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Employee, Wellness, Health & Safety

Multiple Choice Questions (Answers)

1 c) Decorative
2 c) Provide support to employees facing personal challenges
3 c) Improved mental well-being
4 b) Forgetfulness
5 d) Improved employee retention
6 b) Work environment design for safety and efficiency
7 c) Early detection of potential issues
8 d) Vitamin D
9 b) Wrist pain
10 a) To identify individual health risks
11 c) Meditation
12 b) Blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels
13 d) New employee orientation
14 a) Taking regular breaks
15 b) Enhances cognitive function and focus
16 c) Anxiety
17 b) Remote medical consultations
18 a) Employee engagement and participation
19 d) Impaired decision-making
20 c) Decreased energy levels
21 d) Sales training
22 a) Taking hourly breaks to stretch
23 c) Health insurance costs
24 c) Improved physical health
25 b) Improve their overall nutrition
26 b) Increased enthusiasm for work tasks
27 c) Mental well-being
28 b) To promote physical activity
29 c) Micro-breaks
30 c) Keeping wrists flat and straight when typing
31 b) Access to counseling services
32 a) Detecting potential health issues early
33 c) Mindfulness practices
34 b) Power nap
35 b) Breathing exercises
36 b) Flexible working hours
37 c) To promote healthy behaviors and habits
38 b) Mindfulness and meditation sessions
39 b) To improve posture and reduce back issues
40 c) Mandatory overtime hours
41 b) Enhanced flexibility and stress relief
42 b) Promoting and maintaining the physical, mental, and social well-being of
43 c) Offering flexible working hours or remote working options
44 b) Taking regular screen breaks every hour
45 c) Access to counseling or therapy
46 b) Promote proper posture and reduce musculoskeletal problems
47 b) To promote a healthier environment and support employees trying to quit
48 b) For early detection of potential health issues
49 a) Enhancing office aesthetics
50 c) Offer a space for relaxation, meditation, or brief respites from work

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