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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

A movie based on true story of Ted Bundy in perspective of his longtime girlfriend Liz . On the beginning
of the movie I believed that Ted was innocent and he is just being frame up by some people. I refused to
believe Ted was a serial killer because he was an attractive and charismatic guy, I could not believe when
I found out ,how a good-looking, well-educated white man could ever be a Psychopath who Rape and
Murdered thirty (30) young girls in a inhumane methods that you can think of. I have this thoughts in my
mind thinking, did he really do it or not? As Bundy is arrested and placed on trial, I observe Liz's feelings
of sadness, worry, and guilt giving his information to the authorities. I was taken aback when I found
out Ted was guilty of the horrifying crimes committed, he was a representation of wolf behind sheep’s
clothing. Ted Bund has anti- social and paranoid personality, where he could done such animal like
behavior just to satisfy his desires and it seems like he enjoys committing such crimes. He constantly
argue with others that it was his addiction to Hardcore Pornography, how it can ruin a person’s life. I
think the word could describe what person Ted Bundy is his a Monster and he deserves the sentence
rendered to him by the court.

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