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1. Where did Jesus spend the night after his triumphal
entry in Jerusalem?

A. Bethphage
B. Bethany
C. Bethlehem
D. Galilee
2. Fill in the blank:
Whatever you ask for in prayer with _______, you will

A. Hope
B. Love
C. Patience
D. Faith
3. In which parable did Jesus add the message, “Truly I
tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going
into the kingdom of God ahead of you…”

A. Two Sons
B. Wicked Tenants
C. Wise Virgins
D. Fig Tree
4. In which parable did Jesus mention the scripture
passage: “The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone…”?

A. Two Sons
B. Wicked Tenants
C. Ten Bridesmaids
D. Wedding Banquet
5. In which parable did Jesus add the message: “many
are called, but few are chosen.”?

A. Two Sons
B. Wicked Tenants
C. Ten Bridesmaids
D. Wedding Banquet
6. Who were with the Pharisees when they asked Jesus
about paying taxes?

A. Scribes
B. Sadducees
C. Herodians
D. Chief Priests
7. Who questioned Jesus about the Resurrection?

A. Pharisees
B. Sadducees
C. Herodians
D. Chief Priests
8. Whose group did the man who asked Jesus about the
greatest commandment belong?

A. Pharisees
B. Sadducees
C. Herodians
D. Chief Priests
9. Fill in the blank:
You are not to be called _______, for you have one
teacher, and you are all students.

A. Instructor
B. Father
C. Messiah
D. Rabbi
10. Who did Jesus accuse as blind guides?

A. High priests
B. Chief priests and elderly
C. Scribes and Pharisees
D. Elderly
11. Which city did Jesus accuse as killer of prophets?

A. Bethlehem
B. Galilee
C. Bethany
D. Jerusalem
12. Where did the disciples ask Jesus about the end of
the age?

A. Gethsemane
B. Galilee
C. Mount of Olives
D. Jerusalem
13. Which season is about to come when the branch of
the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth leaves?

A. Summer
B. Spring
C. Winter
D. Fall
14. In which parable did Jesus add the message: “Keep
awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the

A. Talents
B. Wicked Tenants
C. Ten Bridesmaids
D. Wedding Banquet
15. In which Jewish festival was Jesus handed over to be

A. Unleavened Bread
B. Passover
C. Wheat
D. Tents
16. Who was the high priest at Jesus’ passion and

A. Joseph
B. Zecchariah
C. Caiaphas
D. Annas
17. Who was the Governor at Jesus’ passion and death?

A. Herod
B. Pilate
C. Annas
D. Chaiaphas
18. In whose house was Jesus when he was anointed
with a costly ointment in his head by a woman?

A. Joseph of Arimathea
B. Simon the Leper
C. Lazarus
D. Nicodemus
19. How much was paid to Judas for his betrayal of

A. 30 pieces of gold
B. 30 pieces of coins
C. 30 pieces of bronze
D. 30 pieces of silver
20. Where did Jesus and his disciples go after the last

A. Gethsemane
B. Mount of Olives
C. Temple in Jerusalem
D. Synagogue
21. Write in Aramaic - “My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?”

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”

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