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Course Management Assignment

1. User Table
o UserID (Primary Key)
o Username
o Password (encrypted)
o Email
o UserType (Student, Instructor, Admin, etc.)
2. Student Table
o StudentID (Primary Key, Foreign Key referencing User Table)
o UserID (Foreign Key): Link to the User table for login and authentication
o StudentName
o DateOfBirth
o Address
o ContactNumber
o Email
o Gender
o EmergencyContact
o Parent/GuardianName
o Parent/GuardianContact
o Major
o GradeLevel
o EnrollmentDate
o AdditionalInfo
o EnrollmentDate
3. Instructor Table
o InstructorID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each instructor.
o UserID (Foreign Key): Connection to the User table for authentication and
o InstructorName
o DateOfBirth
o Address
o ContactNumber
o Email
o Gender
o EmploymentStartDate
o DepartmentID (Foreign Key)
o EducationalQualifications
o TeachingExperience
o Specialization
o CoursesTaught
o OfficeHours
4. Department Table
o DepartmentID (Primary Key)
o DepartmentName
o Status
5. Course Table
o CourseID (Primary Key)
o CourseName
o CourseCode
o Description
Course Management Assignment

o InstructorID (Foreign Key referencing Instructor Table)

o DepartmentID (Foreign Key referencing Department Table)
o Status
6. CourseMaterial Table
o MaterialID (Primary Key)
o CourseID (Foreign Key referencing Course Table)
o MaterialName
o MaterialType (e.g., PDF, Video, PPT)
o MaterialLink (Link to the material or storage location)
o UploadedBy (UserID of the uploader)
o UploadDate
o Status
7. Enrollment Table
o EnrollmentID (Primary Key)
o StudentID (Foreign Key referencing Student Table)
o CourseID (Foreign Key referencing Course Table)
o EnrollmentDate
o Grade (if applicable)
o Status (Enrolled, Completed, Dropped)
8. Assignment Table
o AssignmentID (Primary Key)
o CourseID (Foreign Key referencing Course Table)
o AssignmentName
o Description
o Deadline
o AssignedDate

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