Eror Analisis-1

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Supporting Lecturer : Irawansyah, M.Pd

Subject : Error Analysis
Semester / Class : 6 / A

Arranged by group 2
Arjun Bima Pratama 2111040134
Hanif Azharianto 2111040163
Syarif Hizbullah 2111040229

Learning English language is one of science that should be

learnt to all the people. English becomes very important and useful for
us. The existence of English becomes an international language of

daily conversation which is spoken by many people in each country.

Since its position as International language, English plays important

role in International relations such as in science, economic, diplomatic,

commerce, politic, etc. As one of developing countries, Indonesia has

to keep abreast the world’s scientific and technological development.

English has been promoted to all levels of education in Indonesia for

many years. Furthermore, the Indonesian government has included

English as one of the compulsory subjects to be taught in each level of

education such as elementary school, junior high school, senior high

school and university. It gives the students to engage their English

learning process in each different level from the lowest to the highest

level at elementary until university. It means that Indonesian

government is going to effort the realization of education national goal

and to develop the intelligence of the student



Surface strategy taxonomy stresses how learners’ modified

surface structure can eliminate items that are needed or add

unnecessary items; they may give wrong information about an

item or misplace it. The types of this category are omission,

addition, misformation, and misordering errors. (Mufidah & Islam,


Based on (Dulay et al., 1982), The surface strategy

taxonomy is categorized according to the ways that surface

structures that will be altered, such as omitting necessary items,

adding unnecessary ones, misforming, misordering item. Added to

that, James (1998) argued this taxonomy is a target modification

taxonomy which is categorizes information based on the ways in

which the learner's. erroneous version is different from the

presumed target version.

Analyzing error from this perspective has much promise

for the researcher to concern with identifying cognitive processes

that underlie the student's reconstruction of the new language. It

also makes us aware that learner's errors result from their active

ways of using the interim principles to produce the target language

(Dulay et al., 1982). Under this taxonomy, errors consist of four

types: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering (James,

1998). The omission is one of the error types characterized by the

absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance,

for example, his name George. It this sentence, the student

omitted verb auxiliary such as is. It should be his name is George;

The addition is a type of error characterized by the presence of an

item. It is the opposite of omission errors. It usually occurs when

the students are often too faithful to use certain rules which result

in errors. For example. The sparrows are flying. Here is the

addition of morpheme "s" with the sparrow that is not needed. The

correct sentence is The sparrow is flying. At least, there are three

types of addition errors, namely double marking. regularization,

and simple addition; Misformation is the use of the wrong form of

a structure or morpheme. In misformation error. the student

supplies an item although it is still incorrect, for example. He is

licking himself. It should be He is licking himself. There are three

categories of misformation error, in this case, namely

regularization, archiforms. and alternating forms. Misordering is

characterized by the incorrect placement of a morpheme or group

of morphemes in an utterance. It occurs when towards to first and

second language learning in constructions that have already been

acquired, such as I do not know what is daddy doing. The correct

sentence is I do not know what daddy is doing.

James proposes that the learners’ erroneous version is

different from the presumed target version. This highlights the

ways surface structures are altered. The students may omit

necessary items or add unnecessary one, they may misform the

items or disorder them. Errors can be classified into four types:

omission, addition, misformation and misording. Then, James

adds blend error as the category of surface strategy taxonomy.

a) Omission
When a learner is leaving off necessary items that must

emerge in a well-performed utterance, that learner is doing

omission error. As an example we know that morpheme or

words can be distinguished into two classes: content word

(e.g. noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) and grammatical

word such as noun and verb inflection (-s, -ed, -ing), the

article (a, an, the), verb auxiliaries (is, am,are, will, can, must

etc), preposition (in, on, at, etc). language learners generally

omit grammatical morpheme much more frequently than

content word such as in John new student, He speak English

well, and she eating dinner.

Incorrect: The people look forward to work

Correct : The people look forward to working

b) Addition

Addition errors, which are the contrary of omission, are

characterized by the presence of items that should otherwise

not appear in a well-performed utterance. Generally, it occurs

in second language acquisition of the leaner. Regularizations,

double markings, and simple addition are kind of addition

error which have been examined in the speech of both first

language and second language leaner.

Incorrect: People can live because of the water

Correct : People can live because of water

c) Misformation
Misformation,are the error that characterized by the use if the

wrong from of a structure or morpheme. there are three type

of misformation namely, regularization error (neglecting

exception and dissemination rules to domain where the

learner don’t use the rules transformation of verb and

countable or uncountable noun, for instancefalled, Runned,

womans, phenomenons, critorions,etc) archi-form (selection

of one member of a class of form to represent other on the


Incorrect: It must be completed at thet time

Correct : It must be completed at that time

d) Misordering

Misording errors are characterized by the incorrect placement

of a morpheme in an utterance. They come about

systematically for both first and second language learning in

construction that already been acquired. For instance:He is all

the time late .all the time is misordered.

Incorrect: Students get half and an hour workshop per-month

Correct : Students get an hour and half hour workshop per-



Surface Strategy Taxonomy categorizes errors based on how learners

try to fix them, like leaving out words, adding extra ones, using the
wrong forms, or mixing up the order of words. Knowing these

strategies helps teachers guide students towards better

communication skills.

it can be concluded that the most error made by students is the

omission, where they often reduce some parts needed in English.

While developmental or intralingual is the most common source, which

causes errors because students still do not understand the grammar

rules in the English language. This research is expected to be the

direction for English teachers, especially in writing to consider the most

errors made by the student, so the teachers can decide which area still

needs improvement. Moreover, this research can be a base for further

research about grammatical errors and writing


Dulay, Heidi, Burt, Marina, and Krashen, Stepsen.(1982). Language

two. New York: Oxford University Press

Esmalde, V. S. (2018). Surface Strategy Taxonomy in Error Analysis:

Basis for Grammatical Competence Enhancement Program.

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 787.

Fauziati, E. 2009. Reading on Applied Linguistic. Surakarta:


Fisiak, J. 1981. Contrastive Linguistics and The Language Teacher.

New York: Pergamon Press

Fudeman, K &Arnoff, M. 2001.What is Morphology. London: Blackwell


James, Carl. 1998. Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring

Error Analysis. London: Longman.

Erdogan, V. 2005.Contribution of Error Analysis to Foreign Language

Teaching”dalam Journal Linguistik, Vol. 1, No.3.Tahun 2015. P.2

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