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Solution to Exercise 2.3.


We want to show that the following two equations are equivalent for equilibrium:

e(Vn + U)

nep(U) SCR =

nen(U) SCR · exp –
 
edge edge kT

nep(U = 0) =
nhp(U = 0)

The first equation then simplifies to

eVn ∆EF
 = nen(U)
 · exp – = nen(U)
 · exp –
edge edge kT edge kT

Start with the equation for the majority carrier concentration nhp(U = 0) in general and the definitions of the energies:

EF – EVp
nhp(U = 0) = Neffp · exp –

Difference of
e·Vn = = EVp – EVn = ECp – ECn = ∆EF
band edges

Consult the solution to the Poisson equation if you are unsure (the relevant diagram is reprinted below) and recall
that in the band diagram, the energy scale refers to electrons, which carry a negative electric charge – so that the
electrostatic potential contributes with a negative sign.
Also note that EF, of course, is constant in equilibrium, and ∆EF thus refers to the difference in Fermi energies
before the contact!

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EVp thus can be expressed as EVp = EVn + ∆EF.
This brings you already to the n-side. However, you want to find nen in the equation, and for that you need a
factor ECn – EF.
So, express EVn in terms of ECn via EVn = ECn – Eg with Eg = band gap. This yields

EF – ECn + Eg – ∆EF
nhp(U = 0) = Neffp · exp –

You now have terms that occur in the definition of the electron density in n-Si [namely, EF – ECn = – (ECn – EF)] and
for the intrinsic carrier density (namely, Eg).
So, multiply with Neffn / Neffn, remember that ni2 = Neffp · Neffn · exp – Eg/(kT), and 1/nen = 1/Neffn ·
exp[(ECn – EF)/(kT)]; thus, you have

ni2 ∆EF
nhp(U = 0) = · exp
nen kT

This gives for nen:

ni2 ∆EF
nen(U = 0) = · exp
nh p kT

We now can substitute nen in our first equation and obtain

 ni2 ∆EF ∆EF

nep  SCR = · exp · exp –
 edge nh p kT kT

⇒ nep =
nh p

That is exactly the second equation – Q.E.D.

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