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Why Should The Literature Review Be Substantive, Comprehensive, And Properly Referenced?

A literature review serves as a critical component of academic research, providing a comprehensive

overview of existing scholarly works relevant to a particular topic. However, crafting a literature
review that is substantive, comprehensive, and properly referenced can be a daunting task for many
researchers. This process involves meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and adherence to
citation guidelines.

To begin with, a substantive literature review requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and
the ability to critically analyze various sources. Researchers must sift through numerous articles,
books, and other academic materials to identify key themes, arguments, and gaps in existing
literature. This process demands patience, perseverance, and keen analytical skills to synthesize
information effectively.

Furthermore, a comprehensive literature review entails not only summarizing existing research but
also evaluating its relevance, reliability, and validity. Researchers must carefully assess the
methodology, findings, and theoretical frameworks employed in each source to determine its
significance to their own study. This often involves comparing and contrasting different perspectives,
identifying patterns or contradictions, and discerning the strengths and limitations of each piece of

Proper referencing is another crucial aspect of a literature review, as it demonstrates academic

integrity and acknowledges the contributions of other scholars. Researchers must adhere to specific
citation styles (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) and accurately cite all sources used in their review.
Failure to do so can result in accusations of plagiarism or academic misconduct, jeopardizing the
credibility of the research.

Given the complexity and time-consuming nature of crafting a substantive, comprehensive, and
properly referenced literature review, many researchers may find themselves in need of assistance. In
such cases, outsourcing this task to professional writing services can be a practical solution.
Platforms like ⇒ ⇔ offer expert assistance from experienced writers who specialize
in conducting literature reviews. By entrusting this important aspect of their research to skilled
professionals, researchers can ensure that their literature review meets the highest standards of
quality and academic rigor.

In conclusion, a substantive, comprehensive, and properly referenced literature review is essential for
informing and supporting academic research. While the process of crafting such a review can be
challenging, it is a crucial step in advancing knowledge and contributing to scholarly discourse. By
recognizing the importance of this task and seeking assistance when needed, researchers can enhance
the quality and credibility of their work.
However, sometimes you may need to add additional sections that are necessary for your study, but
do not fit in the organizational strategy of the body. According to Caulley (1992) a good literature
review should do the following. The foundation of theory, as the name suggests, is where you’ll lay
down the foundational building blocks for your literature review so that your reader can get a clear
idea of the core concepts, theories and assumptions (in relation to your research aims and questions)
that will guide your study. Depending on the length of your literature review, you can combine
several of these strategies (for example, your overall structure might be thematic, but each theme is
discussed chronologically). Categorize every issue or limitation separately and support the claims
about these limitations with previous references. You can find some information to refine your search
terms. It is NOT acceptable to depend on Google Scholar for finding articles because of the spotty
coverage and lack of adequate search features. Athletics Schedules Booster Information V-State
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Debates, conflicts and contradictions: where do sources disagree. Pick one of these themes to focus
the organization of your review. Literature review samiyah musallam, Ameenah mohammad, Haya
ali, Eman saleh, A. ? ? Part time researcher workshop 1 nov Part time researcher workshop 1 nov
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disser. The Significance of an Effective Literature Review A strong review plays a crucial role in
research papers, offering several key advantages: Serves Context and Relevance: It provides
background and context for your research, showing its importance within existing knowledge. What
is the significance of your proposed research. Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a
particular topic. Sometimes you may need to quote certain terminology that was coined by the
author, is not common knowledge, or taken directly from the study. For example, is it possible that
your research may lead to a new policy, new theoretical understanding, or a new method for
analyzing data. Using R For Statistics Using R For Statistics. Introduction Follow the directions
below for the completion of. Your opinion on the quality of the research is just as important as the
facts you include. 3. Relying too heavily on one source. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your
own pace. May provide an overview of the field and previous research in the form of a Literature
Review. Methodological If you draw your sources from different disciplines or fields that use a
variety of research methods, you might want to compare the results and conclusions that emerge
from different approaches. Identify Gaps Highlight areas where existing research falls short. A
summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or
a reshuffling, of that information. The literature review usually comes near the beginning of your
dissertation. These authors reviewed the existing literature on personal health record ( phr ) systems
including design, functionality, implementation, applications, outcomes, and benefits. The typology
of literature reviews we used herein will allow eHealth researchers, graduate students and
practitioners to gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences between review types.
Hire a qualified literature review writer and take a load off your chest. Try to analyse patterns,
turning points and key debates that have shaped the direction of the field. You would narrow down
the sources more and more each time until you hit the sweet spot. Recapitulate important features of
a research study, but then synthesize it by rephrasing the study's significance and relating it to your
own work and the work of others.
Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort. For more information, please see
our handout on plagiarism. For example, in the case of narrative reviews, there is greater flexibility in
searching and synthesizing articles ( Green et al., 2006 ). Researchers are often relatively free to use
a diversity of approaches to search, identify, and select relevant scientific articles, describe their
operational characteristics, present how the individual studies fit together, and formulate conclusions.
There are a few things you need to do to succeed in this assignment: Find all the relevant articles,
research and analyze them. That is because the survey nature of the literature review does not allow
for in-depth discussion or detailed quotes from the text. Depending upon the aims and objectives of
your study, you should also discuss how your anticipated findings may impact future research. This
software also automates the process of adding in-text references and creating a reference list. Elite
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medal performance. However, concurrent research on the effects of acute supplementation of
caffeine on cardiorespiratory responses during endurance exercise in hot and humid conditions is
unavailable. A literature review in this sense is just like any other academic research paper.
Management Information Systems Quarterly. 2002; 26 (2):11. Whitlock E. P., Lin J. S., Chou R.,
Shekelle P., Robinson K.A. Using existing systematic reviews in complex systematic reviews. When
writing your review, keep in mind these issues. Present the rationale for the proposed research study.
Use quotes sparingly Falk and Mills do not use any direct quotes. Writing the literature review: A
practical guide Available 3rd floor of Perkins Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the
social and behavioral sciences Available online. Should you summarize, synthesize, or critique your
sources by discussing a common theme or issue. Try to analyze patterns, turning points and key
debates that have shaped the direction of the field. For social sciences, the reference list or
bibliography should be prepared in American Psychological Association (APA) referencing format.
Then, content is checked with advanced plagiarism detection tools to ensure a 100% Turnitin pass.
Example: Click here to access the example introduction and literature review. Literature search -
- finding materials relevant to the subject being explored. 3. Data evaluation -- determining which
literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the topic. 4. Analysis and
interpretation -- discussing the findings and conclusions of pertinent literature. In addressing these
points, you argue for your place in the conversation, which tends to make the lit review more
compelling than a simple reporting of other sources. University of Toronto; Writing a Literature
Review. Methodology -- were the techniques used to identify, gather, and analyze the data
appropriate to addressing the research problem. Each of the themes identified will become a
subheading within the body of your literature review. But these articles refer to some British
biological studies performed on whales in the early 18th century. After the introduction, it grounds
your research in a scholarly field and leads directly to your theoretical framework or methodology.
Whether the search is comprehensive or not, whether it involves a methodical approach for data
extraction and synthesis or not, it is important that the review documents in an explicit and
transparent manner the steps and approach that were used in the process of its development. If you
haven’t mapped out the depth and breadth of the currently available material, you have no way to
develop a cogent structure for the material you want to present as the foundation for your work. The
list should contain all the relevant information needed for you to find the resource for yourself.
Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Many errors are made in
referencing, even by top researchers, and so it is important not to perpetuate an error made by
someone else. What types of sources should I review (books, journal articles, websites; scholarly
versus popular sources)? 3. Share This Book Essay Guide Alex Essay Writing Tool Dissertation
Guide Ask The Elephant The structure of a literature review A literature review should be structured
like any other essay: it should have an introduction, a middle or main body, and a conclusion. Make
sure you don't just stick to one type of source. In particular, the goal of this guide is to help you
explore the significance of the review of the existing literature. In short, the data collected will
mostly be words. Completing an analysis grid with a sufficient level of detail will help you to
complete the synthesis and evaluation stages effectively. Ensure that it is good not only in terms of
the content but also in terms of the formatting. In the discipline of history, for example, a diary or
transcript of a speech is a primary source. University of North Carolina Writing Center. (2018).
Literature Reviews. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis
is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information in a way that informs how you are planning
to investigate a research problem. A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources (such as books,
journal articles, and theses) related to a specific topic or research question. Literature Review Topics
Looking for literature review topic ideas and picking the best one is not the step you can skip. Being
built on existing knowledge they help the researcher to even turn the wheels of the topic of research.
To begin organising your literature review’s argument and structure, you need to understand the
connections and relationships between the sources you’ve read. Perhaps, sketch an outline first. ?
How to format a literature review. Frodeman, Robert. The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity.
For example, if you are reviewing literature about inequalities in migrant health outcomes, key
themes might include healthcare policy, language barriers, cultural attitudes, legal status, and
economic access. Read them to get a sense of the types of themes you might want to look for in your
own research or to identify ways to organize your final review. If the review is a stand-alone
assignment for a course, the conclusion should suggest any practical applications of the research as
well as the implications and possibilities for future research. A literature review in this sense is just
like any other academic research paper. In such cases, an abstract should provide an overview of
what it is you plan to study, your main research question, a brief explanation of your methods to
answer the research question, and your expected findings. The specific goals were to investigate how
outcomes are produced and, most importantly, how variations in outcomes can be explained. This
may include empirical studies or conceptual papers that initiated a line of investigation, changed how
problems or questions were framed, introduced new methods or concepts, or engendered important
debate ( Cooper, 1988 ). For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you
might say something like: There are a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general
population. It is often assigned as part of the research process for a paper. The following sections
present these components in a suggested template for you to follow in the preparation of your
research proposal. I have been the Head Coach of the University of Louisville Women's Soccer team
for sixteen years and I am always researching new ways to motivate my student athletes. Aids in
Forming Research Questions: Helps shape precise and meaningful research questions, building on
existing theories.
In essence, a well-crafted literature review informs and elevates your research, ensuring its relevance
and impact within your academic field. Point the way in fulfilling a need for additional research.
What types of sources (books, journal articles, websites). Fink, Arlene. Conducting Research
Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005; Hart,
Chris. Examples include: encyclopedias, directories, dictionaries, handbooks, guides, classification,
chronology, and other fact books. Searching for eligible studies using multiple databases and
information sources, including grey literature sources, without any language restrictions. Give your
interpretation of how and why certain developments occurred. The author selected existing research
articles on the topic and examined them, critiquing the existing literature. If your professor or
instructor asks you to write the review as a standalone project, your focus will be on exploring how a
specific field of inquiry has developed over the course of time. The accuracy and validity of the
paper itself may depend on the school that awarded the doctoral or master’s degree to the author.
This helps you remember what you read and saves time later in the process. Narrow the Topic The
narrower your topic, the easier it will be to limit the number of sources you need to read in order to
obtain a good survey of relevant resources. The relevance of systematic reviews to educational
policy and practice. Only then the reader will know that the basics of research have not been
neglected. Here are some suggestions on how to approach the writing of your literature review:
Think about what questions other researchers have asked, what methods they used, what they found,
and what they recommended based upon their findings. New York: Longman. Jones, Robert,
Patrick Bizzaro, and Cynthia Selfe. 1997. The Harcourt Brace Guide to Writing in the Disciplines.
Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage, 2005; Hart, Chris. Lamb, Sandra E. 1998. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything
You’ll Ever Write. For example, in the case of narrative reviews, there is greater flexibility in
searching and synthesizing articles ( Green et al., 2006 ). Researchers are often relatively free to use
a diversity of approaches to search, identify, and select relevant scientific articles, describe their
operational characteristics, present how the individual studies fit together, and formulate conclusions.
The literature review usually comes near the beginning of your thesis or dissertation. Thematic
Approach This approach categorizes your review based on themes or key concepts related to your
topic. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her
passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.
Literature review body: This section includes three to four body paragraphs that discuss the history,
terminology, and both sides of the controversy (pro and con). Meanwhile, a literature review is a
complex examination of multiple sources and their relations. Lit reviews can take many different
organizational patterns depending on what you are trying to accomplish with the review. In other
words, your theoretical framework should reveal some insights about what answers you might
expect to find to your research questions. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to revise the
introduction and literature review of your academic argumentative research paper, which you created
a draft of in Unit IV. Here is a potential outline for your conclusion: Discuss why the study should
be done. Addresses Research Gaps: Identifies areas where more knowledge is needed, guiding your
contributions. This is particularly true in disciplines in medicine and the sciences where research
conducted becomes obsolete very quickly as new discoveries are made.

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