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Crafting a Literature Review on Water

Writing a literature review is often considered one of the most challenging tasks for students and
researchers alike. It requires a deep understanding of the topic, critical analysis skills, and the ability
to synthesize information from various sources. When it comes to a literature review on water, the
complexity increases due to the vast amount of research available on this essential element of life.

Water, a fundamental resource for all living organisms, has been the subject of extensive research
across numerous disciplines including environmental science, hydrology, chemistry, biology, and
public health, among others. From studying its chemical properties to examining its role in
ecosystems and human societies, the literature on water is vast and diverse.

Navigating through this extensive body of literature can be overwhelming. Researchers often find
themselves drowning in a sea of articles, books, and reports, struggling to identify the most relevant
and authoritative sources. Moreover, synthesizing the information in a coherent and structured
manner poses another significant challenge.

To alleviate the burden of writing a literature review on water, it is essential to seek assistance from
professionals who specialize in academic writing. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert services tailored
to your specific needs. Our team of experienced writers understands the intricacies of literature
reviews and can help you produce a comprehensive and well-organized analysis of the existing
research on water.

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Water availability, quality, different use and demand management need considerations for
sustainable future of the earth. The speed of progress at this stage was much faster than the method
exploration stage. The menace has been evident through the loss of live through collapse of pits that
ended up killing some of their members and even the security as we recently witness in the loud cry
of Captain Mahama’s death. The adoption and implementation of these suggestions will bring about
effective and efficient water resources management for sustainable development and peaceful co-
existence. The FTLR programme had a negative impact on the spread and uptake of IWRM. Plan
targets were met and there was considerable back-. As per the custom with wedded pre-pubescent
girls, Chuyia lives in. If the country were to harness hydroelectric power from Pra River, then we did
generate 125 MW from the facility. Acknowledgments Thanks to the National Key Research And
Development Program funded project 2021YFC3000203, and the Ministry of Water Resources'
flood and drought disaster prevention strategy research talent innovation team project
WH0145B042021.We also would like to extend special thanks to the editor and the reviewers for
their insightful comments and constructive suggestions. Results present an opportunity to identify
and investigate further the disparities in access to water in similar communities in Oregon. Click
through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. However, with the availability of these
sources of water supplies there is entirely no institution or office mandated or tasked under the
customary regime to provide water for indigenes (Mensah 1999 ). Since, water is not withdrawn for
these uses, it is practically impossible to estimate the actual quantity of water required. Women and
Lajja.pptx Women and Lajja.pptx The impact of social suppressions in the characters of Rohinton
Mistry’s Fami. Figure 2.5 Percentage of population likely to be living in urban areas in 2030. This
challenge has compelled the Ghana Water Company to construct boreholes which will serve smaller
masses. Saline effluents are conventionally treated through physico-chemical means, as biological
treatment is strongly inhibited by salts (mainly NaCl). Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz (ex-director, Instituto
Pirenaico. In this Review, we evaluate the current and historical evolution of water. In England and
Wales, whereas industry and power took. The number of outbreaks and illnesses is likely
underreported; symptoms are usually mild and resolve quickly. This however decreased slightly in
2011 compared with 2010, and maintained a steady upward trend from 2011 to 2016. Resources at
the Beginning of the 21st Century. Interna-. The effect of climate change leading to variability in
precipitation is one of the challenges our country faces at present, which often result in floods as we
recorded the June 3 twin disaster in Accra, Ghana in 2014. Another important aspect of a good
literature review sample is the use of appropriate citation styles. Thus, legislation is becoming more
stringent and the treatment of saline wastewater, both for organic matter and salt removal, is
nowadays compulsory in many countries. Download citation Accepted: 17 November 2022
Published: 31 January 2023 Issue Date: February 2023 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the
following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available
for this article. Hills et al. (2002) published a report in the UK and. Worst of all from the water
resources point of view, the. According to Mantey ( 2017 ), the Enu River which serves residents at
Konogo in the Ashanti Region is polluted due to illegal mining activities.
Environment Agency (2009) describes irrigated agricul-. We have already passed the point where
over half of the. We assessed article abstracts for relevance before retrieving full texts. The risk of
selection bias for both studies is low since researchers used random sampling to identify participants.
We further conducted a complete bibliometric, statistical and meta-analysis of the 271 records. At
the concept proposition stage as well as the early exploration stage, the number of articles published
was relatively few and almost all were written in Chinese. India also has plans to divert waters from
the Himalayas. The Head of Communications at the Ghana Water Company Mensah K (1999) Water
law, water rights and water supply (Africa); Ghana—study country report. This review sought to
unveil the innovative IWRM strategy approach by critically examining its genesis, implementation,
adoption and the main drivers in in East, Southern and West Africa. Key informant interviews
contributed to the robustness of key words and search terms allowing us to refine our review,
expand our understanding of relevant policies and begin identifying potential public health-focused
water insecurity interventions. Thematic analysis derived four cross-cutting themes that contributed
to IWRM strategy implementation and adoption. US Geological Survey Circular 1186 (1999).
Breslin, S. COP26 has 4 goals. Water is central to all of them. From 2018 to 2019, the number of
papers increased significantly and the types of articles became more diverse. Dr Abdullah Almisnid,
University of Gassim, Unizah. The FTLR programme had a negative impact on the spread and
uptake of IWRM. Political shenanigans created an imbalance that resulted in two forms of water i.e.,
water as an economic good vs. Results on types of papers published indicates that 41.7% are articles
while editorial materials and reviews account for 1.5%. Conference and other meetings proceedings
papers account for a large proportion of papers published on WRCC research. In England and Wales,
whereas industry and power took. Urban dwellers typically consume between 300 and 600.
American Society of Civil Engineers (Abdallah et al. 2013) published a report on the. The Basel
Convention defines 'wastes' as substances or objects that need to be disposed of in accordance with
the provisions of national law. Professor Wang Wuyi, chair, IGU Commission on Health. Accra,
Ghana Nkansah MA, Boadi NO, Badu M (2010) Assessment of the quality of water from hand-dug
wells in Ghana. Management of water resources concerns is cross cutting in order to achieve the
outcomes of the plan will necessitate a collective effort to influence some other sectors. Donor driven
reform is essential and national ownership is critical in ensuring the water reform policies and
innovation diffusion processes are implemented at the national level. Groundwater monitoring
provides longer-term context over the past century, showing rising water storage in northwest India,
central Pakistan and the northwest United States, and declining water storage in the US High Plains
and Central Valley. The Act is the main instrument that directs water use and its management in
Ghana. WRCC is an extension of the concept of carrying capacity in the field of water resources,
and belongs to a research aspect of Resources Carrying Capacity. Europe from North Africa may be
the first sign of this. To address our second question, in regards to the cost of.
Research paper Pressur tube emmiter Anlaysis ofmicrotube emitter of trickle. Phase 2: Automatic
faucet, 0.5 gpm aerator, 14 day trial. Modeling in various forms and system dynamics are the
mainstream methods of Water Resources Carrying Capacity research. Professor Jana Olivier,
Department of Environmental. Water quality is influenced by natural processes and human activities
around the water source Among developed countries, public health problems caused by low water
quality, such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhus, skin itching, kidney disease, hypertension, heart
disease, cancer, and other diseases the nervous system. Therefore, we could feasibly produce neither
an aggregate measure of effect nor a critical appraisal of studies. 2.1. Search Strategy and Screening
Criteria We looked for sources discussing water insecurity at the individual, household, community,
state and national level with a public health focus. The implications for per capita water resources
are. In the Central Region, some water bodies particularly in Cape Coast have been polluted due to
galamsey activities (Mantey 2017 ). The study reviewed literature on water resources with focus on
freshwater, the quality of our freshwater in terms of physical, chemical and biological variables, the
main mechanisms of management, and the challenges associated with these mechanisms as well as
blending integrated water management with the indigenous or traditional management of water
resources for sustainable development and peaceful co-existence. OWRD has completed basin
studies in the Deschutes, Willamette and Klamath basins to understand the relationship between and
availability of groundwater and surface water. Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He
is. Legionella accounted for all acute respiratory illness and the causes of acute gastrointestinal
illness outbreaks included exposures to Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Clostridium, E. The National
Water Act drafting process in South africa was a multi-stakeholder and intersectoral activity that
brought in international consultancies. The colonias experiential survey and scales integrate the point
of view of marginalized communities experiencing water insecurity, supplying qualitative data and
quantitative analysis to classify varied levels of water insecurity and water security. Ross Brown
(Meteorological Service of Canada), Kevin. In Ghana as at 2014, the renewable freshwater resources
per capita were pegged at 1131. To access the Image Library and weblinks included on the. This
shows that these nodes appear more frequently at the same time. Surface water is considered as a
public property in most communities in Ghana; for others, the onus lies on the king or chief and his
kinsmen. We assessed the risk of bias in each study by determining whether the authors took
measures to minimize selection bias and whether the study samples were prone to recall,
nonresponsive, volunteer or response bias. When the article, will improve their content you have been
on use of society. There is a wide range in the water efficiency of irriga-. My thanks go particularly to
my Senior Research Assist-. The annual runoff of 56.4 billion m 3 is contributed from all rivers with
Volta River contributing a massive 41.6 billion m 3. The mean annual runoff of 38.7 billion m 3 is
from the Volta basin in Ghana thus about 64.70% of the total annual runoff. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Zhang and Wang (2012) only conducted a bibliometric analysis
of Chinese literature, and ignored the bibliometric analysis of English literature. Consequently, we
proposed a refined literature screening process to effectively and efficiently sort out relevant from
irrelevant literature. Author contributions XY contributed to conception and design of the study.
With this model, the battery must be replaced every 5 years. Paper presented at the proceedings from
the world environmental and water resources congress Ministry of Water Resources Works and
Housing (2005) Access to water supply and sanitation, country status overview, Accra Ministry of
Water Resources Works and Housing. (2012) National integrated water resources management
(IWRM) plan.

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