Lab # 9

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LAB # 14

AIM: To investigate whether heat is produced during aerobic respiration.

APPARATUS: Iwo plastic bottles, insulating material, two thermometers, hot plate, beaker

MATERIALS: pea seeds, disinfectant, water.

1. Some pea seeds were soaked for 24 hours. The seeds were then divided into two equal

2. One portion of peas was boiled for 5 minutes then the peas were allowed to cool, then the
peas were rinsed in disinfectant. The un-boiled peas were rinsed in disinfectant.

3. Each set of seeds was placed into separate plastic bottles that had previously been
insulated with material. A thermometer was placed into each bottle, wedged in place with
cotton wool, and the flasks were carefully inverted, ensuring the thermometer bulb was in
the seeds.

4. The initial temperature was read in each flask, and the flasks were left for three days.

5. The final temperature was read in each flask after three days.

1. Record the initial and final temperature in each flask in a suitable table of comparison,
with title and headings)


Flasks Time (minutes) Initial Temperature Final Temperature
(°C) (°C)

1. Explain why one portion of the peas was boiled before the experiment was carried out?
Boiling a portion of the peas provides a crucial control that allows researchers to isolate and
identify the heat produced specifically as a result of aerobic respiration, helping to draw more
accurate conclusions from the experiment.

2. What was the purpose of rinsing both sets of peas in disinfectant?

The purpose of rinsing both sets of peas in a disinfectant is to create a controlled and sterile
experimental environment, minimizing the influence of external factors and ensuring that any
heat produced during aerobic respiration is attributed to the metabolic activity of the peas

3. Explain why heat is produced during respiration.

During aerobic respiration, heat is produced as a result of the metabolic processes occurring
within cells. Aerobic respiration is the process by which cells use oxygen to convert glucose and
other organic molecules into carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)

4. Explain any change in temperature in each of the bottles (in relation to heat production.
During respiration)
The bottle with organisms undergoing aerobic respiration will likely experience a temperature
increase due to the heat produced during the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen.
This temperature change serves as evidence for the production of heat during aerobic respiration.
The control bottle helps establish a baseline to differentiate the effects of aerobic respiration
from other potential sources of temperature change.

1. Suggest ONE assumption made in this investigation.
The calorimeter is perfectly insulated, and there is no heat exchange with the surroundings.

1. Suggest a limitation/source of error in this investigation.
Incomplete Measurement:
Not all the heat produced may be captured or measured. Some heat may be lost to the
surroundings, leading to an underestimation of the total heat produced.

1. Short and related to the aim
In conclusion, the investigation confirms that heat is a measurable outcome of aerobic
respiration, shedding light on the thermodynamic aspects of cellular energy processes. Further
exploration of these findings may contribute to a deeper understanding of metabolic pathways
and their implications in biological systems.
LAB # 8
TOPIC: Reproduction

AIM: Make drawings of fruits and seeds

MATERIALS: seeds, fruits, pencil, paper

1. The seeds and fruits that were given were used to make a large, accurate labeled drawing
of the external structures.

2. Annotations for the structures labeled by stating the function of each structure were

3. The length of the seeds and fruits was measured and the drawing and the magnification of
the drawing were calculated.
(include in the title Magnification = drawing size actual size of seed)
4. The calculation of the magnification of the drawing on the left-hand side on the back of
the page was shown.
1. Stigma: The stigma is the uppermost part of the female reproductive organ (pistil) in a flower.
It is typically sticky and is responsible for receiving pollen during pollination.

2. Petal: Petals are the often colorful, modified leaves of a flower that surround the reproductive
organs. They serve to attract pollinators and protect the inner floral structures.
3. Style: The style is the slender tube-like structure that connects the stigma to the ovary in a
flower. It provides a pathway for the pollen to reach the ovary.

4. Ovary: The ovary is the enlarged, usually basal part of the pistil that contains the ovules. After
fertilization, it develops into the fruit of the plant.

5. Anther: The anther is the part of the stamen (male reproductive organ) that produces and
releases pollen. It is typically situated on top of a filament.

6. Filament: The filament is the slender stalk that supports the anther in the stamen of a flower. It
positions the anther to facilitate the release of pollen.

7. Sepals: Sepals are the outermost, usually green, leaf-like structures of a flower. They form the
outermost whorl and protect the developing flower bud.

8. Receptacle: The receptacle is the thickened part of the flower stalk to which the floral organs
are attached. It serves as a platform for the various parts of the flower to be arranged.
1. Stigma: The stigma is the receptive tip of the female reproductive organ (carpel) in a flower. It
is where pollen grains land during pollination.
2. Stye: A stye is a painful, red lump that can develop on the eyelid, typically caused by a
bacterial infection in the oil glands.

3. Anther: The anther is the part of a flower's stamen that produces and releases pollen, which
contains male reproductive cells.

4. Ovule: The ovule is the part of the ovary in a flower where female reproductive cells (eggs)
develop. After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed.

5. Pollen Tube: After pollination, the pollen grain germinates and produces a tube called a pollen
tube. This tube grows towards the ovule, facilitating the delivery of sperm cells for fertilization.

6. Sepal: Sepals are the outermost, usually green, floral parts that protect the flower bud before it
opens. They are part of the calyx.

7. Stem: The stem is the main structural axis of a plant, providing support for leaves, flowers,
and fruits. It also serves as a conduit for water, nutrients, and sugars.

8. Thalamus (or Receptacle): The thalamus, also known as the receptacle, is the enlarged tip of
the flower stalk to which the floral organs (sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels) are attached.

9. Pedical (Pedicle): There seems to be a possible typo, and I assume you mean "pedicel." A
pedicel is the stalk that connects an individual flower to the main stem or thalamus in a flower

LAB # 7
AIM: To make a drawing showing the external morphological features of a dicot leaf.

APPARATUS: pencil, paper, leaf

1. Using the Hibiscus leaf given, make a drawing showing the external morphological

2. Label and annotate all features identified.

3. Calculate the magnification of the drawing.

LAB # 9

TOPIC: Genetics


AIM: Analysis of data for continuous and discontinuous variation

APPARATUS: ruler, pencil, paper

1. A meter stick was used to measure the height of 30 students, working with a partner. The
results were then recorded on the student sheet.

2. The students were asked to try and roll their tongues into a U-shape similar to that shown
below. On the student sheet, persons who can and who cannot roll his or her tongues
were recorded.

3. A bar graph of the class data of the traits was prepared, as assigned by my teacher..

1. Plot a bar chart with the results obtained.

1. Give two examples of continuous and discontinuous variation.
These variations can be classified as continuous or discontinuous.
Human height is an example of continuous variation and Blood type is an example of
discontinuous variation.

2. Which trait in the lab activity is continuous and which is discontinuous. Explain your
● Tongue rolling is an example of a discontinuous,The ability to roll the tongue is
determined by a single gene or a small number of genes, and it typically shows a clear-
cut, discontinuous pattern. Individuals can be classified into two distinct categories: those
who can roll their tongues and those who cannot.

● Height is an example of a continuous variation In the case of height, individuals in a

population can vary along a spectrum, with some being shorter, some taller, and others
falling at various points in between. There is no distinct categorization; instead, height is
measured on a continuous scale, allowing for a wide range of possible values.

1. Differentiate between continuous and discontinuous variation
Continuous variation refers to traits that exhibit a range of values without clear-cut categories,
showing a gradual spectrum influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors. Examples
include height and weight. On the other hand, discontinuous variation involves traits falling into
distinct categories with no intermediate forms, often determined by one or a few genes following
Mendelian inheritance patterns. Blood type and tongue rolling ability are examples of
discontinuous variation. The distinction lies in the nature of the variation, the genetic basis, and
the measurement scale, with continuous traits allowing for a spectrum of values and
discontinuous traits presenting as clear-cut, non-overlapping categories.

1. Why is variation an advantage to the population overall?

In summary, variation within a population provides the raw material for natural selection to act
upon, enabling the population to adapt to changing environments, resist diseases, and cope with
unpredictable challenges. It is a fundamental aspect of evolutionary processes that contribute to
the overall success and persistence of a species.

1. Outline two factors that can contribute to genetic variation

Two primary factors contributing to genetic variation are mutations, which are spontaneous
changes in the DNA sequence, introducing new genetic variants, and recombination (crossing
over) during meiosis, which shuffles genetic material between chromosomes, creating unique
combinations of alleles in offspring. Both processes play crucial roles in generating diversity
within a population, facilitating adaptability and evolutionary success.

4. Account for the shape of the bar charts obtained.

1. Any assumption(s) made during the experiment.


1. Incorrect Measurement of the individual height

1. Explain ONE limitation/source of error of this experiment.

1. Short and related to the aim
The lab's analysis of data for continuous and discontinuous variation has provided valuable
insights into genetic traits and their inheritance patterns. Continuous variation reveals a spectrum
of phenotypes, influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors. Discontinuous variation
reveals distinct, non-overlapping phenotypes, typically governed by single genes. This highlights
the complexity and diversity of genetic traits and underscores the importance of data analysis in
genetics, contributing to advancements in agriculture, medicine, selective breeding, genetic
engineering, and genetic disorders diagnosis and treatment.

LAB # 1


AIM: To draw label and annotate the external and internal structure of a seed

MATERIALS: large seed (broad bean), paper, pencil

1. External structure of a seed:
On a sheet of blank paper, a large, accurate drawing of the external structure of a seed was made.
• Include the position of the developing embryo (radicle), testa, hilum, micropyle as labels
• Make annotations for the structures labeled by stating the function of each structure
• Measure the length of the actual seed, and your drawing, and calculate the magnification of
your drawing; include in the title.
Magnification = drawing size
actual size of seed
• Show the calculation of the magnification of the drawing on the left hand side on the back of
the page;

2. Internal structure of a seed:

CAREFULLY remove the testa of the seed and open the cotyledons so the embryo can be seen.
On a sheet of blank paper , make a large, accurate drawing of the internal structure of the seed.
Label the cotyledons, radicle, plumule, embryo; include annotations for the structures labelled.
Show calculation of magnification as before.

LAB # 11

AIM: To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity.

APPARATUS: Balance, 3 small boiling tubes, 10cm3 measuring cylinder, tweezers, ice bath,
hot water bath (hot plate, 250cm3 beaker), test-tube rack, wooden splint MATERIALS:
hydrogen peroxide, liver, water

1. Some liver was chopped and crushed and;2 g of chopped liver were placed in three small
boiling tubes. 2cm3 of water was to each boiling tube, (ensuring the samples of liver are
in contact with the water).

2. 1 boiling tube was placed in an ice bath and leave for 5 minutes. 2 cm3 of hydrogen
peroxide was then added; the height of the foam produced was measured, and the gas
with a glowing splint was tested

3. 1 boiling tube was placed in a hot water bath and left for 5 minutes. 2cm3 of hydrogen
peroxide was then added; the height of the foam produced was measured, and the gas
with a glowing splint was tested.

4. The remaining boiling test was placed in a test-tube rack. Add 2cm3 of hydrogen
peroxide; measure the height of the foam produced, the gas with a glowing splint.

1. Describe the effect of the gas on the lighted splint.
When a lighted splint is brought near a gas, it can have different effects depending on the gas.
Some gases, like oxygen, will cause the splint to reignite and burn more intensely. Other gases,
like carbon dioxide, will extinguish the flame. It's pretty cool to see how different gases interact
with fire.

1. Make a table of comparison of the height of the foam produced. INTERPRETATION: 1.
Liver contains the enzyme catalase. State the effect of catalase on hydrogen peroxide,
including a chemical equation for the reaction.

2. Compare the function of catalase at low temperature (ice bath), room temperature and hot
temperature (hot water bath)
Enzymes are proteins that speed up specific chemical reactions in living organisms. They're
highly specific because each enzyme has a unique shape at its active site, allowing it to bind and
work only with a specific type of substrate. This specificity is due to the enzyme's precise
structure, ensuring efficient and targeted catalysis.

2. Explain the term ’optimum temperature’. Suggest which temperature is closest to the
Optimum temperature of catalase, and explain your answer.

'Optimum temperature' refers to the temperature at which an enzyme functions most effectively.
For catalase, an enzyme breaking down hydrogen peroxide, the optimum temperature is around
37 degrees Celsius, close to the human body temperature, where catalase works most efficiently.

In summary, the optimum temperature for catalase is around 37 degrees Celsius, reflecting the
conditions under which this enzyme naturally functions in the human body. This temperature
allows for the highest catalytic activity without risking denaturation of the enzyme.

Short and related to your aim

In essence, this lab not only served as a practical application of theoretical concepts but also
fostered skills crucial for future scientific endeavors. As we conclude this experiment, we carry
with us a heightened appreciation for the intricate world of seed structures, laying the foundation
for continued exploration and learning in the realm of plant biology.

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