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Give an example from your own life of how your unconscious mind had an

impact on your decision. Do you feel it was the right decision?

An unconscious decision is made to not to be a leader, but to be a follower. The impact of these
unconscious decisions sometimes can be far reaching. In psychology, the idea that unconscious
knowledge can impact our actions has proven intriguing yet divisive. People tend to believe that their
decisions are deliberate, but there are unconscious elements in every type of decision we make far more
than most people believe. One reason that many people make these poor unconscious decisions is that
they tend to think too far ahead about their decisions. I myself have had unconscious decisions that
made a big impact to my life. One experience that I’ve had with unconscious decisions is that when I was
choosing my strand for senior high school. As we all know being new to the k12 curriculum make you
feel so excited yet so careless resulting to unknown outcomes. Because I wasn’t really aware of the
process of upcoming senior students, I didn’t think of choosing a strand a big deal. I’ve been so
comfortable preparing on just what to wear, look, and just how to present myself without thinking that
in senior high your mindset becomes twisted maybe, in a good way. So, here comes the last day of
enrollment when my unconscious decisions take place. Since I was so happy-go-lucky, I wasn’t able to
research on the different strands offered by the school which lead to panic mode. Again, it was the last
day of enrollment which was very nerve racking and I wasn’t prepared with the process of the
enrollment. Because of mixed emotions, loud surrounding with students talking about their preferred
strand, and long wait due to the crowd of students one word that I heard was “STEM”. Yes, the fact that
I was being bombarded with lots of thoughts I ended up enrolling in senior high school with a strand
that I wasn’t aware and don’t even know the meaning of it. Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics topics that wasn’t really a good fit to my personality became a factor of why I am pursuing
nursing right now. Although senior high was a rough ride because of my unconscious decision I wind-up
loving the strand and appreciating STEM. Overall, this experience took my interests and mindset into a
whole new level which I really am appreciating right now. It was the best decision with pros and cons
but I can say that those cons happened for a reason.

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