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English Examination 1

Grade XII SMA Islam Athirah Bone

For number 1-3, please pay attention to these pictures then compose dialogs base
d on the situation given! (Each dialog consists of at least 50 characters)

1. (Offering Help and Accepting Help)

1. Rose: hello mom, where are you mom?

Mom: Mom is in the kitchen washing dishes
Rose: oh mom, can I help mom to wash these many
Mom :no need, you just go play with your friends
Rose : no mom, I'll just play with my friends later,
after helping mom
Mom: okay fine, you help omo rinse the dishes
Rose : okay mom, i will do
Mom : thank you for helping mom
Rose : okay mom, You're welcome

2. (Offering Help and Refusing Help)

Rara : hello miss, let me help you ?
Miss : oke , thank you so much rara, You are very
Rara : You're welcome miss
Miss : books scattered everywhere
Rara : yes miss, let me pick up the books that
are far away
Miss : thank you rara
Rara : okay miss, no problem

3. (Asking for Help and Accepting help)

Mei : hello mom, it looks like mom is tired of drying

a lot of clothes?
Mom: it's okay, after all this is a sport for mom
Mei : oh mom, no mother, let me help you dry
these clothes, so you can rest quickly
Mom : there is no need, besides there is only a
little laundry left
Mei : no mom, Mother has been working in the
kitchen since this morning,
Mom: okay fine, you help mom take her clothes from the bucket, let mom dry them
Mei : okay mom
Mom : thank you for helping mom my lovely kinds
Mei : okay mom, You're welcome

Read the text below to answer the questions for number 4 to 6

“In Helping Others, You Help Yourself”

Consider the positive feelings you experienced the last time when you did something good for
someone else. Perhaps it was the satisfaction of running an errand for your neighbor, or the s
ense of fulfillment from volunteering at a local organization, or the gratification from donatin
g to a good cause. Or perhaps it was the simple joy of having helped out a friend. This “warm g
low” of pro-sociality is thought to be one of the drivers of generous behavior in humans. One r
eason behind the positive feelings associated with helping others is that being prosocial reinfo
rces our sense of relatedness to others, thus helping us meet our most basic psychological nee

Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels goo
d, but also does us good. A recent study from Columbia University has revealed that when help
ing others encourage our stressful situations, we are enhancing our own emotion regulation ski
lls, and thus, it is beneficial for our own emotional well-being.

One of the research has been conducted over a three-week period. The participants were gat
hered in an online environment where they could share their personal stories of stressful life
events. They could also provide emotional support to other participants by replying to their en
tries with short, empathetic messages. Participants helped each other by identifying potential
distortions in thinking, suggesting reappraisal strategies or providing words of acceptance.

The results showed that helping others to regulate their emotions predicted better emotional
and cognitive outcomes for those participants who were giving the help. Moreover, because he
ightened levels of self-focused attention are common in depression, the more people helped ot
hers, the more their helping behavior predicted a reduction in their own depression, thanks to
the use of reappraisal in their own daily lives.

This finding suggests that when providing emotional support to others, trying to fully take on
their perspective can increase reappraisal and lead to better psychological outcomes for thos
e who are providing the support.
Next time you find yourself helping someone with regulating their emotions, consider how you
r efforts may be providing you with an opportunity to practice for future situations at a dista
nce, and consequently, improving your emotional well-being.

4. The text above is clear enough to describe how beneficial it is to be a helpful pe

rson. In our religion as a muslim, Allah has commanded us in Alquran to help othe
rs. Please mention the ayat and explain the meaning by using your own words! Sur
ah Al-Maidah verse 2, which reads: "Help you in kindness and piety, and do not h
elp each other in sin and enmity."so we are commanded by Allah to help each oth
er in terms of goodness, such as helping to teach a friend material that is not ye
t understood instead of helping in bad
5. Please explain by using your own words about the benefits of being a helpful per
son based on the text above!if we help our brothers and sisters who are in troub
le then later we will get help from other people if we are in that position, and als
o we will be liked by people
6. Related to the text above, please tell me about one of your unforgettable experi
ences in helping someone, then explain your feelings after doing it! So, I once
helped a blind person to cross the street. and I feel happy and proud of myself

Read the text for answering number 7 to 9

Joseph Q. Applicant
123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 · 555-212-1234 ·
July 20, 2021

Jane Smith
Director, Human Resources
Fit Living
123 Business Rd.
Business City, CA 54321

Dear Ms. Smith,

I’m writing to apply for the position of Social Media Manager for Fit Living, as advertised on
your website careers page.

I have three years of experience as a Social Media Assistant for Young Living, and I believe I
am ready to move up to the manager position. In your job posting, you mention that you want t
o hire a Social Media Manager who understands Internet and social media trends. During my ti
me at Young Living, I was given the responsibility of increasing follower numbers on Instagra
m. I explained to my manager that I would be happy to do so, and that I would also work hard
to increase follower participation, because engagement has become an important metric. With
in six months, I increased our followers by over 50% and increased engagement by 400%. I’m
very proud of that accomplishment. Currently, I’m working to build a following with the best in
fluence in our niche.

When I saw the job opening, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to offer you both my socia
l media marketing skills and people skills. I’ve included my resume so you can learn more about
my educational background and all of my work experience. Thank you for your time and consid

Please feel free to email me at or call my cell phone at

555-555-5555. I hope to hear from you soon.

Joseph Q. Applicant

7. What are the qualifications that the applicant has based on the letter above?
He have three years of experience as a Social Media Assistant for Young Living,
8. What is the biggest factor that could motivate the applicant to try this job posi
tion?because the job is related to his previous job
9. From the description that the applicant wrote on the letter about his achieveme
nts, please explain them by using your own words!at his previous workplace he wa
s able to increase followers on Instagram and this achievement was very fast an
d proud
10. Please write an application letter based on the job vacancy below! (Remember to
consider the structure of a good application letter)


Hiring Manager
Anabeth compeny
35 Wall Street New York, NY 10001
(212) 349-4198

August 21, 2022

Dear Mr, Frans,

I am writing this letter based on the

advertisement published in
Stockholmes’' Newspaper on Tuesday August 8, 2022. My qualification aligns
well with position of what you are

I have very good experience in the field of telecommunications, and I have been a
team work in a telkom company. I have good work experience and fluent in English
and Mandarin

Thank you very much for your time and

consideration, I look forward to
discussing with you the ways I can
contribute to anabeth compeny.



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