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P CODE: 632


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Periodic Test –II
III Year / VI Semester – 4020632 -Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Max.Marks : 50 Marks Duration: 2 Hours
Part – A (5x3=15Marks)
1. Write any four properties of ammonia as a refrigerant?
2. List out the applications of refrigeration system
3. Define cold storage.
4. What is dew point temperature?
5. Short notes on by pass factor?
Part – B (2 x 14 = 28 Marks)

6 a. Explain the working of Automatic expansion valve with a neat sketch. (7 Marks)

b. Explain with neat sketch of ice plant lay out. (7Marks)

7 a. Explain the working of water cooler with neat a sketch. (7Marks)

b. Explain the construction and working of window air conditioner. (7 Marks)

. Part – C (1 x 07 = 07 Marks)

8. Explain psychometric process with a neat sketch. (7 Marks)

***All the Best***

Q.P CODE: 632
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Periodic Test –II
III Year / VI Semester – 4020632 -Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Max.Marks : 50 Marks Duration: 2 Hours

Part – A (5x3=15Marks)

1. Write any four properties of ammonia as a refrigerant?

2. List out the applications of refrigeration system
3. Define cold storage.
4. What is dew point temperature?
5. Short notes on by pass factor?
Part – B (2 x 14 = 28 Marks)

6 a. Explain the working of Automatic expansion valve with a neat sketch. (7 Marks)

b. Explain with neat sketch of ice plant lay out. (7Marks)

7 a. Explain the working of water cooler with neat a sketch. (7Marks)

b. Explain the construction and working of window air conditioner. (7 Marks)

. Part – C (1 x 07 = 07 Marks)

8. Explain psychometric process with a neat sketch. (7 Marks)

***All the Best***

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