Literature Review of Rheumatic Heart Disease

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These age groups include men ages and in older adults ages Heart Health Center. The sociolinguistic
analysis of combined research participants’ quotes extracted from all publications included 201
quotes estimated to represent at least 129 individuals. This finding suggests, to a minimum, that
individuals with borderline disease need surveillance for disease progression as the process persists
with time 112, 113. These key ideas were then coded inductively (meaning that initial codes were
developed from the data without prior assumptions) to construct the themes. Is targeting specific
inflammatory pathways more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk than other therapies. Editors
select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be
particularly. Acute rheumatic fever rates in Hawaii have been as high as nearly 0.1 cases per 1,000
children, with even higher rates among persons of Samoan and Hawaiian ethnicity 25). The objective
of this review is to provide an update on. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology
and Education (EJIHPE). Dengue Fever-Related Cardiac manifestation in Ibn-Sina Hospital
Mukalla, Hadh. The role of the wider community in the provision of care was also important. Full
size table Figure 2 Prevalence of overall cases of rheumatic heart disease across studies according to
diagnostic criteria. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in
many different ways. Firstly, we noted substantial heterogeneity in the prevalence of RHD across
countries and regions, however more than half of the heterogeneity was explained by the final
multivariable model. Dominant themes were inadequate access to primary healthcare and the impact
of poor health communication. Patients and their families should also be educated about their
disease, emphasizing the importance of adherence to secondary prophylaxis. Obstruction to blood
flow through the narrowed orifice results in symptoms as heart failure or stroke.Both commissures
are fused; the cusps are severely thickened. Int J Rheum Dis; In rural Tibet, the review of lower limb
pain, especially knee pain, is high: J Physiother;56 1: Low back pain in rural Tibet. Dengue Fever-
Related Cardiac manifestation in Ibn-Sina Hospital Mukalla, Hadh. The format of your clinical
update and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic should. Descriptive studies (level III)
Sample selected to illustrate practical rather than theoretical issues. Voices behind the Statistics: A
Systematic Literature Review of the Lived Experience of Rheumatic Heart Disease. If commenced
within 9 days of sore throat onset, a course of penicillin (as outlined earlier for treatment of ARF)
will prevent almost all cases of ARF that would otherwise have developed. Another potential path to
primary prevention is the development of a vaccine targeting the bacterium responsible. In
conclusion, first-degree relatives of individuals with clinical RHD are at greater risk of having RHD,
on top of socioeconomic conditions. Noteworthy omissions in the reviewed literature include: the
experiences of children and adolescents; evidence of Indigenous priorities and perspectives related to
policy and practice; nuanced discussions of power relations (for example regarding medication
compliance); recognition of Indigenous knowledges and strengths as central; and a lack of critical
reflection regarding the impacts of a dominant biomedical approach. Funding This project was
funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) End Rheumatic Heart
Disease Centre of Research Excellence (END RHD CRE) 1080401.EH is the recipient of an
Australian Government Research Training Program postgraduate research scholarship, and END
RHD CRE and Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases top-up scholarships. Trauma
as a determinant of health experiences provides an alternate narrative that requires further exploration
(Mitchell, forthcoming ). 5. Discussion As the review findings demonstrate, RHD is a complex
disease, primarily affecting children, adolescents and families who live in difficult circumstances and
experience a high degree of powerlessness and marginalisation. Because patients with ARF are at
dramatically higher risk than the general population of developing a further episode of ARF after a
group A streptococcal infection, they should receive long-term penicillin prophylaxis to prevent
recurrences. Genotyping studies are warranted to better understand individual and family
susceptibility to RHD, in addition to socioeconomic conditions and other known drivers of disease.
To think logically about prevention, it makes sense that the focus needs to be on children and
families. Although aortic valve disease is less common than mitral. During the last decade, interest in
early diagnosis for. Voices behind the Statistics: A Systematic Literature Review of the Lived
Experience of Rheumatic Heart Disease. Abbreviations: GE, general electric; RHD, rheumatic heart
disease. Also, the WHF diagnostic criteria of 2012 have not been universally accepted 52, 53, 59.
Demographic, clinical and echocardiographic variables were compared between the groups, and
proportions were presented with 95% confidence intervals (CI). May be limited to one group about
which little is known or a number of important subgroups. On pathological examination, the valves
are thickened and display rows of small vegetations along their apposing surfaces. Who is
responsible for these strategies and monitoring their effect? SR. Rheumatic fever-associated
streptococcus pyogenes isolates. One publication provides an example of negative language used by
healthcare providers with regard to compliance and illness. Although classically, certain M-serotypes
(particularly types 1, 3, 5, 6, 14, 18, 19, 24, 27, and 29) were associated with ARF, in high-incidence
regions, it is now thought that any strain of group A streptococcus has the potential to cause ARF.
Children usually exhibit concomitant psycologic dysfunction, especially obsessive-compulsive
disorder, increased emotional lability, hyperactivity, irritablility and age-regressed behavior 49), 50),
51). For this reason, we have also not given subtheme and theme totals in this section. Second, also
due to sample limitations, no stratified sampling procedures were carried out; thus, the findings
cannot be extrapolated to the Brazilian population. Diuretics and vasodilators may be used in
patients with more severe haemodynamic decompensation. Lesions occur mainly on the trunk and
proximal extremities and may be induced by application of heat 58). Findings of familial clustering
of cases and concordance in monozygotic twins—particularly for chorea—confirm that susceptibility
to ARF is an inherited characteristic. Bely We reviewed the autopsy material of 169 patients with
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and studied the cardiac changes is these patients. It is seen mainly in the
interstitial connective tissue of the myocardium, particularly perivascularly 40). Once symptoms are
well controlled, gradual mobilization can commence as tolerated. Right use of Pulse Oximetry must
be Used as a Screening Test for Early Detect. It is crucial to report disease progression according to
disease severity (mild, moderate and severe). Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol;26 2: The literature of
osteoarthritis in Asia. However, damage to heart valves can be irreversible and is worsened by repeat
episodes of acute rheumatic fever 17), 18). The epidemiological improvement of RHD over the past
decades was unevenly distributed, with a considerable reduction of prevalence and mortality being
observed in high-income regions, contrasting with a stable or worsening pattern in low-income
endemic countries, where 80% of the children at-risk live. They were thoroughly investigated for
cardiovascular abnormalities. However, the potential benefits of this treatment should be balanced
against the possible adverse effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding and fluid retention. The
highest prevalence of RHD was noted among studies which used the WHF diagnostic criteria.
Only three of the reviewed publications were purely interested in the Indigenous voice. A good
introduction will get the reader’s interest. The global burden of group A streptococcal diseases.
Circles within Australia and New Zealand represent indigenous populations, and also Pacific
Islanders in New Zealand. ( From JR Carapetis et al: Lancet Infect Dis. European Journal of
Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). K, et al. Macrophage-derived matrix
vesicles: An alternative novel. RHD is the most common cause of heart disease in children in
developing countries and is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in adults as well. Tertiary
prevention aims to prevent complications of. Demonstrate that a phenomenon exists in a defined
group. It seems reasonable to include these manifestations as part of the spectrum of rheumatic fever.
Bely We reviewed the autopsy material of 169 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and studied
the cardiac changes is these patients. A, Bukhman G, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of.
The natural progression of latent RHD has been evaluated by some prospective studies 40, 102, 105,
108. In this scenario, echocardiographic screening for RHD has been explored as a tool for early case
detection and epidemiological surveillance for more than a decade. The remaining seven publications
either intentionally or indirectly explored the lived experiences of ARF and RHD independently of
other research agendas. 4.1. Thematic Analysis Findings The nine themes identified during the
analysis have been organised into three domains: sociological (socioeconomic, political, historical and
cultural); disease specific (the immediate health and logistical impacts of Strep A infections, ARF
and RHD); and health service factors. Kumela Legese Chelkeba Medicine Open access
rheumatology: research and reviews 2020 TLDR Echocardiography should be done routinely for
patients with RHD, focusing on younger adults, to facilitate diagnosis and treatment before
complications develop, andCardiovascular medications were commonly utilized for symptomatic
management of complications. Ischemic heart disease refers to CAD with endothelial dysfunction,
atherosclerosis, aortic stiffness and vulnerable plaques resulting in angina and myocardial infarction.
For multinational studies, data were presented according to the country where the study was
conducted in. This may occur because of early commencement of anti-inflammatory medication
before the typical migratory pattern is established. This process empowers those embedded in
Western culture to acquire and maintain a strong sense of identity by contrasting themselves with the
Other. Ensure that content is relevant to nursing practice, i.e. Authors’ disciplines were recorded due
to qualitative research methods being increasingly used by researchers trained in quantitative
methods. Thus, a ubiquitous protein can become a self-antigen that. By contrast, recurrent episodes
of ARF remain relatively common in adolescents and young adults. Although this may limit
accuracy, considering personnel training and the absence of advanced spectral Doppler capabilities,
task shifting, and the use of low-cost equipment are recognized strategies for the expansion of
screening programs in under-resourced settings, which was the rationale of this study. Consenting
first-degree relatives were invited for echo screening using handheld devices (GE VSCAN) by non-
physicians, with remote interpretation. FIGURE 3: Transthoracic echocardiography from 14-year-old
child with rheumatic involvement of aortic valve. Other tests that should be performed are listed in
Table 26-2. Digoxin should be used with caution because of the risk of toxicity in the presence of
active myocarditis 74). Exceptions to these low acute rheumatic fever incidence rates in the United
States include Samoan persons living in Hawaii and residents of American Samoa, an American
territory in the South Pacific 23), 24).
Faria, Nayana F. Arantes, Luana A. Mello, Maria Cecilia L. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
Analyses (JETA). Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in women diagnosed with rheumatoid
arthritis. Despite significant advances in medical technology and increased understanding of disease
mechanisms, RHD continues to be a serious public health problem throughout the world, especially
in low- and middle-income countries. Clinical updates are concise articles designed for educational
purposes on clinical issues that. Clinical studies also support family predisposition to RHD on top of
a shared socioeconomic environment. Assessment of study cardiovascular The temperature inversion
essay did not state that they assessed validity. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
(TropicalMed). At night time I always took her, and the health workers gave her Panadol and told
her to come back in the morning for a check-up. Therefore, early or subclinical atherosclerosis should
be assessed in every patient through the measurement of IMT in carotid arteries and other
inflammatory markers on a regular clinical basis. For more information on the journal statistics, click
here. Myocardial inflammation, measured using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography with computed tomography, is associated with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. Alexander Decker
Clinical profile of paediatric patients with rheumatic heart disease at moi t. In addition, initiation of
penicillin prophylaxis for latent RHD. In addition, cost-effectiveness analyses in these different
scenarios are also essential to guide discussions about the implementation of the strategy. 6.
Limitations Our study has several limitations, most of them inherent to the difficulties in enrolling a
large sample of RHD patients which are representative of the Brazilian population in terms of age,
gender and race distribution. Thirdly, all WHO regions were not uniformly represented partly due to
difficulties in retrieving the full-text of articles published in local journals. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr;18 2:
Patterns of alcohol consumption in diverse rural populations in the Cardiovascular region. Fourth, the
lower proportion of women in the control group may have underestimated the prevalence,
considering the more frequent incidence of RHD among females. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology,
Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). In the absence of better data, IVIg is not recommended
except in cases of severe chorea refractory to other treatments. Preventing or providing early
treatment for streptococcal infections is the. Circles within Australia and New Zealand represent
indigenous populations, and also Pacific Islanders in New Zealand. ( From JR Carapetis et al: Lancet
Infect Dis. The endocardium, pericardium, or myocardium may be affected. This assignment is an
1800 word clinical update on one of the topics below. Roberts et al. 76 in 2014 after screening a
group of 3946 and 1053 children considered to be at high- and low-risk of RHD respectively,
demonstrated that borderline RHD could be found in about 0.5% of the low-risk population.
Scanning the heart using ultrasound (called echocardiography) helps in earlier diagnosis and in
identifying the affected valve(s), which are typically thickened and in advanced stages, structurally
distorted 4). Patients should be entered onto the local ARF registry (if present) and contact made
with primary care practitioners to ensure a plan for follow-up and administration of secondary
prophylaxis before the patient is discharged. Previous Article in Journal Evaluation of a Lateral Flow
Assay for Rapid Detection of African Swine Fever Virus in Multiple Sample Types. Int J Hypertens;
Diab Med;21 4: Risk factors for chronic disease among rural Vietnamese adults and the association
of these factors with sociodemographic variables: Prev Chronic Dis;4 2: Combining disease factors
and demographic surveillance: Scand J Public Health;34 2: The non-HLA genes include
polymorphisms in the endothelin-1 and methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase genes.

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