Term 2 Week 2 (English) Writing Forms

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Reading and Writing

Students engage personally with texts:

 Understand and appreciate the way texts are shaped through exploring a range of language
forms and features and ideas
 Experiment and use aspects of composing that enhance learning and enjoyment
 Recognise and discuss issues related to the responsible use of digital communication

Understand and appreciate the way texts are shaped through exploring a range of language:

Some language features:

1. Simile: saying something is like something else. E.g. ‘she ate like a pig’
2. Metaphor: directly saying something is something. E.g. ‘the soldier is a cheetah’
3. Onomatopoeia: words that sound like what they are trying to describe. E.g. ‘Bang! Pop!’
4. Rhyme: words that have the same sound. ‘the cAT in the hAT’
5. Oxymoron: two words that are out together to describe something, but the individual words
are opposite in meaning. E.g. ‘pretty ugly’
6. Personification: giving human qualities to something inhumane. E.g. ‘the trees are dancing in
the wind’
7. Hyperbole: exaggerating a phrase to make it a lot more serious. E.g. ‘she was so hungry; she
can eat a horse’

Questions for you to do:

1. Write a sentence for the above 7 language features.

2. Write a short paragraph using 3 of the above language features. Do this 3 times using
different examples each time.

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