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Asanee Ruang-ngarm


Kru Sym Asanee

Kru Sym 1

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill


Direction: Choose the underlined part that is ungrammatical.

1. Tomas wants to hang out with his friends tonight, but his mom would rather he stays at home.
1. hang out 2. tonight 3. would rather 4. stays

2. I and my best friends have been studying very hard for many years because we are going to
apply for Chevening Scholarship, which provided by the UK government.
1. studying 2. For 3. to apply 4. provided

3. Tomas, who works as an engineer in America, said that he is going to move to Germany the
following month.
1. works 2. In 3. is going 4. move

4. The teacher has reminded us that everybody have to hand in the history essay on Friday.
1. reminded 2. That 3. have to 4. on Friday

5. Selena and Lisa have known each other since they has performed the show in Paris together.
1. have known 2. has performed 3. Show 4. together

6. While I was travelling to London by train, I saw a lot of workers who were using
their equipments to build a new bridge.
1. was travelling 2. by train 3. workers 4. equipments

7. I think we had better turn off the television now because it is high time
we complete our assignments before going to bed.
1. had better 2. Complete 3. Assignments 4. going

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 2


Direction: Complete the sentence with the best answer.
8. The number of students who want to study abroad _______ for decades.
1. increases 2. will increase
3. has increased 4. have been increasing

9. If you ______ me to your birthday last week, I would have bought you Iphone 13.
1. invited 2. would invite
3. had invited 4. were inviting

Anne : I don’t think Ella was coming to the party.
Nina : She _________________ her mind.
Anne : Well, I’m happy to see her again.
1. used to change 2. had better change
3. should have changed 4. must have changed

11. Tomas refused to travel abroad with his colleagues,

____he didn’t have enough money to afford it.
1. and 2. as 3. due to 4. but

12. Nick : Do you know what the word “Democracy” means?

Louise : Yes, I do. Democracy means a system of government in which all ______
in the country can vote to elect its government officials.
Nick : Thanks for answering my question.
1. inhabited 2. Inhabitants 3. Inhabitable 4. inhabits

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 3

PART : Expressions
Directions: Choose the correct answer.

Situation : Edward is speaking with his Editor, Mr. Adison.
Edward : Hello Mr. Adison. Have you had time to consider publishing my new book?
Mr. Adison : I haven’t started yet. ________________
Edward : Thank you so much. I hope you will like it.

1. I much prefer writing to reading. 3. I’m going to do it tonight.

2. I think you had better give up writing a new one. 4. I’m too busy to do it.

Situation : A grandmother is talking to her grandchild about the family business.
A grandmother: Your parents started opening this shop when you were five years old. And they
really hope you will take over from them after you have completed your
bachelor’s degree.
A grandchild : __________________
A grandmother: I hope you will think about your answer carefully again.

1. I’m so lucky to have a grandmother who always believes in myself.

2. I’m sorry, but I want to work as a teacher when I grow up.
3. I will get used to living in the big city soon.
4. I don’t know what menu I should order for them.

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 4

Situation : Nick and Tom are planning a trip to London.
Nick : Where should we go first when we are in London? Do you have any good ideas?
Tom : ____________________
Nick : Good ideas.

1. If we had been to the Buckingham Palace , we would have enjoyed our time.
2. I think you have already made a plan for our journey.
3. We should have visited the Big Ben before going shopping.
4. I think we ought to visit The Victoria and Albert Museum.

Situation : Jen is speaking to Tom about her cell phone. It isn’t working properly.
Tom : What’s wrong with your cell phone?
Jen : Well, When I turn it on it works, but after a few minutes, it stops working again.
Tom : _________________
Jen : Thanks. Would you like a glass of orange juice or something?
Tom : That would be great, thanks.

1. Ok. Let me take a look. 3. If I were you, I would throw it away.

2. Oh, it isn’t your business. 4. I should start using it more often.

Situation : Supinda is talking with her mother about her studies.
Supinda : Mom. I’m so tired of studying. I’ve started to become really scatterbrained.
Mother : You know that success comes from hard work. If you want to make your dream
comes true. _____________________ The best way to do your best.
Supinda : I know, I know. I’m just exhausted sometimes.

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 5

1.You always remember going to school for the first time.

2.You have practiced about this topic more than five times, but why you forget it.
3.You are getting used to living in a big city.
4.You have to make opportunities for yourself.

Situation : Smith and Natto are waiting for a bus at the station.
Natto : I think we are arriving school late.
Smith : Yeah. They have just announced that our bus will come in at 7.50, not 7.30.
Natto : I hate waiting.
Smith : __________________

1. Time management is an essential skill.

2. You can spend some time listening to music while waiting.
3. You don’t have much time to live on this earth.
4. You ought not to have spent time doing something like that.

Part: Vocabulary
Directions: Read the sentences below and select the best word choices to complete the
Jack’s behavior was very ______. There were a lot of inconsistencies in what he said. I doubted
whether he didn’t tell the truth.
1.suspicious 2.tolerance
3.conservative 4.dedicated

It was her ______ decision that she was moving to Germany to start her new life.
1.requirement 2.significant
3.interpretation 4.participation

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 6

Directions: Replace the verbs in bold in the sentences with a word given which has an
opposite meaning in the context of the sentence.
Your sister applied to work for that company when she was twenty years old, but she
was rejected as her grades were not good enough.
1. accepted 2. activated
3. accelerated 4. accommodated

My teacher asked me a question of which I couldn’t find the correct answer because it was
so complicated.
1. preserved 2. simplified
3. reinforced 4. modernized

If you want to improve your knowledge, you ought to spend time reading a book at least one hour
a day.
1. boost 2. deteriorate
3. enhance 4. progress

Elizabeth, who is my colleague, says she always deposits ten thousand baht a month.
1. appreciates 2. represents
3. serializes 4. withdraws


Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 7

Part : Reading
Directions: Read the passages. Then choose the best answers.

25. The word “alleviate” means _____.

1. affect 2. Trigger
3. enhance 4. Reduce

26. The word “they” (line 9) refers to _____.

1.Parents 2.Teachers 3.Children 4.Nurses

Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

Kru Sym 8

27. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about the protecting children
from Covid-19?
1. Giving children good data makes them less worried.
2. Eating healthy food will protect kids from Covid-19.
3. When children grow up, they won’t forget what they have learnt.
4. Being taught by people who stay around them is useful.

Passage 2

28. How long have they known each other?

1. They knew each other when they were young.
2. They have known each other more then six years.
3. They might be good friends because they love doing the same things, reading.
4. They will be good friends until the end of their lives come.

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Mattayom 4 English Preparation Drill

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