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Subject: Computer Systems Servicing

Date: March 11-15, 2024

Grade Level: Grade 9

1. Identify various testing methods based on types of electronic components
2. Determine characteristics and appropriateness of testing methods to be used
during development and on completion
3. Consider/select testing methods in relation to appropriate testing strategy

Learning across curriculum:

1) Physics - Understanding the properties of electrical components and how they are
tested relates to the principles of electricity and magnetism.
2) Mathematics - Calculating the efficiency and reliability of testing methods involves
mathematical analysis and problem-solving skills.
3) Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) - Applying testing methods in
Computer Systems Servicing is aligned with hands-on skills development in
technology subjects.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Visual Aids

Anecdote 1 - Sharing stories of how Filipino inventors contributed to advancements
in electronics testing methods.
Anecdote 2 - Incorporating traditional Filipino games to explain the concept of testing
methods in a fun and engaging way.

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Real-Life Scenario

1) Idea - Present a mystery box containing different electronic components for
students to identify and test using appropriate methods.
2) Idea - Conduct a debate on the effectiveness of various testing methods in
different scenarios to encourage critical thinking.

Activity 1: Component Testing Challenge

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials - Various electronic components, testing tools
Significance - Enhances students' ability to identify and test electronic components

1) Students will be given a set of electronic components and tasked to identify and
test them using appropriate methods.
2) They will record their findings and determine the characteristics of each
3) Rubric - Accuracy of identification (5 pts), Correct testing method used (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the different testing methods used for resistors, capacitors, and diodes?
2) How do you determine the appropriateness of a testing method for a specific
electronic component?
3) Why is it important to select the right testing strategy during the development

Teaching Strategy: Lecture
Explain the concept of testing methods using visual aids and real-life examples.
Encourage student participation through Q&A sessions.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning
Task 1 - Students will design a testing strategy for a specific electronic component
and present it to the class.
Task 2 - Students will create a troubleshooting guide for common testing errors and

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Technology Integration

Question 1 - Describe the steps in selecting an appropriate testing method for a
Question 2 - Compare and contrast the characteristics of testing methods for ICs and
Question 3 - How does the testing strategy impact the overall development process
of electronic systems?

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning
Design a virtual field trip to a local electronics manufacturing facility where students
can observe testing methods in action.

1) Assignment Overview: Research and write a report on the evolution of testing
methods in electronic components. (Direct Instruction)

Assessment Question: Explain how advancements in testing technology have

improved the efficiency of electronic systems development. (10 pts)
2) Assignment Overview: Create a video tutorial demonstrating the proper testing
methods for different electronic components. (Technology Integration)

Assessment Question: How can effective testing methods contribute to the overall
reliability of electronic systems? (10 pts)

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher II / TVL Department Chairman

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