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Identify IN ORDER the digits of the month, day, and year of YOUR

My Birthday Digits of my birthday

in order
10 11 07
October 11, 2007 10 11 2007
10 11 27

2. Create a polynomial function in FACTORED FORM using the digits

of your birthday, IN ORDER.

My Birthday Digits of my birthday Polynomial Function

(IN ORDER) using the digits of my
10 11 27 y= (x+10) (x+1)
October 11, 2007 (x-1) (x-2) (x+7)
10 11 2007 y= (x+10) (x+11) (x-2)
10 11 07 y= (x-10) (x-11) (x+7)

3. CHOOSE ONE. Among your created polynomial functions.

 y= (x+10) (x+1) (x-1) (x-2) (x+7)


a.) I removed “(x+10)” as one of the factor of my birthday

b.) Therefore, the resulting polynomial function is y= (x+1)
(x-1) (x-2) (x+7)
4. Experiment with your CHOSEN polynomial function by changing
the signs (+/-).
Experiment using an application specifically Geogebra, MathPapa,
and Desmos.

5. ANALYSIS. Analyze your polynomial function by finding these


a.) Intercepts (x-intercept/s and y-intercept)

x-intercept/s: -7, -1, 1, 2 = (-7, 0) (-1, 0) (1, 0) (2,0)

y-intercept: 14 = (14, 0)


X<-1, -1<x<-7, -7<x<1, 1<x<9, x>9

C.) Table of Values

x -8 -7 -6 -1 0 1 1.5 2 3
y 630 0 -280 0 14 0 -5.31 0 80

D.) The end behavior of the graph relative to x-axis.

x y Relation of y- Behavior of the

values to 0 graph
-8 630 y>0 Above the x-axis
-7 0 y=0 On the x-axis
-6 160 y>0 Above the x-axis
-1 0 y=0 On the x-axis
0 -77 y<0 Below the x-axis
1 0 y=0 On the x-axis
1.5 -5.31 y<0 Below the x-axis
2 0 y=0 On the x-axis
3 80 y>0 Above the x-axis

E.) End behavior of the graph

The end behavior of the graph of my birthday polynomial is RISING to

the RIGHT and FALLING to the LEFT.

Number of turning points

The number of turning points of my birthday polynomial which is

y= (x+1) (x-1) (x-2) (x+7) are three (3) turning points.

6. Using graphing paper, sketch the graph of your birthday polynomial

***SKETCH it MANUALLY using a ruler and colored pencils***

7. REFLECTION: Relate your life using the graph by making paragraph

with no less than 5 sentences.

My graph is rising to the right and falling to the left. The right is my
growth and accomplishments. My childhood marked a phase
upward development. They gave me skills and courage to face my
obstacles. The left represents adulthood and my bravery throughout
my life. My life will always show evolution and movement which am
ready to face.

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