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During my time at the Manila Doctors during my CPE, we had the opportunity to see the causes of the

patient’s sickness before we actually visited the room, and I realized that one of the common sicknesses I
encountered was all about the colon and stomach problems. Basically, aside from an unhealthy lifestyle,
one of the causes of these problems is proper hygiene, which reminds me of the saying “you are what
you eat," which basically means that the foods you put into your body are what make up your body. In a
simple example, if you don’t clean your hands before eating, there is a possibility of virus or bacterial
intake, which could lead to sickness and diseases. That is why, in today's gospel, we can see the
importance of what the pharisees are pointing out about hand hygiene, in which they reprimanded
Jesus’s apostles for not washing their hands before they ate. However, along the gospel narrative, we
saw how Jesus made us realize a much more important hygiene, the spiritual hygiene, of which we are
reminded that what makes us unclean is not what comes in, but what comes out of our mouths, our
minds, and our hearts, which are the products of our imprudent actions.

Dear brothers, as we continue the Holy Mass,. Let us ask Jesus before taking him in, in the holy
communion, to take our mouth and give us his prudent mouth; to take our mind and give us his prudent
mind; to take our hearts and give us his prudent heart. because He is the perfect model of this virtue,
nothing more. As we choose this vocation, we also choose Christ, and as we choose Christ, we choose to
be prudent in everything that we do and in every people that we encounter. Let us pray that through this
virtue and by choosing Christ, may He give us nourishment of both mind and body so that we can see
him extraordinarily in the ordinary.

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