ability is under sensory impairment and under this we have
two, uh we have the so-called visual impairments and we have also the hearing impairment,
so when we speak about visual impairment there is of course a malfunction of the eyes for
optic nerve so they could not see well, uh they can be too much uh farsightedness or too
much nearsightedness and, of course we have hearing impairment and this is about the
malfunction of the ear or auditory nerve that hinder perception of sounds, these two
impairments are really severe in multiple disabilities that must be um that must be taken
care of by a doctor look into what necessary help that can be given to them.

And then under also this study we we have of course not only negative but of course
giftedness they're the giftedness they have high level of cognitive development so so there
are schools who are really catering to giftedness because if they will not be catered properly
their gift will be forgotten and it will not be enhanced, so uh having a star section is one
intervention to cater to some giftedness because uh this this students or people of a high
level level of cognitive development they have also unusual high ability or aptitude in one or
more of the following the first one they have high iq or intellectual ability more than 100,
then some have aptitude in academic subjects,there are some who are really very good and
excellent in mathematics they can solve uh complicated complex problems and, some are
very good in english and, some can write some can compose, and we have seen baby
children in the television who can recite different countries with their uh with their
corresponding capitals so or the flag we can see that uh you just show them the flag and
they will see what country is the owner of that flag that is a bit of giftedness then we have
also those uh students who are so creative you know in uh in drawing or in the making of
arts when you assign them a to make a certain output they will not do it as simple as like the
students but they will do it we create so creative and not only artistic but they can create a
different you know a different painting or a different cut outs if uh or are a poster poster
making is usually uh seen in the schools and those of course students who are winning uh in
uh poster making can be in this in this category then there are also those students who are
gifted visually in on on performing arts wherein they can act and they can express effectively
the different emotions and most of them can be seen in the glee clubs they can be seen of
course in the drama theater arts something like that and of course there are also students
and pupils who are gifted in leadership and most of them of course win in the student
councils or when they uh they will be good politicians in the future but i hope that they will
not be corrupt okay so uh

thank you for listening

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