2023-Summer Term-Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee

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Box AN 16699, Accra-North

Tel: 0302 430 177 / 0302 430 178 / 0302 401 314 / 0204 355 184
e-mail: admin@brainybairn.edu.gh

Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee

Year 8 Silver

The aim of this final report is to provide feedback to Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee and yourself on progress in all
areas of the curriculum. These forms of assessment are useful in helping students to set targets for themselves, to
identify areas in which improvements can be made, and to recognise successful achievements. The tracking table
contains information about the progress Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee has made during this term. Our expectation
is that students will make a minimum of two sub grades of progress each year. It also gives a final grade for attainment
this year, expressed in sub grades of the Cambridge International Examination Curriculum. An explanation of the colour
coding, sub-grades and the subject tracking is given below:

Colour Explanation
Target has been surpassed and pupil should aim to achieve the next sub grade by the
end of next term.

Target has been met and pupil should aim to achieve the next sub grade by the end
of next term.

Yellow One sub grade below target.

Red Two or more sub grades below target.

Grades Sub grade - 3 Sub grade - 2 Sub grade - 1

A* 90 - 100
A 80 - 83 84 - 86 87 - 89
B 70 - 73 74 - 76 77 - 79
C 60 - 63 64 - 66 67 - 69
D 50 - 53 54 - 56 57 - 59
E 40 - 43 44 - 46 47 - 49
F 30 - 33 34 - 36 37 - 39

Subject Tracking opinion regarding attitude 1= Excellent: 2= Good:

Attitude Shown towards subject 3=Below expectations: 4= Poor
Subject Tracking opinion regarding 1= Excellent: 2= Good:
Attitude Behaviour during lessons 3=Below expectations: 4= Poor
Subject Tracking opinion regarding 1= Excellent: 2= Good:
Attitude Homework between lessons 3=Below expectations: 4= Poor

If Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee is concerned as to why individual subject grades have been awarded he should
consult the subject teacher. If you have any other concerns then please contact their Class Tutor, or Head of Secondary.

Brainy Bairn School Printed on the 27/06/2023 by Mr. Nana Yaw Bamfo
P.O. Box AN 16699, Accra-North
Tel: 0302 430 177 / 0302 430 178 / 0302 401 314 / 0204 355 184
e-mail: admin@brainybairn.edu.gh


Brandon Nii Ayitey-Dromo Aryee
Year 8 Silver

Subject Target Current Progress Attitude Behaviour Home Exam Class

Grade / Work Result % Exam
Sub-Grade Average %

Arts & Design Y8 A2 A2 Yes 2 2 2 85 67

Biology Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 97 81

Chemistry Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 97 81

English Y8 A2 A1 Yes 1 1 1 87 69

French Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 93 76

Geography Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 96 67

Global Perspectives Y8 A3 A3 Yes 1 1 1 80 56

History Y8 A2 A* Yes 1 1 1 90 62

ICT Y8 A* A2 No 2 2 2 86 59

Mathematics Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 94 60

Physical Education Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 100 85

Physics Y8 A* A* Yes 1 1 1 97 81

Religious & Moral Educ... A* A* Yes 1 1 1 97 72

Brainy Bairn School Printed on the 27/06/2023 by Mr. Nana Yaw Bamfo

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