Case Study Questions-A

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Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 1 (AT1)

Student details

Student Name: Narinder Singh Student ID: 5792

Assessment details

Unit of Competency: BSBPMG430 – Undertake Project Work

Assessment Task 1: Case Study

Date of Submission: 11-01-2023

Assessment Outcome: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


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correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task,
which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and

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feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed

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Signature: ......................................................... Signature: ..................................

Date: ................................................................. Date: ........................................

Question 1. Justification – (a)why is the project necessary and valid?

Recruitment operations maximize an organization's ability to hire quickly, reduce costs, and
ensure resources are used effectively.

(b)-what will the project produce?

The Project will help to reduce operational costs, in areas such as teaching equipment,
computer software, energy use and human resources.

(c) Acceptance criteria-what are conditions of which the project and at those involved must
adhere to for the completion of the project?

To meet business requirements

To Deliver and maintain on schedule.
To maintain within budge
To deliver the expected business value and return on investment.

(d) what are the available resources required to undertake the project?
Timeline and staff

Question 2: Define at least four project stakeholders.

1. The Organisations Senior Managers- they are to ensure it’s success and that this project
will have impact on future. The most powerful because under them the project can be
done. They have power of making decisions on project.
2. The Project Manager: Has the responsibility of successfully carrying out the project as
required. Has the power of people working under project and to control if everything is
going in right path.

3. Project team- Has the responsibility to follow instruction to successfully completing the

4. HR Manager and team- This team has the responsibility of testing and verifying new
process for selection and recruitment.

Question 3. Identify one (1) delegating authority within this project that will have decision-
making capabilities and explain how you will get clarification from that delegating

Narinder Singh
Student Id-5792
authority on the project parameters and issues related to that project considering
the organisation’s policies and procedures.(5-15 words)

The project Manager Has the responsibility of successfully carrying out the project as
required. The Project Manager has the power of people working under project and to control
if everything is going in right path.

Question 4. Identify one limitation related to reporting requirements that Lisa might

The main risk that Lisa May encounter during the project is if there are mistakes or are not
thorough enough during the selection process, it may be difficult to deal with the new
employee if they do not meet project expectations and can’t work effectively.

Question 5. What information would be covered in the final report and what are the reporting
requirements for this project.

A regular update will be provided to all stakeholders with key notes in Microsoft project to
compile about recruitment process, selection process. A final report should be created within
10 days after the project is completed with a presentation to the CEO and management team.

Question6. Analyse and clarify the relationship between this project and other ongoing
projects in Holborne. How would you ensure that your organisation objectives are achieved?
(50-70 words).

At Holborne our core value and objective is to provide our students with a training
environment that is efficient and supports both personal and professional growth.
In order to ensure our selection process complies with the industry standard, we must first
consult with industry experts or conduct research on which qualifications are necessary for
trainers in order to avoid any legal or compliance issues. We should also check our current
trainers’ profiles to have a better understanding of what qualifications and experience will
best match our needs. New staff member will help to complete work that has already been

Narinder Singh
Student Id-5792
started and will help other team members to achieve common goal. Gantt chart will be used
to achieved objectives.

Question7. List two (2) resources that this project will require. (5-15 words
1.Advertisement such as Websites to advertise the jobs.
2.New staff recruitment and selection process.

Question 8. Review and evaluate the outcomes and processes of the project. What has been
achieved and what does not meet the requirements according to the projects scope and plan?

At the conclusion of the project, team members meet with the project manager and review the
goals, objectives/ deliverables and schedule as outlined in the project plan.

Question 9. Provide at least three (3) strategies or procedures you would take to involve team
members in the project review. (5-30).
Ensuring staff are engaged.
1.Keeping Communication lines open and Ensuring staff understand what is expected of
them. 2.Managing their teams in a transparent and equitable manner,
3.promoting a culture of involvement and consultation.
4.Supporting the staff as required
5.Promoting positive working relationships to avoid conflict and
6.dealing with unacceptable behaviour.

Question 10. Outline what you learned from this project and suggest any improvements for
future projects. (30-50 words).
The recruitment process was learned from this project and noted that financial team was not
involved which could help to reduce budget cost or understand if there is further cost
involved/required. The senior management was not involved to understand and get more
understanding of the project if there are any flaws in the project.

Narinder Singh
Student Id-5792

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