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FUN QUIZ: Anteaters unique facts & behaviors

Circle the correct answer.

1. What is the primary diet of an anteater
- A) Leaves and grass
- B) Fruits and berries
- C) Insects, primarily ants and termites
- D) Small mammals

2. Which of the following is a unique feature of the anteater's tongue?

- A) It's forked
- B) It's coated in sticky saliva to catch prey
- C) It glows in the dark
- D) It's retractable

3. How do anteaters consume their food?

- A) With sharp teeth
- B) Using their paws
- C) Through suction
- D) They have no teeth and slurp up insects with their long tongue
4. What is the typical length of a Giant Anteater's tongue?
- A) Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
- B) Up to 12 inches (30 cm)
- C) Up to 24 inches (60 cm)
- D) Up to 36 inches (91 cm)

5. Which of the following habitats is NOT typical for anteaters?

- A) Grasslands
- B) Dense forests
- C) Deserts
- D) Swamps

6. What defensive behavior might an anteater display when

- A) It camouflages with its environment
- B) It runs away at high speeds
- C) It stands on its hind legs and uses its claws for defense
- D) It makes loud noises to scare predators

7. How do anteaters sleep?

- A) Hanging from trees
- B) In water
- C) Curled up in a ball with their bushy tail covering them
- D) Standing up
8. What is the gestation period for a Giant Anteater?
- A) 1 month
- B) 3 months
- C) 6 months
- D) 12 months

9. How does an anteater mark its territory?

- A) By leaving claw marks on trees
- B) By making loud sounds
- C) By urinating or secreting a scent from glands
- D) Anteaters do not mark territory

10. What social structure do anteaters typically exhibit?

- A) They live in large groups
- B) They form monogamous pairs
- C) They are solitary animals
- D) They establish complex hierarchies

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