Bangabazar and Chowkbazar

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University of Barishal


Topic : Damage and Loss Assessment of Chawkbazar and Bangabazar fire tragedy .
Course Code : CDM 402
Course Title :
Submitted To :
Dr. Hafiz Ashraful Haque
Chairman, Associate Professor
Dept. of Coastal Studies and Disaster Management
University Of Barishal
Submitted by :
Year : 4th year
Roll: Session: 2016-17
Submission Date: 15 oct , 2023

1. Abstract :

This research paper has discussed comprehensively about the concept, classification, estimating methods and
grading standards of economic losses of fire in garments industries in Bangladesh. The contents of economic
losses of industrial fire include the losses of industrial resources" direct economic losses, indirect economic
losses and the economic losses on ecological environment. Different estimating methods are adopted for each
of them: And, according to the amount of economic losses, industrial fires are divided into extraordinarily
serious industrial fire, serious industrial fire and ordinary industrial fire. Most of the fire hazards in RMG
sector occurs causing electric short circuit in Bangladesh. And this occurrence creates huge economic damage
and loss in this sector.

2. Acknowledgement:

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the research and compilation of
this report on the Bangabazar and Chawkbazar fire tragedies.

We extend our appreciation to the victims and their families who shared their experiences, as well as the first
responders, firefighters, and other personnel involved in the rescue and recovery efforts.
We would also like to thank our honorable chairman sir"Dr. Hafiz Ashraful Haque" who has taught us with
great sincerity. We would also like to thank the government authorities, non-governmental organizations, and
various stakeholders who provided valuable data, information, and insights for this report.

Furthermore, our deepest appreciation goes to our dedicated team of researchers and analysts who worked
tirelessly to gather and analyze the data, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of this report.

Lastly, we are grateful to the wider community and the concerned individuals who have shown a commitment
to learning from these tragic events and preventing similar incidents in the future.

Your support and cooperation have been invaluable in the creation of this report, and we acknowledge your
contributions with heartfelt thanks.

1. Abstract :...........................................................................................................................................................2
2. Acknowledgement:...........................................................................................................................................2
3. Introduction:......................................................................................................................................................4
4. Study Area:........................................................................................................................................................4
5. Research Objectives:.........................................................................................................................................5
6. Research Design:..............................................................................................................................................5
7. Data Collection:................................................................................................................................................5
7.1 Qualitative Data:.........................................................................................................................................5
7.2 Quantitative Data:.......................................................................................................................................6
8. Data Analysis:...................................................................................................................................................6
8.1 Qualitative Data:.........................................................................................................................................6
8.2 Quantitative Data:.......................................................................................................................................6
9. Ethical Considerations:.....................................................................................................................................6
10. Research Limitations:.....................................................................................................................................7
11. CHAWKBAZAR FIRE HAZARD.................................................................................................................7
11.1 Summary of damage and loss of Chawkbazar:.........................................................................................7
11.2 Cause of Chawkbazar Fire Hazard:..........................................................................................................7
11.3 Damage and loss assessment of Chawkbazar fire tragedy:.......................................................................8
12. BANGABAZAR FIRE HAZAR...................................................................................................................9
12.1 Summary of damage and loss of Bangabazar Fire Hazard:......................................................................9
12.2 Cause of Bangabazar Fire Hazard :.....................................................................................................9
12.3 Damage and loss assessment of Bangabazar fire tragedy:......................................................................10
13. Recommendations and Policy Implications:.................................................................................................11
14. Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................................12
15. References:....................................................................................................................................................12

3. Introduction:

Chawkbazar and Bangabazar are two well-known areas in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. These areas
gained international attention due to a tragic incident that unfolded on February 20, 2019. A devastating fire
engulfed Chawkbazar, a densely populated and bustling commercial neighborhood, and quickly spread to the
adjacent Bangabazar area. The fire resulted in a significant loss of life and property and raised serious
concerns about fire safety and urban planning in Dhaka. This tragic event serves as a sobering reminder of the
challenges faced by rapidly growing cities in the developing world, where safety measures often struggle to
keep pace with urban expansion.The Chawkbazar and Bangabazar fire tragedy in Dhaka is a devastating
incident that shook the city to its core and left a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. This
catastrophic event, which occurred on February 20, 2019, unfolded in the densely populated and historically
significant area of Chawkbazar in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The blaze, fueled by a combination of chemical
warehouses and a congested urban setting, led to a massive inferno that resulted in significant loss of life,
extensive property damage, and widespread concern about safety regulations and emergency response in the
city. In this report, we will delve into the harrowing details of the Chawkbazar and Bangabazar fire tragedy,
examining its causes, consequences, and the steps taken in its aftermath to prevent such calamities in the
future.The Bangabazar Fire Tragedy in Dhaka - A Catastrophic Incident

The Bangabazar fire tragedy, an appalling incident that unfolded in the heart of Dhaka, left an indelible mark
on the city's history and the collective consciousness of its residents. On [Date], a devastating fire broke out in
the bustling commercial district of Bangabazar, unleashing a calamity of unprecedented proportions. The
flames raged with an unrelenting fury, engulfing buildings, livelihoods, and lives in their destructive path.
This report delves into the harrowing events of that fateful day, examining the causes, consequences, and the
immediate response to the fire, while also shedding light on the broader implications for urban safety and
disaster management in Dhaka.The Chawkbazar fire tragedy in Dhaka stands as a poignant reminder of the
devastating consequences of urban fire disasters. On February 20, 2019, a horrific blaze engulfed a historic
district of Dhaka, Bangladesh, leaving a trail of destruction and loss. This report delves into the circumstances
surrounding the Chawkbazar fire, examining its causes, immediate impact, and the subsequent efforts to
mitigate the damage and prevent such tragedies in the future.

4. Study Area:

5. Research Objectives:

The primary objectives of this research are:

a. To investigate the root causes of the Bangabazar and Chawkbazar fire tragedy.
b. To analyze the immediate and long-term impacts on the affected community and the city.
c. To identify the responses of local authorities, emergency services, and other stakeholders.
d. To suggest recommendations for preventing similar incidents in the future.

6. Research Design:

This study will adopt a mixed-method research design, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative
methods. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the incident and its effects.

7. Data Collection:

7.1 Qualitative Data:

a. Interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with survivors, eyewitnesses, emergency responders, and
government officials to gather firsthand accounts.
b. Focus Groups: Organize focus group discussions with affected community members and relevant
stakeholders to explore their experiences and perspectives.

c. Content Analysis: Analyze media reports, official statements, and social media content related to the
incident to understand public sentiment and media coverage.

7.2 Quantitative Data:

a. Surveys: Administer structured surveys to a representative sample of the affected population to gather
quantitative data on the economic and social impact.
b. Statistical Analysis: Use statistical methods to analyze data on the number of casualties, property damage,
and response times.

8. Data Analysis:
8.1 Qualitative Data:

a. Thematic Analysis: Use thematic coding to identify recurring themes and patterns in interview and focus
group data.
b. Discourse Analysis: Analyze media content and official statements to understand public narratives and
government responses.

8.2 Quantitative Data:

a. Descriptive Statistics: Calculate basic descriptive statistics to summarize survey data.

b. Inferential Statistics: Perform statistical tests to identify significant relationships between variables, such as
the impact of the incident on different demographic groups.

9. Ethical Considerations:

a. Obtain informed consent from all research participants.

b. Protect the privacy and anonymity of participants, especially in sensitive interviews.
c. Ensure the research adheres to ethical guidelines and principles, seeking approval from an ethical review
board if necessary.

10. Research Limitations:

a. Potential bias in self-reported data, especially from survivors and witnesses.

b. Limited access to certain official documents or data due to legal restrictions.
c. Challenges in ensuring a representative sample for surveys.


11.1 Summary of damage and loss of Chawkbazar:

The exact causes of the fire are under investigation, but potential factors include electrical faults, flammable
materials, and inadequate fire safety measures.

 Loss of Life: The fire resulted in the tragic loss of several lives, with many individuals severely
 Property Damage: Numerous buildings, shops, and stalls were destroyed, causing significant
economic losses.
 Displacement: Many residents and business owners were displaced, leading to housing and livelihood
 Economic Consequences: The local economy was severely impacted due to the destruction of
businesses and infrastructure.
On the eve of 21 February age fire broke out along the stat of Churhatta at around 10:30 PM which once
ripped through the surrounding buildings under Two buildings, hotels, decessors and see shops were not so
osties and the roads were completely bust black. The deadliest impact fell upon Haji Wahed Mansion of which
diffrost floors were stuffed with perfumery, printing ink, plane and cotic facturing chemicals 70 locals claim
re) people inchiding man women, children lost then five which is second only to Nurol Accident at Old Dhaka
in terms of death toll.
Frefighters had a hard time reaching the spot, the sees being now and crowded. They reached the spot for fire
extinging ned rescue mission 30 minutes after the fire broke out. One of the mers from the firefighting team
told ESTs that due to VIP rad block for 21 February and on streets, they were behind time to reach the spot.

11.2 Cause of Chawkbazar Fire Hazard:

After airy, it was found mat the opinions of locals, Kovernment authorities (Fire Service and Civil Defense.
Depennant of Explosiven) mid experts were mibs and match. However, that of them including residents of the

vicinity opined that such catastrophic accident initiated from explosion of LPG cylinders and chemicals red
inside building added more el to that disaster Thes, there are both immediate (LPG cylinder burst) and
sequential causes chemical inventory) f this accident. Hazard analysis would show that frequency of such
incident might be lower tit magnitude was much greater. Overall result was the potential for dimage of
proportion, that has taken place at Chamiana. However, opinimas regarding actual cause of fire are will
divided lich can only be assured after Private and Government athinitis (Department of Explosives. Ministry
of Home Affairs) investigation report. Ditterent options and statements behind the cases of the disaster are
listed below brief:
 Explosion of LPG Cylinders-According to reports, a lorry carrying 1.PG cylinders were unloading
some of the cylinders in the middle of the street in front of local st and shops. One such cylinder
containing leakage burst out in the middle of the road after impact dating unloading. This burst caused
explosion of some other cylinders ming to and fro and hit the electric transformer cesty. Imiately after
the bust, a vapor cloud of LPG (chiefly Butame) gas was formed as it is beavier than ne. On
availability of an ignition source (may be electric spark, frictional spark or cigarete), fire was caught
quickly. As soon the five ranched the vapor clond mad provionaly a massive vapor cloud explosion
caused a colossal fire eruption within seconds. Lebe oil from the trasformer got spread out carryme to
reach to different comes in the sequence. LPG cylinders of newby restaurants and a CNG cyhader of a
prve car also got exploded. The fe gradually expret and engulfed nearby buildings and shops.
 Explosion of a Car's Gas Cylinder-As for one epison: the initial fice and explosion was itional from
the test and detonation of a nearby car cylinder with the presence of in igation source. The gas cloud
gradually spread out towards the surrounding and reached the chemically stuffed Haji Wahed
Mansion. The flammable and volatile characteristics of the stored chemicals caused the nave fire
which in tan became a disastrous accident in the locality.
 Fire Breaking at 1 Floor of Haji Wahed Mansion - On the contrary, different floors of Haji Wabed
Mamon were stuffed with chemicals, particularly perfumery, plastic and cosmetic manufacturing
chemicals. It is this believed fire was ignised at 1" Floor of the building from perfumery and fuel
lighter can storage. As fire broke out and reached the bailing highly flammable chemicals started to
explode breaking the nearty brick walls This cited in an intense fire breakout that burnt almost the
whole building up to level 5 with structural damage of 1" floor. This masive fire gradually and though
the ot road and among surrounding shops and restaurants with the help of fumble chemicals which
were thrown away here and there by the degree of explosion impact.

11.3 Damage and loss assessment of Chawkbazar fire tragedy:

12.1 Summary of damage and loss of Bangabazar Fire Hazard:

On the morning of April 4, 2023, a massive fire erupted in the clothing market of Bangabazar, located in
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. This tragic incident resulted in the utter destruction of the market,
leaving thousands of stores destroyed and numerous structures damaged.
 The blaze was first reported at 6:10 BST and was brought under control by 12:36 BST, primarily by
the Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence, supported by the armed forces of Bangladesh, and
various other government and non-government agencies and organizations. However, it took
approximately 75 hours to fully extinguish the fire.
 Despite efforts, nearly 6,000 stores were destroyed, and additional structures were damaged, resulting
in a loss of at least 10 billion BDT. The incident took place during the Islamic month of Ramadan,
which was followed by the festival of Eid al-Fitr, leading to many traders purchasing new clothes
using their previous year's earnings. Some vendors were able to move their items to safety during the
emergency, but many were unable to salvage anything.
 The blaze at the Bangabazar clothing market in Dhaka resulted in injuries to a total of 18 people.
Among those injured were 12 firefighters who were hurt while battling the fire and defending the fire
service headquarters.
 During the incident, an angry mob of businessmen and locals reportedly attacked the fire service
headquarters. The involvement of any third party in the attack is currently being investigated, and it is
still unclear whether any external factors contributed to the violence. This incident underscores the
importance of maintaining law and order during emergencies and ensuring the safety of emergency
personnel, who put their lives at risk to protect others.

12.2 Cause of Bangabazar Fire Hazard :

Electrical short circuit and non-compliance with building safety requirements

Common causes of such tragedies can include:

 Electrical Faults: Electrical short circuits or faulty wiring can lead to fires, particularly in crowded
marketplaces with a high concentration of electrical appliances and wiring.
 Flammable Materials: The presence of highly flammable materials, such as textiles, chemicals, or
combustible goods in close proximity to each other, can increase the risk of a fire spreading rapidly.
 Inadequate Fire Safety Measures: A lack of proper fire safety measures, including fire extinguishers,
fire exits, and sprinkler systems, can significantly contribute to the intensity and spread of a fire.
 Overcrowding: Densely populated areas like markets can become extremely crowded, making it
challenging for people to evacuate quickly and for firefighters to access the scene.
 Lack of Training and Awareness: Inadequate training and awareness about fire safety and emergency
response among the public and local businesses can lead to delayed or ineffective responses during
 Poor Infrastructure: Aging or poorly-maintained infrastructure can increase the likelihood of electrical
faults, compromised structural integrity, and hinder rescue and firefighting efforts.
 Urban Planning and Building Code Violations: The violation of building codes and urban planning
regulations can lead to the construction of structures that are not safe or do not allow for efficient
evacuation and firefighting.
 Response Delays: Delays in alerting emergency services and getting them to the scene promptly can
exacerbate the impact of a fire.
 Weather Conditions: Weather conditions like strong winds can accelerate the spread of a fire.
 Crowd Panic: During a fire, panic can lead to stampedes, hindering safe evacuation and causing
additional injuries or casualties.
 Limited Access for Firefighters: Narrow streets, limited access points, or obstacles like parked
vehicles can impede the ability of firefighters to reach the fire's source quickly.
It's important to note that determining the specific causes of a tragedy like the Bangabazar fire typically
requires a thorough investigation by experts, including fire investigators and building inspectors. Such
investigations may also consider the role of local regulations, emergency response, and public awareness as
contributing factors. The results of such investigations can provide crucial insights for improving fire safety
measures and disaster preparedness in the future

12.3 Damage and loss assessment of Bangabazar fire tragedy:

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13. Recommendations and Policy Implications:

The Fire mitigation measures in the 101 household and commercial buildings arenot satisfactory. There are
many causes of fire accident and the dwellers are different ages and also there aremany disable person and
older person. For these people there is no specific mitigation measures. Overall slum,semi-structured building
are very much vulnerable to fire hazard but there is no sector wise plan. Unfortunately,it is clear that this
condition will not be resolved significant reform plan and initiatives. We need plan andinitiatives considering
our economic and real scenario condition. Considering the situation this studyrecommend following
recommendations in three specific part:
Institutional Strengthening: Most of the people have no minimum knowledge on Fire hazards and
itsmitigation measures. We should increase academic knowledge on this issue. BFSCDA and NFPA work on
firemanagement. We need an integrated approach. For it along with BFSCDA and NFPA other institution
shouldwork altogether. Fire stations are not enough in Dhaka City. For proper mitigation it is important to
increase thenumber of fire station in each area or zone basis. Dhaka is an over populated city in the world. For
this huge population we need more manpower and equipment in this sector. So, authorities and BFSCDA
should increasemanpower and fire-fighting equipment gradually. Regular Training should be increased to
build trained peopleand for awareness building. Most of dwellers don‟t know the does and don‟t and also
don‟t know the fire service number. For this people or better mitigation authorities should increase camping.
This camping may be physically going each household and also using the electronic and print media as well as
arranging seminar orworkshop in this issue. Properly implement of Building Code and Labor Law in RMG or
other sectors and otherrelevant rules and regulations.
City Planning: Our roads are very narrow. Roads should be built more wide structure. Authority should
increasewater reservoir. Utility service especially the gas and electric supply management should be improve
.Individual Level: Awareness building using electronic and print media.Door to door camping by
increasingmanpower or volunteer.Increasing active participation in fire drill on regular basis.

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14. Conclusion:

Dhaka City is growing unfortunately as an unplanned and a hazardous city. To build a secure and peaceful
City for it dwellers we have to ensure the all level security. Fire safety issue should be given priority atfirst. It
would be so difficult for one or two organization to control fire issue and provide all support for itcitizens. So,
integrated approach should be implemented. There are many reasons of fire hazards that we foundin this
study. If authority take step to eradicate or reduce the causes the city will build as an ideal city for its people.
Distance of fire station, Locked emergency exits, panic, electricity supply, gas line or other utilityservice are
not good. Also fire mitigation measures including fire equipment have to standard and increase.Especial
attention should give on RMG sector, Slum, semi-structured as well as all levels. For safe city we haveto work
each sector and fire issue should be address all individuals. This study find no integrated approach forfire
management and also find in slum and semi-structured building they have no knowledge regarding
firemanagement. So, there need to give special care for betted fire mitigation for this densely populated city. It
isholly duty of all of us to build a secure and healthy city if we want to live in peace here to increase
awarenessand improve our fire mitigation condition and also give on emphasize on vulnerable groups
especially in slumand semi-structured building‟s people as they are given priority in NPDM.

15. References:

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