Literature in The World

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• Dastan Lino Alberto Joaquim

• Desamenis Dinis Wirson

• Felizardo Jacinto Manuel

• Junior Aurélio

• Marta Martinho Muleva

• Ragila Jose

• Silvina da Graça silvestre João

• Zineide Fernando Dias

Napipine secondary school

Tuesday, 13the sptember 2022

Topic: Literature in The world

Name of students :

• Dastan Lino Alberto Joaquim

• Desamenis Dinis Wirson

• Felizardo Jacinto Manuel

• Junior Aurélio

• Marta Martinho Muleva

• Ragila Jose

• Silvina da Graça silvestre João

• Zineide Fernando Dias


acher: Delfin

Nampula aos 13 de Setembro 2022


On presente works we want speak about literure in The world

Literature in The world

Literature is defined as The body of writen works . it is form of human

expression. But not everything expressed in world - even when

organized and writen down is couted as literature. Those writings that

are primarilly infirmative-technicol, scholarly, journalistic-would by

excluded from The rank of literature by most, though now all, critics.

World literature is used to refer to total of de world's literature and

circulation of works into The wider world beyond their country of


In the past it primarily referred masterpieces of western european

literature ; houwever , world literature today is increasingly seen in an

international context. Now readers have acess to wide range of global

works in various translations.

Many scholars assert that what makes a works considered world

literature is its circulation beyond its country of origin. For example:

Damrosch states, " A works inters into world literature by adouble

process : first, by being read as literature; second, by circulating out into

a broder world beyond its linguistic and cultural point of origin".

Likewise, the world literature scholar venka mani believes that de

"worlding" of literature isbrought about by.

Information transfere largely generated by developments in print

culture. Because of The advent of The library, publishers and sell

affordable books, literate citizens who acquire these books, and public

libraries that make thavaliable avaliable to those who cannot afford to

buy them collectively play a very important role in the making" of

world literature.
Geographically, literature is split in African literature, western

literature, Asian literature, Arabic literature , French literature, Latin

literature, Biblicall literature, and most commons are fiction, non-

fiction, fables, drama and poetry.

Literature serves as an enormous information base. Research works by

famous inventors and literary works by notable scintists of ten narrate

stories of Their groundbreaking discoveries and inferences.


Johann Wolfgang Geothe used The concept of weltlitera in several of his

essays in The early decades of The nineteenth centure to describe to

international circulation and receptionof literary works in Europe

including works of non-western origin. The concept achieved wide

currence his after disciple Johann Peter Eckermann published a

colletion of conversation with Goeth in 1835.

Importance of literature in The world

Literature allows a person to step back in time and learn about life

on The earth from de ones who walked before us. We can gather a

better understanding of culture and have great appreciation of them.

WE learn through The ways history is recorded in The forms of

manuscripts throug speech itself.

An example of world literature is any work that is whidely read in

contries other tan The one that originated in. Dant's divin comedy

homer's lliad and oudyssey, Malaia yousafzaiys book, and chinua

achebe's things fall apart are all example of works that are considered

world literature. Is importante in The educatio , in The community in

The society, in life .att

Types of literature

 Oral

 Wrieten

Example: Ora l- speeches /discurses

Writen -poemes, formal textes , Novels, books, drama.

Geners of literature

 Drama, storie composed inverse or prose, usually for

theatrucal performance where conflict and emotion are

expressed through dialog and action.

 Fable

 Fayri tale

 Fantasy

 Fiction

 Fiction inverse

 Folklore

 HistóricaL fiction.

Best literature in the world - novels is considered the Greatest book

ever written.

World literature to day is an international literary magazine

publish the best contemporary interviews, essays, poetry, fiction,

and book reviews from.

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