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YEAR 7 2023

In this unit, we have been looking at how and why Jews mark time. You will be asked to demonstrate your
understanding of this learning through this task.

Part 1
Select ONE of the two options below to complete and submit to your teacher by the due date.
OPTION 1 - Create a flip calendar OPTION 2- Create a 3D or
of the Jewish year. OR moveable Jewish calendar. Include a
key explaining the symbols used to
illustrate the festivals.

Things to include:
● The Months of the Jewish Year and how they relate to the Gregorian months.
● The Chagim and where they fall on the Jewish calendar.
● Include the seasons the chagim fall in in Israel and in Australia

Part 2
Analysis (100- 150 words)
In two structured paragraphs, you must discuss:
● Two differences in how the Jewish people and the Australian population mark time (e.g. when the day starts).
● Do the Jewish months and the months of the Gregorian calendar always overlap? Explain.
Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(10-8) (7-6) (5-4) (3-0)

Created a poster/3D Included all key Included all key Included most key Included some key
Jewish calendar requirements, was requirements, was requirements, was requirements. Work
completed with care completed with care completed with care was not well edited
and was well and was well and was well for spelling, grammar
presented. Work was presented. Work was presented. Work was and accuracy. More
edited for spelling, not well edited for not well edited for care needs to be
grammar and spelling, grammar spelling, grammar taken with your
accuracy. and accuracy. and accuracy. work.

Analysis Task Addressed all key Addressed most key Addressed most key Addressed some of
requirements with requirements with requirements with the key
great depth. Used great depth. Used great depth. Did not requirements to
evidence to support some evidence to use evidence to some extent. Did not
responses, where support responses, support assertions. use evidence to
appropriate. where appropriate. support assertions.

Presentation of Work was well edited Work was not well

Analysis Task for spelling, grammar edited.
and length.

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