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Writing a literature review is an essential component of academic research, serving as a critical

summary of existing knowledge on a specific topic. It involves extensive reading, analysis, and
organization of scholarly articles, books, and other relevant sources. The process can be daunting, as
it requires the identification of relevant literature, critical evaluation of each source, synthesis of
findings, and the creation of a cohesive narrative that contributes to the understanding of the research

One of the most challenging aspects of writing a literature review is determining its optimal length.
The length can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the breadth of the topic, the
scope of the research, the requirements of the academic discipline, and specific guidelines provided
by instructors or publication outlets. In general, literature reviews for undergraduate projects might
range from 2000 to 5000 words, while those for master's theses and doctoral dissertations could be
substantially longer, ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 words or more.

The complexity of writing a literature review lies not only in its length but also in the intellectual
effort required to critically analyze and synthesize a wide array of information. This task demands a
deep understanding of the topic, the ability to discern key themes and debates, and the skill to
articulate how the reviewed literature informs and shapes the research question. It is a meticulous
process that involves sifting through a vast amount of information, identifying relevant studies, and
weaving together various strands of research to present a comprehensive overview of the existing

Given these challenges, many students and researchers find it beneficial to seek professional
assistance with their literature reviews. A reliable service like ⇒ ⇔ can offer
invaluable support in navigating the complexities of this task. With a team of experienced writers
who specialize in a wide range of academic disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized
help with literature reviews, ensuring that they are well-researched, meticulously written, and
perfectly aligned with the research objectives. Whether you are struggling with identifying relevant
sources, synthesizing findings, or determining the appropriate length for your literature review,
professional writing services can help streamline the process, saving you time and enhancing the
quality of your work.

In conclusion, the task of writing a literature review is a formidable one, requiring a significant
investment of time and intellectual effort. Its length can vary widely, and determining the optimal
length is a critical aspect of the process. For those facing difficulties with this task, seeking
professional assistance can be a wise decision, offering expert guidance and support to ensure the
creation of a comprehensive, well-structured literature review that effectively contributes to the
advancement of knowledge in your field.
One needs to inform the objective of the review in the initial paragraphs. Conclusion As you can see,
a review is quite a significant part of a research project, so you should treat it with the seriousness
that it deserves. The findings can be related to the aims of the study you are proposing to do. The
obvious first step is to identify a research topic or question to be addressed. The theoretical
framework will include concepts and theories that you will base your research on. Should your
review consist of a summary, synthesis, or a personal critique. Thought such a narrow topic can make
a lot of problems, but you did something fantastic. All of the latest literature should inform a
research project. Just provide us with as many details as possible with order instructions. So it’ll be
easy for them to expand your list of sources with trustworthy ones on the topic. A 10,000-word
length is the most common length of such a document and is perfectly balanced. Will G Hopkins
PhD. Division of Physiology and College of Bodily Schooling, College of Otago, Dunedin 9001,
New Zealand. 1. Introduction. To not be confused with a e book evaluate, a literature evaluate
surveys scholarly articles, books and different sources (e.g. dissertations, convention Example of
literature critiques from Helen M. If you include studies prior to the past five years that are not
landmark studies, you should defend why you have chosen these rather than more current ones. It is
often the first step in doing original research someone reading a literature review should gain an
understanding of trends, issues, unresolved questions, controversies, and the importance of. What
evidence has led to a particular claim being made. Find Out More It Justifies the Need for Research
A literature review also justifies the reason for conducting the dissertation by having many previous
works mentioned and relating it to the need of conducting this study. To answer is simple and most
straightforwardly, a 10,000 words dissertation must include at least a 3,000 Words literature review
which is 30% of the literary text. For a 25-page capstone project, about 5 to 6 pages of literature
review should be enough. It also means that you can easily identify, evaluate, and summarize existing
research that’s relevant to your work. 2. Justify Your Research There’s more to writing a research
paper than just identifying topic and generating your research question from it. The spatio-temporal
gradient fields of target videos are modified or mixed to generate a new gradient field, which is
usually not integrate able. Once you understand the role that literature reviews play in research
projects, you’ll give the assignment the full attention that it deserves. The Integrative Literature
Review Example holds some ideas on how to present your version along with citing some best
examples. This is required especially when you are having a literature review of a balanced length,
that is 300 words. This is a prime example of an organisation requiring to adapt and being flexible in
a changing environment in order to remain relevant and competitive (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990: 1).
Summarize the literature in table or concept map format Galvan recommends building tables as a
key way to help you overview, organize, and summarize your findings, and suggests that including
one or more of the tables that you create may be helpful in your literature review. Collecting data
3.1. Research designs 3.2. Qualitative techniques 3.3. Quantitative techniques 3.4. Processes 4.
Analyzing data 4.1. Coding language data 4.2. Analyzing performance 4.3. Qualitative data 4.4.
Quantitative data 5. If your instructor states that you make your thesis 60 pages long, the literature
review should be at most 12 pages. Source: Write the reviewstart by writing your
thesis statement. Be sure that you start with your General Field first before referring to your
dissertation study. Use these 3 tips to reduce your overwhelm and get your literature review done.
For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you might say something
like: What is a literature review. A literature review is a close examination of academic sources on a.
We can work both with your own sources or search and analyze new ones instead of you. For the
most part, they’ll vaguely create a list of existing studies and consider the assignment complete. It
should not feel like a glorified annotated bibliography. ( ). How long a literature review is depends
on purpose and audience. How to write a literature review in 30 minutes or less breaks down this
academic assignment into 5 easy steps: The scope of your review will depend on your topic and
discipline: The literature review often appears near the start of your dissertation, and is a key part of
your overall dissertation structure. Given the depth of research involved and the structuring and
writing process, it can take a while to get the work done. Key Takeaways Writing a literature review
is important for the following reasons: It demonstrates that you understand the issue you’re
investigating. A search strategy helps prevent that, by using punctuation and keywords to make the
database understand exactly what you want. Therefore, we’d like you to know who will work on
your annotated bibliography and be assured of getting the best quality only. If you are writing a
literature review, you can take a sample note of the following points. This also means you will not be
writing the literature review at any one time, but constantly working on it before, during, and after
your study is complete. One thing to note down is that a literature review is highly important and
maintaining a balanced length is crucial for the research student. Hands down to their expert
consultation and guidance. Now that you know the difference between an essay and a review as
well as the different types of literature review, it’s important to look at why it’s important to examine
existing literature in your research. The library runs workshops for introducing you to using
Mendeley, including how to import references and manage them. You can even incorporate
complementary materials like an itinerary printable chart or data table for your literature review. A
literature review should be structured like any other essay: It should have an introduction, a middle
or main body, and a conclusion. Although these visual characters are undoubtedly good indicators of
rapidly evolving action contents, they are not enough to determine the desired action. Source: The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a
selected topic. As such, the writing part should be done while keeping the reader in the mind too.
This is a review of how this literature if written. Given that you are presenting what the literature
says about a field of study, not what you think or believe, you must cite those authors that actually
make and provide the research evidence, theories, frameworks for practice etc. This assignment can
also be individual or a part of the research process for a bigger paper. It is assumed that by
mentioning a previous work in the field of study, that the author has read, evaluated, and assimilated
that work into the work at hand. It should be nothing but simple and straight to the point. It is
always good to have some literature review samples by your side to reference, such as work done by
some seniors on the same topic. According to firsthand accounts from the homeless, many of these
workers are largely motivated by their paychecks and not the people they are serving. The obvious
first step is to identify a research topic or question to be addressed.
A literature review on a hotel management system must be include benefits that hotel managers will
gain from using the system. A literature review in research allows you to discover exiting knowledge
in your field and the boundaries and limitations that exists within that field. Skim reading allows you
to quickly grasp what the article is about, and its value. You need to make sure that you are aware of
the debates and counter arguments associated with your topic as well. First, it saves you a lot of
time you may spend on executing other academic assignments or relaxing. Connections should be
made linking those sources to one another. This Example will help you be objective and take a
transparent approach. While not absolutely necessary, such articles often include the terms
“Literature Review” or “Review of the Literature” in the title. If it’s necessary to be considered,
specify the type needed and add an annotated bibliography example, if any. In particular, the goal of
this guide is to help you explore the significance of the review of the existing literature. This is an
important introductory sentence that will tell. There are no freelancers, only certified experts from
the best U.S. universities. Analytical reading of papers d. 22:12 Doshicage: An overview of the
subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review
Division of works under review into categories e. For this reason, I will speak to the literature
review, revealing tips and tricks relating to it, in three different posts. A literature review on a hotel
management system must be include benefits that hotel managers will gain from using the system. It
focuses on a small segment of the literature on a topic and makes up an entire work on its own. They
have also described how semantic information about video can be structured and used for content-
based access. A literature review is an emphasis on the importance of the research conducted by the
author, its relevance in the chosen field compared. Sometimes, the literature review is the most
challenging part of writing a dissertation or thesis. At the end of the review follows a conclusion that
once again explicitly ties all of the cited works together to show how this analysis is itself a
contribution to the literature. This is because many of them fail to understand the value of a literature
review. The reason for this is that the entire background of the selected research topic is based on.
Inspired by a similar speech application, Hidden Markov model (HMM) has also been applied to
activity recognition. Given that you are presenting what the literature says about a field of study, not
what you think or believe, you must cite those authors that actually make and provide the research
evidence, theories, frameworks for practice etc. A summary can easily be made in this way and
transformed into a well-flowing, logical literature review. The process of reviewing the literature
requires different kinds of activities and ways of thinking. A literature review is an overview of
research on a given topic and answers to related research questions Literature reviews are an
important part of research and should be treated as such A well-written literature review. Gilard M 1,
Arnaud B 2, Cornily JC 1, Le Gal G 3, Lacut K 3, Le Calvez G 2, Mansourati J 1, Mottier D 2,
Abgrall JF 2, Boschat J 1. The literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (eventually
your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). The
literature review for a research paper varies in length based on the nature of the assignment.

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