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A Literature Review of Western Bereavement Theory

Undertaking a literature review on Western bereavement theory can be a daunting task. This intricate
field of study delves into the various psychological, sociological, and cultural dimensions of grief
experienced in Western societies. From exploring the stages of grief proposed by renowned theorists
like Elisabeth Kübler-Ross to examining cultural influences on mourning practices, navigating the
vast array of scholarly works can be challenging.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the sheer volume of literature available. Countless books,
journal articles, and research papers have been published on the topic over the years, each offering
unique perspectives and insights. Sifting through this extensive body of work requires patience,
critical thinking, and a keen eye for relevant information.

Moreover, synthesizing diverse viewpoints and identifying key themes and trends can be a complex
process. Researchers often encounter conflicting theories and contradictory findings, adding another
layer of complexity to their review. It's essential to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of
each source, considering factors such as methodology, sample size, and cultural context.

For those grappling with the challenges of writing a literature review on Western bereavement
theory, seeking assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support
to researchers navigating this intricate terrain. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting
comprehensive literature reviews that adhere to academic standards and showcase a deep
understanding of the subject matter.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while
ensuring a high-quality, meticulously researched document. Our writers are adept at synthesizing
complex information, identifying relevant sources, and presenting coherent arguments that contribute
to the existing body of knowledge on Western bereavement theory.

Don't let the complexities of writing a literature review deter you from exploring this fascinating
field of study. Contact ⇒ ⇔ today and let us help you create a compelling and
insightful review that illuminates the intricacies of Western bereavement theory.
The review included papers from Europe, North America or Australasia; papers had to detail
parents’ experiences rather than professional practices. Todaro-Franceschi Psychology Nursing
science quarterly 2006 TLDR Todaro-Franceschi, Cody, and Pilkington are now leading the way to a
new understanding of and treatment for grief through induced after-death communication that can
inform nursing practice and research. New analyses employ longitudinal data sets to more clearly
trace patterns of adjustment, trajectories of grieving over time, and the use of coping resources.
Oxford University Press, 2005. Parkes CM. Guidelines for conducting ethical Bereavement research.
Dr Kubler-Ross suggested that in order to support the person, we should not try to prove them
wrong or argue with them. It may be something as simple as contacting someone in their life. This is
not to say that all bereaved people will need help, nor that grief should be pathologised. Physical
symptoms such as tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and insomnia are
common. It is important to be sure that the client can give informed consent. Clients may be
experiencing practical problems as a result of their loss. Results Search results Out of 1294 titles and
abstracts found by database searches 46 were suitable for inclusion. The volume brings into focus a
wide variety of theoretical approaches that have been incorporated into bereavement research. Dosser
Psychology, Medicine 2016 TLDR Initial understanding of bereavement theory enables staff to
begin to support patients and carers in an informed manner, ultimately resulting in an evidence-based
approach to bereavement support. Expand 44 Save The Role of Continuing Bonds in Coping With
Grief: Overview and Future Directions Briana L. The depression may be in preparation of death, or
perhaps something that the person has already lost. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. CDR is now undertaken in many countries so the potential for parental distress is
great. Lack of concentration and restlessness may also be experienced, as well as feelings of
isolation and loneliness. Expand 57 1 Excerpt Save SEARCHING FOR THE MEANING OF
suggests that grieving is a process, a sequence of reactions to the death of a significant loved one.
The effects of societal change and of national and international events on personal and public
mourning are examined, along with other areas of interest to practitioners, such as cultural
competence in helping diverse clients cope with grief and bereavement. We excluded papers
concerning bereavement counselling as the sole interaction, papers with no data on liveborn children,
papers containing data solely relating to children dying prior to 1980 and papers only concerning
deaths by homicide or of terminally ill children. If the person is willing, it is important to let them
share their worries and feelings. Klass Psychology, Sociology 1993 Abstract How do bereaved
parents find solace in the face of irreparable loss. Grief is viewed as a dynamic process in which the
re is 22 Counselling at Work Autumn 2005 Page 2: an alternation between focusing on. The idea
behind it is that if older people can express painful feelings, these will reduce; conversely, if these
feelings are ignored, the pain will increase. The process of parental bereavement following the
violent death of a child. 2008, Duquesne University. Many of the studies focused only on one aspect
of the parent’s experience of child death. Individuals vary enormously is the type of grief they
experience.” Langston Hughes POEM I loved my friend. Elise Curry Psy.D. Program Manager
UCSD IOP Terry Schwartz MD Medical Director UCSD Eating Disorders Program Asst Clinical
Professor UCSD.
Module 1: Screening and Brief Intervention Using the ASSIST. Expand Save Grief reactions and
coping strategies of Muslim nurses dealing with death. Authors information JG is currently
evaluating multi-agency working following Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy. The essay grows
out of a 10-year ethnographic study of a chapter of the Compassionate Friends, a self-help group.
There may also be a feeling that the person that passed away is still nearby. The Creative Commons
Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the data made available in this article, unless
otherwise stated. Roberts Andrea Thomas J. P. Morgan Psychology 2016 What does positive
psychology have to offer people who are grieving. PS is a Designated Doctor for unexpected child
deaths and has published extensively on the investigation of unexpected child deaths and SIDS.
Vocabulary: Trace evidence, malleable, chemical properties, physical properties. Stroebe Psychology
1993 The article challenges the longstanding belief in the importance of “grief work” for adjustment
to bereavement (the grief work hypothesis). This literature review explores the history of Western
bereavement theories, beginning with Freud’s grief work, moving to the stage theories, and
concluding with current constructivist thought of making meaning and continuing bonds with the
deceased. Throughout her conversations she noticed a repeating pattern that nearly all of her patients
experienced. She suggests that by identifying the various stages that someone is in, healthcare
professionals and supporting people will be able to provide the specific care that is necessary.
Physiological changes associated with the mental and physical consequences of bereavement, where
significant advances in knowledge have been made, are surveyed. A summary chart for health care
professionals is shown in Figure 3. Figure 2. Selection process of studies and critical appraisal JG
read the titles, abstracts and full text articles twice (one month apart) for thoroughness. This is a
critical misunderstanding that can cause significant pain and complications for bereaved people. He
suggests that grief is an instinctive universal response to separation. Feni Betriana W. Kongsuwan
Medicine Nursing Critical Care 2019 TLDR Attention should be paid to nurses' grief to maintain
their psychological well-being and quality of end-of-life care, and formal support to enhance grief
management is recommended. Balk Psychology Death Studies 2004 TLDR The author examines the
meanings of the terms recover and bereavement and considers the centrality of concepts from life
span human development, the life crisis literature, and existential phenomenology for defining the
full possibilities of the concept of recovery following bereavement. It may be something as simple as
contacting someone in their life. Oxford University Press, 2005. Parkes CM. Guidelines for
conducting ethical Bereavement research. There is little evidence to suggest that it holds in the short-
run. Possible reasons for this may stem from early life, for example. These findings can be used by
any professional supporting bereaved parents within health care, police or social services. Expand 9 3
Excerpts Save Ghosts, Meaning, and Faith: After-Death Communications in Bereavement Narratives
Susan Kwilecki Psychology Death studies 2011 TLDR This article analyzes 20 published book-
length autobiographical stories of bereavement in which authors report after-death communications
and identifies two functional patterns—instantaneous relief from painful grief symptoms and
reinforcement of a consoling religious worldview. In Worden’s tasks of bereavement, grief is
considered to consist of four overlapping tasks, requiring the bereaved person to work through the
emotional pain of the ir loss while at the same time adjusting to changes in the ir circumstances, roles,
status and identity. Rothaupt Kent W. Becker Psychology, Sociology 2007 Theories of bereavement
continue to change and develop. Snowball searching produced an additional 5 studies and we
obtained 1 unpublished research report giving a total of 52 included studies, of which 25 were
quantitative, 20 qualitative and 7 mixed. FE and PS conceived the idea, performed quality control,
advised on the thematic analysis and amended earlier drafts of the manuscript.
It is important to be sure that the client can give informed consent. Symptoms ?? Healing. 1. Life
Stressors. Life StressorsTo learn the level of stress (distress) in your life, check in the empty box at
the left of each of the following events if it has occurred within the past 12 months. All included
articles were critically appraised according to the overall nature (predominantly quantitative or
qualitative) of the paper. The stages also help those who have never been through such an intense
experience as facing your own mortality to empathize with the grieving person. Lisa F Langhaug,
PhD Adrian Gschwend, Katharin Wespi, Pia Amman. Roberts Andrea Thomas J. P. Morgan
Psychology 2016 What does positive psychology have to offer people who are grieving. Researchers
and practitioners will find useful discussions of innovations in research design and quantitative and
qualitative measurement, and the efficacy of intervention programs. Other chapters explore the
current controversy over including complicated grief in the next edition of the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, when professionals are involved in supporting the
bereaved, the y need a knowledge base from which to practise and scientific knowledge provides a
particularly solid base. Expand 3 Highly Influenced 3 Excerpts Save The Lived Experience of Grief
Among Muslim Nurses Dealing With Death of Patients in Intensive Care Unit Feni Betriana
Medicine, Sociology 2018 Thesis (M.N.S., Nursing Science (International Program)--Prince of
Songkla University, 2018 PDF Save The Lived Experiences of War Affected Bereaved Children and
Attachment Under Orphanage Care in Pakistan A. Presentation to CoIS Dec. 14, 2005. Julie
Guevara, Accreditation and Assessment Officer (Carol Griffin, General Education, Director; Maria
Cimitile, Associate Dean, CLAS). Grief is viewed as a dynamic process in which the re is 22
Counselling at Work Autumn 2005 Page 2: an alternation between focusing on. Other qualitative
studies give further details from a wide range of child deaths. I was grasping for any semblance of
an order to everything that was swirling around me. Condition: new. New Copy. Customer Service
Guaranteed. In this phase people are able to take care of basic functions and responsibilities. Clin
Pediatr (Phila). 2009, 48 (4): 376-382. Article. The person may also have unfinished business that
they are unable to complete. By subscribing you will guarantee that you won’t miss out on any of our
new articles and you will receive a sneak peek of the next week's posts. Misdiagnosis can result in
overlooking depression when it is present and inappropriately treating grief. Walter Sociology 1996
The dominant model found in contemporary bereavement literature sees grief as a working through
of emotion, the eventual goal being to move on and live without the deceased. According to the
dictionary, assess means The act of appraising To determine value The collection of information.
Assessment. Health Department. Objectives. Do babies and children grieve. Despite these
deficiencies no studies were excluded; this was to ensure no parental experiences are lost but where
necessary these issues are highlighted along with the results of these studies. Primary Prevention:
bereavement interventions open to all bereaved individuals. Lack of concentration and restlessness
may also be experienced, as well as feelings of isolation and loneliness. There may also be a feeling
that the person that passed away is still nearby. The views expressed in this publication are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of NIHR. The person needs to be heard more than anything else
at this stage. Stage Theory is a major subject in popular grief education due to its concise and easy to
understand explanation.There are several variations to the original presentation, but the end goal is
the same. Parkes suggests that grieving is a process, a sequence of reactions to the death of a
significant loved one.
The target of the bargaining is usually either a physician or a higher power. We defined child death as
death occurring from birth to 18 years. Expand Save Perinatal loss—a life-changing experience Anne
Aldridge Ma BEd Medicine, Psychology 2008 TLDR The influence of the bereavement culture of
the 20th century is compared with more recent research and grief theory, and these to current
practice with families after miscarriage, stillbirth or perinatal death are related. Balk Psychology
Death Studies 2004 TLDR The author examines the meanings of the terms recover and bereavement
and considers the centrality of concepts from life span human development, the life crisis literature,
and existential phenomenology for defining the full possibilities of the concept of recovery following
bereavement. He views attachment as a reciprocal relationship that occurs as a result of long-term
interactions, starting in infancy between a child and its caregivers. Is death a depressing or
uncomfortable topic to deal with. All data was coded. Coded data was reviewed and codes from
both qualitative and quantitative papers combined into themes. There have been several variations of
the three stage model, but they all fall in line with the original model. Ali Fuziah Shaffie Sociology,
Psychology 2018 This paper examined the lived experience of bereaved children in orphanage care
settings. Dosser Psychology, Medicine 2016 TLDR Initial understanding of bereavement theory
enables staff to begin to support patients and carers in an informed manner, ultimately resulting in an
evidence-based approach to bereavement support. These stages are only large buckets to help us
organize extremely complex thoughts about a mysterious experience. Many of the studies focused
only on one aspect of the parent’s experience of child death. Since that time there have been many
variations of her original idea. Lack of concentration and restlessness may also be experienced, as
well as feelings of isolation and loneliness. The stages of grief acted as a diving board in my own
journey of learning about grief, and I hope that this article can help you on your journey. Today’s
Agenda. Evidence on PPP Explaining departures from PPP A general model of long-run exchage
rates. Primary Prevention: bereavement interventions open to all bereaved individuals. Dosser
Psychology, Medicine 2016 TLDR Initial understanding of bereavement theory enables staff to
begin to support patients and carers in an informed manner, ultimately resulting in an evidence-based
approach to bereavement support. The poem ends, Soft as it began - I loved my friend. Complete
Pre-Test. Behavior Support Planning FBA ? BSP. How to Make Your Campus “Grief Informed”
Wednesday July 16 th at 2 pm EST. When one of them notices a pattern, they will start to
investigate the pattern. This causes them difficulty and means they are not grieving in an effective
way. Todaro-Franceschi Psychology Nursing science quarterly 2006 TLDR Todaro-Franceschi, Cody,
and Pilkington are now leading the way to a new understanding of and treatment for grief through
induced after-death communication that can inform nursing practice and research. Feni Betriana W.
Kongsuwan Medicine Nursing Critical Care 2019 TLDR Attention should be paid to nurses' grief to
maintain their psychological well-being and quality of end-of-life care, and formal support to
enhance grief management is recommended. Neglect basics Interventions for neglect Partner violence
Implementation issues. The review has highlighted considerable consistency in what parents report as
their needs following an unexpected child death, despite differing ages of children and causes for
deaths. A big thank you to our sponsor New York Life Foundation for helping us to make these
webinars possible. This review includes the experiences of over 4000 bereaved parents whose
children died unexpectedly at any age.
However, when professionals are involved in supporting the bereaved, the y need a knowledge base
from which to practise and scientific knowledge provides a particularly solid base. All included
articles were critically appraised according to the overall nature (predominantly quantitative or
qualitative) of the paper. Thanatology. Academic (often scientific) study of death Circumstances
surrounding person’s death Grief experiences Social attitudes towards death. They also studied all
aspects of the experience including experiences at the time of the death in the Emergency
Department, contact with the police and follow-up with General Practitioners and paediatricians.
Health Department. Objectives. Do babies and children grieve. The person may focus that frustration
at healthcare professionals or those that are close to them. Parents value emotional support from
professionals at the time of death and in the subsequent weeks and months. Individuals vary
enormously is the type of grief they experience.” Langston Hughes POEM I loved my friend. We
excluded papers concerning bereavement counselling as the sole interaction, papers with no data on
liveborn children, papers containing data solely relating to children dying prior to 1980 and papers
only concerning deaths by homicide or of terminally ill children. Dr. Kubler-Ross believed that
people that are bargaining need to be heard. Lesson Essential Question: What types of trace
evidence are there. Bereaved people will often report that they feel they are recovering in the second
year, but grief can last much longer. He views attachment as a reciprocal relationship that occurs as a
result of long-term interactions, starting in infancy between a child and its caregivers. These results
are surprising given that there is a similar level of involvement by UK and Irish police in SIDS cases.
Check-in dates are used to track yearly reading goals. Expand 3 Highly Influenced 3 Excerpts Save
The Lived Experience of Grief Among Muslim Nurses Dealing With Death of Patients in Intensive
Care Unit Feni Betriana Medicine, Sociology 2018 Thesis (M.N.S., Nursing Science (International
Program)--Prince of Songkla University, 2018 PDF Save The Lived Experiences of War Affected
Bereaved Children and Attachment Under Orphanage Care in Pakistan A. The basic idea is that after
a person loses someone that they will go through a series of generalized stages. Today’s Agenda.
Evidence on PPP Explaining departures from PPP A general model of long-run exchage rates. These
processes have a clear aim of establishing the cause of death but it is less clear how bereaved families
are supported. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at
the Allen Institute for AI. It is a tool of the trait-and-factor approach, which had its beginning with
the three-step career choice process introduced by Frank Parsons. These stages are only large buckets
to help us organize extremely complex thoughts about a mysterious experience. Later she clarified
that there are bridge stages and that some stages may be experienced simultaneously or in
preparation for the following stage. A summary chart for health care professionals is shown in Figure
3. Figure 2. In Dent et al., more than half of parents had no follow-up a with a hospital paediatrician;
of those who did 88% found it helpful. When one of them notices a pattern, they will start to
investigate the pattern. The following video shows another model of grief: that of Elisabeth Kubler-
Ross. More than 4000 bereaved parents participated in the original studies included in the review.
Figure 1. A survivor may feel that they see or hear the deceased during times of great drowsiness.

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