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Writing a literature review on blended learning can be a daunting task for many students and

researchers. It requires an in-depth understanding of the topic, extensive research skills, and the
ability to critically analyze various sources of information. Additionally, literature reviews must be
well-structured, organized, and written in a scholarly manner to effectively convey the existing
knowledge on the subject.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is the sheer volume of information
available. With the proliferation of academic journals, books, and online resources, it can be
overwhelming to sift through the vast amount of literature to identify relevant studies and theories.
Moreover, synthesizing the findings from different sources and integrating them into a coherent
narrative requires careful attention to detail and critical thinking.

Another difficulty in writing a literature review is ensuring that it is comprehensive and up-to-date.
As new research is constantly being published, it is important to stay current with the latest
developments in the field. This may involve regularly searching databases, attending conferences,
and consulting with experts in the field to ensure that your literature review is both thorough and

For those who find the task of writing a literature review challenging, ⇒ ⇔ offers
professional assistance. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting high-quality literature
reviews on a wide range of topics, including blended learning. Whether you need help with
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review of the literature on blended learning.
This literature review develops a comprehensive definition of. In this respect, this paper conducts an
evaluation of blended learning through which students assess some aspects related to the
development of courses and to the learning outcomes. Student-related factors appeared to be the
most important, which is a sign of student-centeredness. Parker noted in 2004 that wikis are an
important tool of the Web 2.0 generation. These are called social software, because it gives users the
opportunity to offer an online content to the general public. Blended learning wants to combine the
best of two worlds: at one part, the advantages of working online, and the personal contact and
opportunities of working face-to-face. Researchers need to keep up with the demand of personalized
learning. The extension principle emphasises the extension of the space of learning and catering the
diverse needs of students. Dziuban et al. (2004) researched whether teachers want to teach again a
blended or online course. These systems have been utilized through different types of technology
(e.g., desktop applications, mobile) that leverage the various capabilities offered (e.g., social learning,
VR, collaborative systems, smart and intelligent support) to reinforce the learning and knowledge
flow potential of the organization. This blogpost offers a literature review on online distance
learning, which is thematically divided into four sections. In addition to this paucity of research, the
attrition of study participants is noted as being a barrier to gathering full data sets (Manthey et al.,
2016 ). Some systemic issues which led to shortages in the available data are noted in Johnston et al.
( 2014 ) where school districts are slow to institute policy. Using the software increases the efficiency
of data organization and retrieval. However, there is limited work on the qualities of e-learning and
the potential of its qualities to enhance organizational learning (Popova-Nowak and Cseh 2015 ).
Because of the asynchronicity the feedback is delayed, while in face-to-face conditions, they can
immediately reply and rapidly build chains of associated ideas (Mickulecky as cited in Graham,
2003).Students need to do a lot of effort to log in several times. We started with the definition of
personalized learning suggested by Spector ( 2014, 2018 ) and others that are discussed below,
which requires a digital learning environment to be classified as a personalized learning environment
to be adaptive to individual knowledge, experience and interests and to be effective and efficient in
supporting and promoting desired learning outcomes. Table 3 are search results for each phase by
journals. Three discussion sessions involved the male student group (same participants complete the
three sessions), and two sessions were held with the female student group (same participants
complete the two sessions). To realize an effective hybrid course, it is not enough to add technology
to an existing course. The many faces of the still-face paradigm: A review and meta-analysis. The
third section describes the methodology used for the literature review and how the studies were
selected and analyzed. However, while such personalized learning is now possible, it remains as one
of the biggest challenges in modern educational systems. In this paper a review of progress in
personalized learning using current technologies is provided. Introduction Personalized learning has
been a topic of research for a long time. In a few years, higher education can undergo a
transformation that is consistent with their values and the advantages may outweigh the
disadvantages. 6. EVALUATION Furthermore, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of
blended learning and to compare this with previous results during traditional teaching. Of course,
there were many differences between the learners. In addition, we have synthesized the extracted
challenges and opportunities and proposed a research agenda consisting of five elements that provide
suggestions on how researchers could approach these challenges and exploit the opportunities. The
students highlighted the role of peer interactions in the learning process. Digital Sales Sell your
publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. This paper divided the
evaluation dimensions into four parts adapted from the SCOPe evaluation framework, hoping to give
references for the further researches on the evaluation of blended learning. We mainly use the third
definition, given the fact that the first two are too wide to interpret. One of the common themes that
emerges out of recent literature is the idea of blended learning.
Investment in innovative tools and technologies is necessary to keep the VLE from becoming
stagnant for students and, depending on the technology, can promote healthy, rich, and meaningful
student interactions (Du et al., 2019 ). There is promising research in the use of tools such as AR,
VR, 3DVR and 3DVE to create experiences and spaces that allow students to attend to one another
virtually. People can communicate through written text and emoticons and immediately react on
each other. A personalized learning system can adapt itself when providing learning support to
different learners to defeat the weakness of one-size-fits-all approaches in technology-enabled
learning systems. The goal is to have a learning system that can dynamically adapt itself based on a
learner’s characteristics and needs to provide personalized learning. We need to look at the strengths
and weaknesses of the communication technology and implement them in a way that student allow
to come to deep and meaningful learning. Parker noted in 2004 that wikis are an important tool of
the Web 2.0 generation. These are called social software, because it gives users the opportunity to
offer an online content to the general public. This article concludes: 1) Context: the application of
blended learning is designed by the school to provide reinforcement to students after previously
learning was carried out fully online. 2) Inputs: schools provide adequate infrastructure, encourage
collaboration between teachers and computer laboratory operators in managing blended learning, and
allocate funding proportionally from the government to each s. The strategy teaches students as
writers to receive, evaluate, and choose whether or not to incorporate the feedback into their work.
Their learning becomes highly personalised, leading to. In a meta-analysis made by Sitzmann,
Kraiger, Stewart and Wisher (2006) and the research of Dziuban, Hartman, Moskal, Sorg and Truman
(2004), the Blended condition outperformed the online and face-to-face condition. Therefore, in this
paper we present a systematic literature review (SLR) (Kitchenham and Charters 2007 ) on the
confluence of e-learning and organizational learning that uncovers initial findings on the value of e-
learning to support organizational learning while also delineating several promising research streams.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. VideoAnt: VideoAnt is a tool that allows students and
teachers to annotate YouTube videos. Discussion After reviewing the 47 identified articles in the area
of eOL, we can observe that all the works acknowledge the importance of the affordances offered by
different e-learning technologies (e.g., remote collaboration, anytime anywhere), the importance of
the relationship between eOL and employees’ satisfaction and performance, and the benefits
associated with organizational value and outcome. Incorporating practical case studies and scenarios
will enable students to relate their learning to real-life situations, enhancing practical knowledge
application. We find this to be crucial to our research focus of determining how the perceived
humanity of the VLE affects the mental health of the student; after all, it is the space in which the
student will be spending most of their learning hours. In response to this need, this paper is focused
on analyzing the terms that have been used for personalized learning. Social Posts Create on-brand
social posts and Articles in minutes. In most of the studies, the main objective was to increase
employees’ adoption, satisfaction, and usage of the e-learning system. The order is not that
important, but the teacher needs to take all these topics into account. 1. Collect background
knowledge about the students: their learning needs, learning styles, problems,. 2. Make a list of the
goals you want to reach and the content you will use 3. Bates (2015) concludes that CoI and OCL
are more “complementary rather than competing” (section 4.4.3) ideas and are, therefore, not
mutually exclusive models for learning. In other words, eOL research has been very detailed on some
of the elements that constitute efficient eOL, but less so on the interplay of those elements and how
they need to be put into place. Personal well-being among medical students: findings from an
AAMC pilot survey. In particular, the development of maturity models, such as the e-learning
capability maturity model (eLCMM), addresses technology-oriented concerns (Hammad et al. 2017 )
by overcoming the limitations of the domain-specific models (e.g., game-based learning: Serrano et
al. 2012 ) or more generic lenses such as the e-learning maturity model (Marshall 2006 ). To get to
that point, however, it will be important to address some of the gaps in the existing literature. Data
collection Data were collected between December 2020 and February 2021. Regarding the sample
size, approximately half of the studies (20) were conducted with fewer than 100 participants; some
(12) can be considered large-scale studies (more than 300 participants); and only a few (9) can be
considered small scale (fewer than 20 participants). It is thus clear that while there are areas for
improvement, particularly concerning facility provisions and gender-related challenges, various
elements of the new environment were conducive to fostering a positive and adaptive learning
experience. The majority of the studies involved employees (29), with few studies involving
managers (6), civil servants (2), learning specialists (2), clients, and researchers. Download Free PDF
View PDF Key Pedagogical and Technological Factors for Effective Blended Learning Design Jose
Bidarra This is an article inserted in the first report by the expert pools of the EMPOWER programme
established by EADTU to cover the latest trends and developments in new modes of teaching.
Retrieved from Ormrod, J. E. (2011). Human learning. London: Pearson Higher. In the summer of
2020, The Hospital for Sick Children released a report that detailed how online learning and
increased screen time could result in an increase of negative mental health effects.In addition, the
prevailing advice of Public Health Ontario (2015) for the total number of hours of screen-time
children and youth should be engaged in had not moved from the.
In this paper, we define e-learning enhanced organizational learning (eOL) as the utilization of digital
technologies to enhance the process of improving actions through better knowledge and
understanding in an organization. Larson and Sung (2009) compared a course given in face-to-face
mode, blended mode and fully online and found no significant differences in learning effectiveness.
Sethy, S. (2008). Distance Education in the Age of globalisation: An Overwhelming Desire towards
Blended. Blended Learning: Literature review. CONTENT. What is Blended Learning ?. 2. Learning
effectiveness. 5. Satisfaction of learners and 5. Further, they need to consider alternative solutions,
strategies and perspectives. The students illustrated that their ability to cope with stressors of having
a variety of educational activities that needed good preparation and often more time was challenging.
Special considerations of the topic search: defining a student Ideally, the search terms could have
been narrowed to refer to students specifically in a high school setting, using common platforms
such as Google Classroom, but these terms did not yield any results. The rationale for focusing on
this span of just over a decade was to draw our attention to the most recent research evidence related
to our question. Retrieved from Ormrod, J. E. (2011). Human learning. London: Pearson Higher.
Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Review of the (Wufei87, 2018) Another
related concept evident in the literature is a Community of Inquiry (CoI). Med Educ Online.
2018;23(1):1530558.. Akinla O, Hagan P, Atiomo W. A key aspect of this is the knowledge-sharing
that happens outside of structured teaching sessions. According to the United States National
Education Technology Plan 2017, personalized learning is defined as “instruction in which the pace
of learning and the instructional approach are optimized for each learner’s needs. The concept of
“teacher” as “facilitator” is a hallmark of student-centered, online learning. Association of the
different e-learning technologies with the industries to which they are applied in the various studies.
VideoAnt: VideoAnt is a tool that allows students and teachers to annotate YouTube videos. Baker
et al. ( 2019 ) which observed quiz results decrease among those students whose instructor withdrew
communication and synchronous availability after originally being quite attendant to their needs and
in the work of Engelbertink et al. ( 2020 ) where student motivation dropped significantly when the
teacher no longer demonstrated an interest in the student’s homework. Blayone TJB, Mykhailenko
O, Kavtaradze M, Kokhan M, van Oostveen R, Barber W. Educational factors Decisions about the
importance and relevance of their learning. Book Google Scholar Spector, J. M. (2018). The potential
of smart technologies for learning and instruction. This paper enlightened the benefits and challenges
when implementing Blended Learning in the classroom efficiently among ESL educators and
learners. Regarding the measures used in the studies, most utilized surveys (39), with 11 using
interviews, and only a few studies using field notes from focus groups (2) and log files from the
systems (2). A recommendation to improve both programs and to support teachers is comprised in the
conclusion after presenting the four cases of study. These search terms were selected as they
provided the widest catchment for the screening process required for this scoping review; in
particular, the search term virtual learning environment was selected to identify research that was
specific to an interactive context of online learning, as opposed to, for instance, online learning
structured as a correspondence course. The questions teachers ask have a considerable effect on the
amount, length and thinking level of the answers. Consent for publication All participants have
consented for publication in the consent form. Due to a strong personal interest in the concept of
blended learning and a desire to explore. It allows learning communities to form from a uniquely
Maori. Naturally, the students expressed that they encountered stressors during their educational
journeys. Two of these models have the greatest potential to be implemented in the New Zealand
Benefits and challenges of teaching nursing online: Exploring perspectives of different stakeholders.
Human one-on-one tutors can do this and now it is possible for digital systems to do so as well. In
the image below, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) depict the CoI framework that they argue is
integral to the online learning experience in higher education. (PDF) Comprehensively Summarizing
What Distracts Students from Online However, the consensus on the definition of distraction and
what represents distraction during online learning are still lacking. Secondly, the VLE must be easy
to use, accessible, flexible, and innovative. Further, even within the confines of mass VLE
implementation, deeming the use of real-time video as strictly optional instead of prescribing a
definitive modality for engaging in best practice displays a gap in an understanding of VLE
significance. It is necessary to focus on blended learning as a resource instead of an ultimate
solution. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. Akyol, Garrison and Ozden (2009) found that students valued
social presence and teaching presence in their blended learning experiences. There is cooperation
from the administration generally. They don’t know how many times or when their peers will take
part. If the video is too long, it is better to split it up. Tarun (2019) discusses the inadequacies of
such tools to include a lack of features that may improve usability as well as the inability to
customize some tools to meet classroom, instructor, or school needs. A manual search conducted prior
to the exercise of prescribed database search-terms warranted the inclusion of one other meta-
analysis authored by Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) which is noted in the introduction section of this scoping
review. Two main points have got attention by scholars: the perceptions of participants on Blended
Learning and the effectiveness of Blended Learning. COVID-19 and digital disruption in UK
universities: Afflictions and affordances of emergency online migration. The challenge of using BL
as a treatment effect in research is explored, along with an argument for specifying blended models
in terms of pedagogical as well as physical dimensions of the blend. This study aims to provide a
discussion of the various potential of blended learning in the context of one ASEAN classroom
setting. This may mean adapting to use a new software platform across the whole school if problems
are found with existing provision, or it may be an adjustment to expectations about lesson length or
frequency of feedback. Bahceci and Gurol ( 2016 ) stated that education should be done by
recognizing the individual differences of the students such as students learning styles (Cak?roglu,
2014; Klasnja-Milicevic et al., 2011 ) and characteristics. Furthermore, to personalize the learning
experience, technology integration can play a crucial role. The ongoing evaluation and adaptation of
TLEs in collaboration with teachers and students is crucial for improving medical education. Two
individuals (the main researcher and an independent research assistant) were involved in coding the
data. Therefore, different pedagogical researchers have concluded that blended learning is an
effective method of learning. Moskal et al. (2012) found that many institutions came to realise that
blended learning is more useful if it is perceived as a mental model. He is an Open Education
advocate and believes in the unfet-tered access to content for all learners. The students illustrated
that their ability to cope with stressors of having a variety of educational activities that needed good
preparation and often more time was challenging. Benefits and challenges. 6. Models of Blended
Learning. 8. Conditions to implement Blended 11. This situation has been further complicated in
developing countries, such as South Africa, who lack the digital infrastructure for the majority of the
population. Here, a primary list of 268 articles was redacted to a sum of 63 articles via an evaluation
on the content of the title and abstract of each article. Therefore, we adopted SLR guidelines that
follow transparent and widely accepted procedures (especially in the area of software engineering
and information systems, as well as in e-learning), minimize potential bias (researchers), and support
reproducibility (Kitchenham and Charters 2007 ).
Further, this study utilized simple random sampling to select the number of respondents. Not
Applicable. The purpose of this scoping review is to isolate and investigate the existing data and
research that identifies if the synchronous face-to-face visual presence of a teacher in a virtual
learning environment (VLE) is a significant factor in a student’s ability to maintain good mental
health. A key finding is the students’ strong appreciation for educational relevance and their
autonomy in decision-making. The review has a special interest in professional bachelor education
and teacher training, and it focusses on factors that influence learning experiences in e-learning,
online learning and blended learning. Classroom Courses on the Basis of Their Personality. To
increase the student satisfaction, methods for high instructor-student interactivity have to be
provided. Personalized learning for everyone looks different according to the needs and goals of the
individual. On the right side, we summarize the objectives as they were identified from our review
(i.e., the objectives category in the Appendix ). Sugata Mitra who developed the model of self
organising learning environments (SOLEs). Blended learning is an integrated form of learning,
combining face-to-face learning with the online and remote study. Both the preclinical and clinical
phases of the MBBS program were well represented. However, a new educational setting has also
been credited for fostering a safe and cooperative environment where students, faculty, and
administrative staff effectively collaborate, enhancing the educational experience. In the context of
education, the importance of relevance in teaching methods cannot be overemphasized. The group
work also facilitates learning communities while improving student’s understanding of diverse
viewpoints and strengthening cooperation. Because the required competences of an enterprise
evolve, the development of competence models needs to be agile and to leverage state-of-the art
technologies that align with the organization’s processes and models. Download Free PDF View
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Using
wikis in education can cause some problems. Wikis have functionalities that are not suitable for use
in the classroom: all content is modifiable by any user, all content is public, simultaneous edits are
allowed but not successful, and the wiki is forever evolving. Incorporating practical case studies and
scenarios will enable students to relate their learning to real-life situations, enhancing practical
knowledge application. This communication is best generated through synchronous connections
where there exists the ability to convey the student’s immediate needs in real-time. Chen, Huang,
Shih and Chang ( 2016 ) brought up the gender component to personalized learning. To realize an
effective hybrid course, it is not enough to add technology to an existing course. Additionally, there
was an evident need to improve the physical learning environment and facilities to adapt to emerging
educational needs. Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original
author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. Because the discussion happens asynchronously, students have time to ruminate over the
ideas presented and respond in a more thoughtful manner (Roberts, 2004). (Bates, 2015) Another
important element of the Online Collaborative Learning model depicted above is the role of the
teacher. Recommendations Based on our study’s findings, we recommend several enhancements to
the educational experience in medical colleges. In particular, the eLCMM focuses on assessing the
maturity of adopting e-learning systems and adds a feedback building block for improving learners’
experiences (Hammad et al. 2017 ). Our proposed literature review builds on the previously
discussed models, lenses, and empirical studies, and it provides a review of research on e-learning
capabilities with the aim of enhancing organizational learning in order to complement the findings of
the established models and guide future studies. The authors present a case for further study in order
to reveal the nature of the interaction among VLEs and student mental health. Paper and pencil tests
are not enough, we need an alignment and interaction between curriculum, assessment and
instruction (Newmann, 1995). Teachers don’t only need expertise about the content, but also about
the pedagogical aspect. General demographic information sheets were completed by the participants
upon recruitment.
Independent of the move to online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a clear
upward trend to the prevalence and variety of online learning opportunities available to students of
all ages. In the next section, we present the related background work. Considering this, the limits we
set required special considerations of demarcation. They incorporate the main features of both the
traditional classroom. The main approaches and methods for the formation of the training course are
determined; the use of this technique in practice is described as an experiment. Students are also
more receptive to podcasts than for reading or re-reading a textbook. They had the impression that
they had a better grasp of the core concepts of the course than in traditional courses in the past.
Digitalization seems to challenge numerous business models in organizations and raises important
questions about the meaning and practice of learning and development (Dignen and Burmeister 2020
). Computer systems were funded to help students in the learning process, consequently decreasing
teachers’ workload. Five focus group discussions were conducted during the course of the study. Our
research results and discussion will outline how a team approach that brings together teachers,
students, administration, counsellors, mental health support staff, instructional designers, and ICT
specialists is necessary to create a genuinely enriching VLE where both learning and social-emotional
needs can be met. Otherwise you create situations where you expect students to take responsibility
during the process, without having any involvement in the outcomes. Aycock et al. (2002)
formulated some important lessons. A further systemic barrier to data production that is noted is the
problem of implementation of programming without conducting research (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ).
Benefits of VLEs In response to our first research question regarding the benefits of a wholly
synchronous VLE experience, the research is generally favourable toward academic achievement
with some degree of attestation to its social-emotional benefits. However, a new educational setting
has also been credited for fostering a safe and cooperative environment where students, faculty, and
administrative staff effectively collaborate, enhancing the educational experience. Cavanagh, S.
(2014). What is “personalized learning”. To do so, we define a research agenda consisting of five
thematic areas of research, as depicted in the research framework in Fig. 5, and we provide some
suggestions on how researchers could approach these challenges. More Features Connections Canva
Create professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and more. The
aforementioned models are very relevant since they focus on assessing the organizational capabilities
for sustainably developing, deploying, and maintaining e-learning. Blending online sources also offer
Maori access to rich. Effectiveness of online and blended learning from schools: A systematic
Effectiveness of online and blended learning from schools: A systematic review - Topping - 2022 -
Review of Education - Wiley Online Library SYNTHESIS Effectiveness of online and blended
learning from schools: A systematic review Keith J. This will allow meta-analyses to be conducted
and it will also identify the potential effects of a firm’s size or area on the performance and other
aspects relating to organizational value. The term blended learning has been appearing in research
literature since the late 1990s (Friesen. Some of these advantages are gathering data of learners’
emotions by using bio-trackers, which might bring up some privacy concerns. Perhaps surprising is
the fact that students don’t skip classes as a result of the available recordings. 3. WHAT IS THE
ROLE OF THE TEACHER. How individualized instruction has been used and how it relates to
personalized learning. Compounding this growing detachment was the social isolation that being in
lockdown necessitated both from friends and family members who were at work. Time period: Only
literature published in the last twenty years (2003 - 2023 inclusive) was selected for research, with a
bias for research performed in the preceding ten years (2013 - 2023). One such drawback involves
some of the online collaboration tools used. Does a case-based online group project increase
students’ satisfaction with interaction in online courses.
We need a long-term process of evaluation, more than one quiz at one moment, one exercise or
essay. ! Learning with value and meaning beyond school. One of the most cited articles is written by
Osguthorpe and Graham, they define Blended Learning as follow: Blended Learning combines face-
to-face with distance delivery systems, but it's more than showing a page from a website on the
classroom screen. After these two weeks, a continuation of the lockdown was announced and
Ontario educators were tasked with connecting with students and families procedure to gauge
student’s communications technology readiness, to monitor their social-emotional needs arising from
the lockdown and to explain that basic emergency learning was now in place. Fullscreen Sharing
Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. Enriching the learning flow and
learning potential in different levels within an organization. If the batch is connected and gathered,
and they are helping each other, it is different than if they are doing silly actions or hiding
information from each other. You can enrol with a whole group of people in a chat. Because the
discussion happens asynchronously, students have time to ruminate over the ideas presented and
respond in a more thoughtful manner (Roberts, 2004). (Bates, 2015) Another important element of
the Online Collaborative Learning model depicted above is the role of the teacher. The progress of
the research in personalized learning shows that by technological improvement, personalized learning
becomes more embedded with technology and taking advantage of the benefits technology can offer.
Besides the minimization of bias and support for reproducibility, an SLR allows us to provide
information about the impact of some phenomenon across a wide range of settings, contexts, and
empirical methods. Although this is a reference from a higher education. Just providing a
communication tool does not guarantee any quality of discussion. Manual inclusions Additionally, a
reference check of all 38 articles yielded the inclusion of a meta-analysis authored by Cavanaugh et
al. ( 2004 ) we deemed relevant insofar as it provided an overview of the effects of online learning in
a strictly academic sense allowing a possible comparison between achievement and positive mental
health. Educational factors Decisions about the importance and relevance of their learning. These
terms were chosen because they have been most used in the education field (Reisman, 2014 ).
Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Springer Nature remains
neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In
Handbook of blended learning: Global Perspectives, local designs. Write the review: The process of
a systematic literature review was explicitly described in adequate detail that other researchers can
independently reproduce the review’s results. Another interesting dimension highlighted by many
studies (Choi and Ko 2012; Khalili et al. 2012; Yanson and Johnson 2016 ) is the role of socialization
in the adoption and usage of the e-learning systems that offer these capabilities. But we can’t deny
that the Internet has caused an acceleration and that it emerged new concepts like e-learning and
blended learning. The “grade book” feature within the tool allows instructors to track and monitor
participation. Unlike a Learning Management System, where teachers have the explicit role of
organizer and facilitator of the learning activities, the distribution of learning materials and where
they are responsible for the evaluation, wikis propose different demands on the teacher. Download
Free PDF View PDF Literature Review in Conceptions and Approaches to Teaching using Blended
Learning Vicki Caravias This paper presents a critical review and synthesis of research literature in
higher education exploring teachers’ conceptions of blended learning and their approaches to both
design and teaching. In order to provide a wider and more standard evaluation method, we
performed a systematic review. Overwhelmingly, students in both of our schools stopped engaging in
course content; knowing that their grades could not change truly impacted their motivation,
diligence, and general commitment to learning. Graham This chapter begins by establishing a
common ground for understanding how blended learning (BL) is defined in terms of the principal
dimensions of media, method, and modality. The same five courses were taught using blended
learning and traditional teaching. Both the preclinical and clinical phases of the MBBS program were
well represented. It differs from a blog in the respect that it has no defined owner or leader and the
structure depend on the participants.

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